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The Forgotten True Heiress Strikes Back

The Forgotten True Heiress Strikes Back

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Jennifer Bennett, the rightful heiress to the Bennett legacy, fought hard for her family's recognition, only to be eclipsed by an impostor. Faced with false accusations, bullying, and public humiliation, Jennifer eventually gave up trying to win their approval. Vowing to rise above the injustice, she became the bane of those who wronged her. The Bennett family's efforts to break her only fueled her success, leading her to heights her rivals could only dream of. Someone asked, "Do you feel let down by your parents?" With a calm smile, Jennifer said, "It doesn't matter. In the end, power prevails."

Chapter 1 Escape And Chase

On a remote island in north of the Agosby Ocean...

"Welcome to the Plevale Agent Training Camp, a renowned facility for training elite agents. My name is Jennifer Bennett, also known as Rose. I'll be overseeing your special training this month. Today marks your first day. Here are my rules. First, I do not tolerate questions about my instructions. You are to obey my commands without hesitation. Second, this place doesn't operate under any legal or authoritative system, so forget your real names. Use only your codenames here."

Under the blazing sun, a young woman dressed in a black training suit stood on the vast field. A black mask shielded her face, leaving only her impassive eyes visible as she gazed sternly at the men before her.

After Jennifer Bennett's briefing, an assistant began handing out tags, each numbered differently.

"Ma'am!" A voice interrupted as the numbers were distributed.

Turning toward the voice, Jennifer spotted a blond man, his eyes seething with anger.

With a slight sneer, Jennifer responded, "Speak."

"I can't accept the number 13. I need a different one."

Her sneer widening, Jennifer motioned with a finger. "Come here."

The blond man, holding his numbered tag, walked toward her. "In my homeland, 13 is unlucky. I cannot accept this number. I..."

He was cut off as a cold breeze seemed to pass through him.

Jennifer, without moving otherwise, raised her leg swiftly, aiming a kick at the man's temple. Despite his greater height, her kick was precise, her leg stretching into a straight 180-degree angle.

The blond man, skilled in combat, quickly raised his arms to shield his head.

Her combat boot connected with his arm instead, the impact sending a sharp pain through him and causing him to reel backward a few steps.

When he regained his balance, Jennifer gestured with her finger once more. "Change your number if you wish, but only by defeating me."

"That's your condition, ma'am?"

The blond man lunged at her in response to her challenge.

His fist shot toward Jennifer's head; he was a world-famous boxer known for knocking out an 800-pound bull with a single blow.

He doubted Jennifer could evade his attack.

As his fist neared, Jennifer stood her ground, swiftly catching his punch at the last second.

"Damn!" an onlooker cursed loudly.

Shock replaced the rage in the blond man's eyes.

How did she manage that?

While he was still reeling, Jennifer grabbed his wrist, leaped over him, and delivered a firm kick to his back, driving him face-first into the ground. She twisted his wrist violently, a harsh snap audible to all.

"Argh..." the man screamed as his wrist broke, sweat beading his forehead while he lay on the ground.

Jennifer then placed her foot on his face and pressed down. "Anybody else wants to switch their number?"

The humiliation was clear in the blond man's eyes as he clenched his jaw, staying quiet.

Seeing his expression, Jennifer let out a cold laugh. Suddenly, she pressed down harder with her foot.

"No... I'll hold onto it," the man hastily replied, wincing as a sharp pain pierced his temple.

"Get back in line!" Jennifer ordered, her voice dripping with mockery.

She was fully aware that these trainees were not just anyone-they were elite soldiers and experts from around the world, all testing her authority.

Yet, they had not earned her respect.

With a casual flick of her foot, Jennifer prompted the blond man to scurry back into line. The remaining trainees were too terrified to utter a single word.

Jennifer stood with her arms folded, about to address the group, when a frantic voice interrupted through her Bluetooth earpiece, saying, "Ms. Bennett, we have a situation. The headquarters building has been breached."

At that moment, the island's alarm began to wail.

The piercing sound transformed Jennifer's face into a mask of concern. Stored within the Plevale headquarters were numerous internationally sensitive files; a breach could lead to catastrophic leaks.

She turned to the assistant instructor standing nearby and said sternly, "Handle everything here."

Without another word, she dashed toward the headquarters building.

As Jennifer approached, she noticed a shadowy figure effortlessly jumping from a fourth-floor window, landing perfectly despite the fifty feet drop.

While chasing, Jennifer noticed the intruder was a tall man. He moved with impressive speed and agility.

Behind him, gunfire broke out. He dodged and returned fire seamlessly, his responses deadly accurate.

Surveying the fallen soldiers around the building, a chill of ruthlessness filled Jennifer.

This intruder was the first to ever break out from the headquarters unscathed.

"Ms. Bennett, you're here!"

The guards at the building breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing her and quickly approached.

"Deploy a sniper to the lookout tower. I want him stopped!"

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