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A Substitute Wife for the Mafioso

A Substitute Wife for the Mafioso

14 Chapters
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A while ago, Dorothy Lent was duped by her sister, Diane Slow, and their mother. After a night with a stranger, Dorothy fell pregnant . Once the pregnancy is almost full term, complications arise who took her to the hospital, when she got there she was told that she had a miscarriage and the baby died. Under the influence of his family, Dorothy was deprived of her share in the family business and interned in a psychiatric hospital. Four years later, Diane is about to marry Carlos Donte, the second son of the Donte family, known for his ugliness and hope limited life. Their mother, unable to bear this idea, decides to release Dorothy from the hospital so that she can take Diane's place in this marriage. Her mother believes that Dorothy, who is nothing more than a "good for nothing", could serve as a "living widow" in the wealthy Donte family, thus protecting Diane. Diane's father justifies this decision by recalling Dorothy's past scandal, claiming that this marriage to a prestigious family is an opportunity she doesn't even deserve. However, Dorothy is determined to get revenge. Everyone thinks that his actions are the result of his mental illness, but they are unaware that this marriage will be a powerful and transformative union. Thanks to his medical skills, Dorothy turns the tables and shocks the world by revealing her many identities, revealing that she is immensely rich. Later, Carlos Donte presents Dorothy with two children who look alike. Dorothy, astonished, asks when she gave birth to their children, thus marking an unexpected turning point in its history. He They are actually twins (a girl and a boy). These are in reality the children who had been led to believe that they had died during the miscarriage

Chapter 1 Return to Freedom

Dorothy Lent stood in front of the dirty window of her hospital room psychiatric, watching the sun rise on a new day. Building dilapidated seemed to stifle natural light, and the air in the room was heavy, laden with the smell of disinfectant and medicine. She sighed, resigned to another monotonous and hopeless day. Four years. Four years spent in this hell, interned for reasons she now knew to be lies orchestrated by his own family.

Dorothy ran a weary hand through her short, carelessly cut hair.

by hospital nurses. She still remembered her long silky locks of old, and the way they danced around her face when she laughed. This person seemed to be a stranger, a blurry image in a broken mirror.

Her gaze was lost in space as she thought about the night that had changed his life. One night when she was tricked by her sister Diane and their mother. They had pushed her into the arms of a stranger one night stolen passion that resulted in pregnancy. But it was only the beginning of his nightmare. Nearly nine months later, when she thought give birth to her child, she had been informed that the baby was stillborn. A miscarriage, they said. But the doubts had not never left. Why this persistent feeling that he was being lied to?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sharp sound of the lock. The door of his room opened, letting in his mother, Margaret Lent, followed closely by Diane. Their presence, always impeccably presented and arrogant, contrasted violently with the decrepitude of the place. "Dorothy," said Margaret dryly, "we have something for you say. »

Dorothy turned slowly towards them, her eyes shining with a light of challenge. " What are you doing here ? »Diane spoke, an icy smile on her lips. " We have found

a solution to your situation, Dorothy. You're going to get out of here. » A glint of hope crossed Dorothy's eyes, but she suppressed it quickly. " Why now ? Why after all this time? »

Margaret sighed in exasperation. "Because Diane is getting married. »

" To marry ? » Surprise was evident in Dorothy's voice. " With

Who ? »

"Remember the Donte family? » asked Margaret.

Dorothy nodded. The Dontes were one of the richest families and the most influential in the city. " Yes of course. But what does that have to do with see with me? »

Diane burst out laughing. "You're going to take my place, Dorothy. You are going to marry

Carlos Donte. »

The silence that followed was palpable. Dorothy couldn't believe what she heard. " What ? You want me to marry someone instead of you? » Margaret stepped forward, her piercing gaze fixed on Dorothy. "Carlos Donte is seriously ill. He doesn't have long to live, and he is desperate. It is a golden opportunity for us, but I can't let Diane waste his life for this. You, on the other hand..."

" What me ? » Dorothy clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palm. "You think I'm worthless, don't you? That I'm just a pawn to use at your convenience? »Margaret sighed. "Dorothy, you should be grateful. We you

let's give you a chance to get out of here, to marry into a family prestigious. It's more than you deserve after what you've done. » Rage boiled inside Dorothy. "After what I did? You have me betrayed, you lied to me and locked me here! »

"You were unstable, Dorothy," Diane replied with a smile condescending. "We did what was necessary to protect the family. »

Dorothy took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm by

She. "And what happens if I refuse? »

Margaret narrowed her eyes. "If you refuse, you stay here for the rest of your

days. It's as simple as that. »

Dorothy was silent for a moment, her thoughts swirling.

She had always known that her family considered her a burden, but hearing their cruel words confirmed was a blow. However, she knew that this proposition, as twisted as it was, was an opportunity. An opportunity to get out of here, take revenge, and get back what was given to him. took.

"Very well," she said finally, her voice firm. "I'm going to marry Carlos Donte.

But make no mistake, this is not for you. It's for me. » A triumphant smile appeared on Diane's face. " Excellent. We will get you out of here tomorrow. »

As they turned to leave, Dorothy looked at them walking away, a cold determination crystallizing within her. They thought use her again, but this time she would be the one to pull the strings. She would take revenge, and they would bitterly regret having her under estimated.The next morning, Dorothy was released from the psychiatric hospital. She

left the establishment with a canvas bag containing his few business. Margaret and Diane were waiting for him in a luxurious car, ready to take him to what would be his new prison. But for Dorothy, it was the beginning of a new chapter, a chapter where she would write her

own story.

Sitting in the back of the car, Dorothy watched the streets go by, her thoughts turned to Carlos Donte. She had heard of him, well on. Known for his ugliness and his incurable illness, he was often considered a recluse by society. But Dorothy knew that appearances could be deceiving. If she had learned something from his years of captivity, that was it.

"Here we are," Margaret announced as the car pulled up. in front of a sumptuous residence.

Dorothy got out of the car, looking up at the imposing house. She inhaled deeply, her fingers tightening around the handle of her bag. This was where it would all begin. She followed Margaret and Diane to the entrance, her heels clicking against the marble floor. A butler greeted them, guiding them through the opulent corridors to a large living room where Carlos Donte was waiting for them. Dorothy was surprised to see a man younger than she had imagined. Although weakened by illness, he exuded a certain aura of strength and resilience. "Carlos, this is Dorothy," Margaret said with a forced smile. Carlos looked up at her, his features marked with pain but also by intense curiosity. "Dorothy. It is a pleasure to meet you. »

Dorothy stepped forward, holding out her hand. "The pleasure is shared,

Carlos. »They looked at each other for a moment, each assessing the other.

Dorothy knew that this marriage would be difficult, but she saw in Carlos a potential ally, someone who could understand his own suffering. "I know this situation is unusual," Carlos began, his voice hoarse. "But I'm grateful you're here. »

Dorothy nodded. "We were both pushed into this situation. But I believe we can learn something from it positive. »

Carlos gave a slight smile. " I hope so. »

The days that followed were a whirlwind of preparations. Dorothy and Carlos spent a lot of time together, getting to know each other. Despite her initial reluctance, Dorothy realized that Carlos was a good man, trapped by his family's expectations just like her. They shared moments of sincerity and vulnerability, creating slowly a fragile but real bond.

The day before their wedding, Dorothy stood in front of her mirror. room, observing his reflection. The wedding dress she wore was beautiful, but she couldn't help but feel like a sacrificial lamb. However, she remembered her own words:

marriage was not for her family, but for her. For his freedom, for his revenge, and for his future.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the door. From tomorrow she would be Dorothy Donte. And she was determined to make sure that this name means something powerful and unyielding.

On the day of the wedding, the Donte mansion was decorated with flowers and twinkling lights. The guests flock, curious to see the woman who had agreed to marry Carlos. Dorothy stood at the doorway, her heart beating wildly. She saw Carlos across the room, dressed in a elegant suit, butObviously exhausted.

As she walked towards him, she felt a mixture of fear and determination. This marriage was the start of her new life, and she was ready to face any challenges that arise. By meeting the gaze of Carlos, she saw the same resolution in his eyes.

They exchanged their vows under the watchful eyes of their families and friends. Every word spoken sounded like a promise no only survival, but revenge and renewal. When Carlos slipped the ring on her finger, Dorothy felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. She was free, at least in part.

That night, when they found themselves alone in their bridal chamber, Dorothy and Carlos spoke for a long time. They shared their hopes, their fears, and their plans for the future. For the first time in years, Dorothy felt understood and accepted.

"We're in this boat together," Carlos whispered to himself.

taking the hand. "No matter what anyone else thinks, we have power to change our destiny. »

Dorothy squeezed his hand back, feeling a comforting warmth spread in it. "Yes, Carlos. Together we are stronger. »

Thus began their new life, full of challenges and promises.

Dorothy knew the road would be long and difficult, but she was ready. With Carlos by her side, she had finally found a glimmer of hope in the darkness. And she was determined to take this chance, to take revenge on those who had betrayed her, and to build a future worthy of her name.

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