Trajectory presents classics of world literature with 21st century features! Our original-text editions include the following visual enhancements to foster a deeper understanding of the work: Word Clouds at the start of each chapter highlight important words. Word, sentence, paragraph counts, and reading time help readers and teachers determine chapter complexity. Co-occurrence graphs depict character-to-character interactions as well character to place interactions. Sentiment indexes identify positive and negative trends in mood within each chapter. Frequency graphs help display the impact this book has had on popular culture since its original date of publication. Use Trajectory analytics to deepen comprehension, to provide a focus for discussions and writing assignments, and to engage new readers with some of the greatest stories ever told."The Moving Picture Girls: Or, First Appearances in Photo Dramas" is part of "The Moving Picture Girls" series. "The Moving Picture Girls" is a series about the adventures of Ruth and Alice DeVere who live with their father who is an actor.
he roaring reports of the motor fell into abrupt silence, as the driver brought his car to a halt.
"You signaled?" he called across the grind of set brakes.
In the blending glare of the searchlights from the two machines, the gray one arriving and the limousine drawn to the roadside, the young girl stood, her hand still extended in the gesture which had stopped the man who now leaned across his wheel.
"Oh, please," she appealed again.
On either side stretched away the Long Island meadows, dark, soundless, apparently uninhabited. Only this spot of light broke the monotony of dreariness. A keen, chill, October wind sighed past, stirring the girl's delicate gown as its folds lay unheeded in the dust, fluttering her fur-lined cloak and shaking two or three childish curls from the bondage of her velvet hood. The driver swung himself down and came toward her with the unhasting swiftness of one trained to the unexpected.
"I beg pardon-can I be of some use?" he asked.
"We are lost," she confessed hurriedly. "If you could set us right, I should be grateful. I-we must get home soon. I have been a guest at a house somewhere here, and started to return to New York this afternoon. The chauffeur does not know Long Island; we can not seem to find any place. And now we have lost a tire. I was afraid-"
She broke off abruptly, as her companion descended from the limousine.
"We only want to know the way; we're all right," he explained. "This is my cousin; I came out after her, you see. Don't get so worried, Emily-we'll go straight on as soon as Anderson changes the tire."
He huddled his words slightly and spoke too rapidly, the round, good-humored face he turned to the white light was too flushed; otherwise there was nothing unusual in his appearance. And his caste was evident and unquestionable, in spite of any circumstance. There was no anger in the girl's dark eyes as she gazed straight before her, only pity and helpless distress.
"I can tell your chauffeur the road," the driver of the gray car quietly said. "Have you far to go?"
"To the St. Royal," she answered, looking at him. "My uncle is there. Is that far?"
"No; you can reach there by ten o'clock. I will speak to your chauffeur."
"Do, like a good fellow," the other man interposed. "Awfully obliged. You're not angry, Emily," he added, lowering his voice, and moving nearer her. "Since we're engaged, why should you get frightened simply because I proposed we get married to-night instead of waiting for a big wedding? I thought it was a good idea, you know. It isn't my fault Anderson got lost instead of getting us home for dinner, is it?"
"Hush, Dick," she rebuked, hot color sweeping her face. "You, you are not well. And we are not engaged; you forget. Just because people want us to be-" Too proud to let her steadiness quiver, she broke the sentence.
If the driver had heard, and it was scarcely possible that he had not, he made no sign. By the acetylene light he produced an envelope and pencil, and proceeded to sketch a map, showing the route to the limousine's chauffeur.
"Understand it?" he queried, concluding. He had a certain decision of manner, not in the least arrogant, but the result of a serene self-surety that somehow accorded with his lithe, trained grace of movement. A judge of men would have read him an athlete, perhaps in an unusual line.
"Yes, sir," the chauffeur replied. "I'll get Miss Ffrench home in no time after I get the tire on."
The indiscretion of the spoken name was ignored, except for a slight lift of the hearer's eyebrows.
"How long does it take you to change a tire?"
"About half an hour; it's night, of course."
An odd, choking gurgle sounded from the gray machine, where a dark figure had sat until now in quiescent muteness.
"Half an hour!" echoed the gray machine's driver, and faced toward the chuckle. "Rupert, it isn't in your contract, but do you want to come over and change this tire?"
"I'll do it for you, Darling," was the sweet response; the small figure rolled over the edge of the car with a cat-like celerity. "Where are your tools, you chauffeur? Quick!"
The bewildered chauffeur mechanically reached for a box on the running-board, as the young assistant came up, grinning all over his malign dark face.
"Oh, quicker! What's the matter, rheumatism? They wouldn't have you in a training camp for motor trucks on Sunday. Hustle, please."
There never had been anything done to that sedate limousine quite as this was done. Even the preoccupied girl looked on in fascination at a rapidity of unwasted movement suggesting a conjuring feat.
"By George!" exclaimed her escort. "A splendid man you've got there! Really, a splendid chauffeur, you know."
The driver smiled with a gleam of irony, but disregarded the comment.
"Would you like to get into your car?" he asked the girl. "You will be able to start very soon."
"I see that," she acknowledged gratefully. "Thank you; I would rather wait here."
"Is your chauffeur trustworthy?"
"Oh, yes; he has been in my uncle's employ for three years. But he was never before out here, in this place."
There was a pause, filled by the soft monotone of insults drifting from the side of the limousine, for Rupert talked while he worked and his fellow-worker did not please him.
"Wrench, baby hippo! Oh, look behind you where you put it-you need a memory course. You ought to be passing spools to a lady with a sewing-machine. Did you ever see a motor-car before? There, pump her up, do." He rose, drew out his watch and glanced at it. "Five minutes; I'll have to beat that day after to-morrow."
The driver looked over at him and their eyes laughed together. Now, for the first time, the girl noticed that across the shoulders of both men's jerseys ran in silver letters the name of a famous foreign automobile.
"I am very grateful, indeed," she said bravely and graciously. "I wish I could say more, or say it better. The journey will be short, now."
But all her dignity could not check the frightened shrinking of her glance, first toward the interior of the limousine and then toward the man who was to enter there with her. And the driver of the gray machine saw it.
"We have done very little," he returned. "May I put you in your car?"
The chauffeur was gathering his tools, speechlessly outraged, and making ready to start. Seated among the rugs and cushions, under the light of the luxurious car, the girl deliberately drew off her glove and held out her small uncovered hand to the driver of the gray machine.
"Thank you," she said again, meeting his eyes with her own, whose darkness contrasted oddly with the blonde curls clustered under her hood.
"You are not afraid to drive into the city alone?" he asked.
"Alone! Why, my cousin-"
"Your cousin is going to stay with me."
She flung back her head; amazement, question, relief struggled over her sensitive face, and finally melted into irrepressible mirth under the fine amusement of his regard.
"You are clever-and kind, to do that! No, I am not afraid."
He closed the door.
"Take your mistress home," he bade the chauffeur. "Crank for him, Rupert."
"Why, why-" stammered the limousine's other passenger, turning as the motor started.
No one heeded him.
"By-by, don't break any records," Rupert called after the chauffeur. "Hold yourself in, do. If you shed any more tires, telegraph for me, and if I'm within a day's run I'll come put them on for you and save you time."
Silence closed in again, as the red tail-light vanished around a bend. The gray car's driver nodded curtly to the stupefied youth in the middle of the road.
"Unless you want to stay here all night, you'd better get in the machine," he suggested. "My name's Lestrange-I suppose yours is Ffrench?"
"Dick Ffrench. But, see here, you mean well, but I'm going with my cousin. I'd like a drive with you, but I'm busy."
"You're not fit to go with your cousin."
"Fit," completed Lestrange definitely. "Can you hang on somewhere, Rupert?"
"I can," Rupert assured, with an inflection of his own. "Get your friend aboard."
Lestrange was already in his seat, waiting.
"What's that for?" asked the dazed guest, as, on taking his place, a strap was slipped around his waist, securing him to the seat.
"So you won't fall out," soothed the grinning Rupert. "You ain't well, you know. Not that I'd care if you did, but somebody might blame Darling."
The car leaped forward, gathering speed to an extent that was a revelation in motoring to Ffrench. The keen air, the giddy rush through the dark, were a sobering tonic. After a while he spoke to the man beside him, nervously embarrassed by a situation he was beginning to appreciate.
"This is a racing car?"
"It was."
"Isn't it now?"
"If I were going to race it day after to-morrow, I wouldn't be risking it over a country road to-night. A racing machine is petted like a race-horse until it is wanted."
"And then?"
"It takes its chances. If you are connected with the Ffrenches who manufacture the Mercury car, you should know something of automobile racing yourself. I noticed your limousine was of that make."
"Yes, that is my uncle's company. I did see a race once at Coney Island. A car turned over and killed its driver and made a nasty muss. I-I didn't fancy it."
A wheel slipped off a stone, giving the car a swerving lurch which was as instantly corrected-with a second lurch-by its pilot. The effect was not tranquilizing; the shock swept the last confusion from Ffrench's brain.
"Where are you taking me?" he presently asked.
"Where do you want to go? I will set you down at the next village we come to; you can stay there to-night or you can get a trolley to the city."
The question remained unanswered. Several times Ffrench glanced, rather diffidently, at his companion's clear, firm profile, and looked away again without speaking.
"I went out to get my cousin to-day, and my host gave me a couple of highballs," he volunteered, at last. "I don't know what you thought-"
Lestrange twisted his car around a belated farm-wagon.
"How old are you?" he inquired calmly.
"I'm nearly twenty-seven. That's what I thought."
The simpler mind considered this for a space.
"Some men are born awake, some awake themselves, and some are shaken into awakening," paraphrased Lestrange, in addition. "If I were you, I'd wake up; it comes easier and it's sure to arrive anyhow. There is the village ahead-shall I stop?"
"It looks terribly dull," was the doleful verdict.
"Then come with me," flashed the other unexpectedly; for a fractional instant his eyes left the road and turned to his companion's face. "Did you ever see race practice at dawn? Come try a night in a training camp."
"You'd bother with me?"
A head bobbed up by Ffrench's knee, where Rupert was clinging in some inexplicable fashion.
"Once I rode eight miles out there by the hood, head downward, holding in a pin," he imparted, by way of entertainment.
Ffrench stared at the reeling perch indicated, and gasped.
"What for?" he asked.
"So we could keep on to our control instead of being put out of the running, of course. Did you guess I was curing a headache?"
"But you might have been killed!" exclaimed Ffrench.
Even by the semi-light of the lamps there was visible the mechanician's droll twist of lip and brow.
"I'd drive to hell with Lestrange," he explained sweetly, and settled back in his place.
Ffrench drew a long breath. After a moment he again looked at the driver.
"I'll come," he accepted. "And, thank you."
It was Lestrange who smiled this time, with a sudden and enchanting warmth of mirth.
"We'll try to amuse you," he promised.
* * *
The Shelf2life History of the American West Collection is a unique project that provides opportunities for researchers and new readers to easily access and explore works which have previously only been available on library shelves. The Collection brings to life pre-1923 titles focusing on a wide range of topics and experiences in US Western history. From the initial westward migration, to exploration and development of the American West to daily life in the West and intimate pictures of the people who inhabited it, this collection offers American West enthusiasts a new glimpse at some forgotten treasures of American culture. Encompassing genres such as poetry, fiction, nonfiction, tourist guides, biographies and drama, this collection provides a new window to the legend and realities of the American West.
To the public, she was the CEO's executive secretary. Behind closed doors, she was the wife he never officially acknowledged. Jenessa was elated when she learned that she was pregnant. But that joy was replaced with dread as her husband, Ryan, showered his affections on his first love. With a heavy heart, she chose to set him free and leave. When they met again, Ryan's attention was caught by Jenessa's protruding belly. "Whose child are you carrying?!" he demanded. But she only scoffed. "It's none of your business, my dear ex-husband!"
Janice, the long-forgotten legitimate heiress, made her way back to her family, pouring her heart into winning their hearts. Yet, she had to relinquish her very identity, her academic credentials, and her creative works to her foster sister. In return for her sacrifices, she found no warmth, only deeper neglect. Resolute, Janice vowed to cut off all emotional bonds. Transformed, she now stood as a master of martial arts, adept in eight languages, an esteemed medical expert, and a celebrated designer. With newfound resolve, she declared, "From this day forward, no one in this family shall cross me."
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