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Ex-Husband's Regret: Choosing The Surrogate Over My Wife

Ex-Husband's Regret: Choosing The Surrogate Over My Wife

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"I'm not the jealous type. But what's mine is mine. I could kill for what's mine. No one has the right to kiss you, touch you, or care for you. That's what I was born to do." His words echoed in the depths of her soul. "I'm leaving, and you can't stop me!" She tried to put up a fight, but it was all futile against his dominating form. "The only way you can leave me is through death. And even after you die, even the devil will make sure you serve me in hell because I am his master," A sinister smile spread across his face. That was the moment she knew she was doomed. *** Lance and Viella have been married for four years without conception. Enduring the persistent nagging from Lance's mother was becoming hell on earth for Viella, and the only way she could leave a happy life was to get pregnant by any means possible to produce an heir for the Rollins family. The perfect plan was set in motion, and Viella brought in a surrogate to bear a child for them while she pretended to be pregnant. This was the biggest secret they were to guard with their lives. But what happens when this secret not only spills but Viella loses her husband to the surrogate? What happens when Viella finally finds a man who is ready to burn the world for her, only to be haunted by the demons of her past? Let's find out in this toe-curling romance story of love, betrayal, and lust.

Chapter 1 No. 1

"How dare you lay your cursed hands on me?" The sting of Mrs. Lolita's words was accompanied by a resounding slap as her perfectly manicured hands descended on Viella's pale cheek.

Viella's fragile hand instinctively flew to the side of her face where it hurt. "Mum..." She called out in a weak voice, fighting the dam that threatened to break from her eyes.

"Don't you dare call me that! I can never be a mother to a barren witch like you!" Lolita's words kept piercing Viella's heart without an iota of mercy. "I have warned you to leave my son alone! How much do you want? Just name your price!"

Mrs. Lolita Rollins, a woman of prestige and influence who had achieved all that she ever wanted even before clocking 53, had everything she desired except a grandchild. And she wasn't willing to let it slide as Lance was her first son.

Viella, a naive 26-year-old, has been married to Lance for the past four years now without even as small as a miscarriage.

She had done everything possible to bear her husband a child, but it wasn't working. She had visited hospitals... The best around the world, but there was still no luck. Everyone kept telling her the same lies - she was fine and would conceive soon.

All lies.

Thankfully, a timely intervention showed up. Lance.

Lance appeared at the top of the stairs, his face set in a frown. His mother's words echoed in his ears, mingling with his own guilt and frustration. He could see the toll the pressure was taking on Viella, and his heart ached at the sight.

"Mum. What are you doing here?" Lance hurried down the stairs when he heard the commotion from his room.

Lance tried to hold back his own frustration. His mother's relentless demands had always been a burden, but now they seemed unbearable. He turned to Viella, seeing the tears she struggled to hide.

"I came here to see how my son has been coping with this barren lowlife," She said, regarding Viella with a disdainful gaze, "what is wrong with you, Lance? Do you want me to die without having a grandchild?" She said in her usual sophisticated accent.

"Mum, you already have grandchildren from Taylor. Why the pressure?" Lance's voice was tight, trying to keep his anger in check. He wrapped his arm around Viella, attempting to offer comfort.

"Your father is finally ready to retire. He is willing to adjust his will in your brother's favor if you do not give him an heir to the inheritance he has willed to you. I just thought you had to know," Lolita spat angrily, glaring at both of them.

"What?" Lance asked, pulling away from his wife. "He wouldn't do that." His Hazel eyes searched his mother's for any hint of lies or deceit.

He knew his mother. She could go to any length just to get what she wants. But this time, it didn't seem like a joke. She meant every word she had just said.

"Now we'll know what's more important to you. Your inheritance or the barren witch," With one final disdainful glare, Lolita stormed out of the house.

There was silence. Lance couldn't bring himself to look at his wife.

"Viella..." He called in a whisper, but she stopped him with a raise of her hand.

"Stop it, Lance. This is all your fault! I begged you, but you've remained adamant. Now what? You are willing to give up your inheritance?" She yelled at him, "How many more slaps and humiliation should I endure from your mother?"

"But Viella, what if people find out? It would be a slap on our faces. We can't be associated with such scandal, come on." He ran his fingers through his short, neatly trimmed hair in frustration.

Viella quickly closed the gap between them. It seemed she was gradually beginning to break her husband's adamant resolve on the matter. All she had to do was to push a little harder.

"No one would ever find out. I promise. I'll pretend to be pregnant all along. She will be kept in a secluded place, far away from prying eyes or potential danger. I have everything all planned out, Lance. Please." She cupped his face in her palms.

Lance looked into her eyes, seeing the desperation and love that drove her. His heart ached with the realization of how much this meant to her. He was torn, but her words struck a chord. The thought of losing her was unbearable.

"She is a humble girl from a small family who is desperately in need of money. She wouldn't dare go against us. I assure you. I love you, Lance. My inability to conceive shouldn't be the reason I'd lose you. I'll die if I ever lose you," Tears flowed down her cheeks.

Lance heaved a sigh. He loved his wife so much that he was also scared of losing her. The thought of losing her or getting another woman pregnant always scared him to death.

They had been through so much together already. They couldn't end things like this.

"Where did you say she is from? And how well do you know her?" Lance asked.

Viella heaved a heavy sigh. Finally, she had gotten him where she wanted.

"She is from a small town where Tara's mother always visits with alms. Noralie is one of the poor orphans who lives with her uncle and his family. She is also religious and of a good upbringing..." Viella went on and on about it.

"Fine. If it makes you happy..." Lance said with resignation. It was obvious he wasn't happy. But his wife had left him no choice.

"Thank you so much, baby. I love you." She wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. "I promise you'll never regret this. I swear to you!"


It's been four weeks since Lolita's visit to her son's house. They hadn't spoken after that. And God knows that if this wasn't his mother's 53rd birthday celebration, Lance would rather be home with his wife, all cuddled up and seeing a boring episode of one of those movies Viella loved watching.

But there he was, laughing and smiling at guests and friends with his wife beside him.

She was looking as gorgeous as ever, and Lance couldn't wait to get home and unleash the beast she had unknowingly stirred inside of him all night.

Viella was a goddess. He couldn't be thankful enough for getting such a beautiful woman to spend the rest of her awesome life with him. She was like a trophy. He always went everywhere with her and never stopped talking about her to friends and acquaintances.

"Yes, she is my wife," He responded to a lady who was obviously drooling over him as he wrapped a possessive arm around Viella's shoulders.

"Isn't she lucky?" The lady asked, taking a sip from her wine.

"On the contrary, I am the lucky one here," Lance said and offered a slight smile as he gazed at his wife with admiration.

Lance wished every day that he could see the man who had put Viella in this condition - her inability to bear a child. He wouldn't mind putting a bullet in his head.

He loved his wife so much, and the thought of all she had gone through in the past made him wish he was there to shield her from all the hurt she had gone through.

Viella could feel Lolita's gaze bore holes in the back of her head as they approached the table to get some food to eat. They were starving already.

As soon as they stepped toward the varieties of food lined up before them, Viella's hand flew to her mouth, covering both her nose and mouth, excusing herself from her husband's arm.

"Viella... What..." She was gone before he could ask what was wrong.

"What in the name of the heavens is wrong with her?" Lance heard his mother's voice from behind him amidst the mild music coming from the speakers.

"Uh... She has been feeling sick for some days now, Mum. She gets upset at the sight of food and... She gets easily irritated. It's getting frustrating," Lance said with a sigh, his gaze never leaving the door where his wife walked out.

"What? Are you... Are you serious?" Lolita asked in an almost excited tone, unable to hide her excitement, "And have you gone to see the doctor yet?"

"Not yet, mum. I've been busy with work... You know?" Lance said with a shrug.

"Don't be stupid, young man! Your wife is obviously pregnant! Can't you read the signs? Oh, my God! I am expecting a grandchild!" Lolita said excitedly, pulling her son in for a hug.

"Come on, mum. It might be nothing," Lance tried to protest, but she shut him up.

"What do you know about a woman's body? Hurry up and check on my daughter-in-law and future grandson! Go now!" She shushed him off excitedly, "Make sure you take her home to rest, and be sure to see the doctor first thing tomorrow morning," she added, wiping off tears of joy that flowed from her eyes.

Lance shook his head as he navigated his way through the crowd. He would never understand his mother. Such a dramatic woman. But not as dramatic as his wife. He thought with a grin spread across his face as he opened the bathroom door.

"Hey, babe. You deserve an Oscar for such a performance," Lance said, pulling Viella by her slender waist and planting soft kisses on her neck.

"Lance... Thank you, honey," She said, gently pushing him off of her.

"What is wrong?" His gaze narrowed in on her as he took in her disheveled appearance.

"I think I feel sick... This wasn't entirely an act. I truly felt..." She was still speaking when Lance's phone rang, interrupting them.

He pulled the phone out of his pocket, and the expressions on their faces spoke volumes when they saw the caller ID.


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