Carolyn Wells (June 18, 1862 – March 26, 1942) was an American author and poet. Wells wrote a total of more than 170 books. At the beginning of her writing career she focused on poetry on children's books. Later in her career she devoted herself to the mystery genre.
Over the hills and far away there was once a quaint little old town which was safely beyond the reach of the long, grasping arms of any of the great cities.
The little town nestled up against the side of a big, kind hill, at the top of which was a beautiful old country-place, called Primrose Hall.
The house was a great white colonial affair that had belonged to the Flint family for generations; and at present was occupied only by two elderly maiden ladies who admirably fitted their names of Priscilla and Dorinda.
Now of course you know, without being told, what a lady named Priscilla Flint would look like. Tall, straight, thin, stiff, formal, prim, smug, demure, with a stately, old-fashioned dignity and refinement. And Miss Dorinda Flint was like unto her, except that she was a little taller, straighter, thinner, stiffer, and a trifle more stately and old-fashioned. And these ladies, whene'er they took their walks abroad, or drives either, for that matter, wore stiff, prim black silk dresses, and black lace mitts, and little point-lace collars pinned with big gold brooches; and they always carried tiny, black, ruffled parasols that tipped on their handles to any desired angle.
With such mistresses as these, it is easy to see why Primrose Hall was the stiffest, primmest place in the whole world.
Never a chair dared to move from its exact place against the wall; never a curtain dared to flutter with joy if a morning breeze came in to tell it the news. Even the clock ticked softly and very regularly; the well-bred fire never crackled or sputtered, but let its flame glide decorously up the chimney; and the cat looked as if she had never been a kitten.
Out of doors it was just the same. The carefully trimmed hedges wouldn't think of poking out a stray leaf or twig, and every blade of grass on the lawn measured itself against its neighbor that it might be exactly the same length and breadth.
One bright May morning the sun was shining all over the place, and, out of sheer curiosity, I suppose, was doing his best to poke himself into the house. But it was all shut up tighter than a drum, and he could get in only at one little window, and even that was a mistake, and ought not to have been left open, for it was the next window but one to where the ice-box stood. But the sun was in a mischievous mood, and he aimed his beams again and again at the parlor windows in hopes that he could squeeze himself in and fade a sofa or a bit of carpet. And finally he did get in through a tiny space at the side of a shade which was pulled down crooked, when, to his great disgust, he found newspapers spread all over that very blue satin sofa he was after. Miss Priscilla had looked out for just such a trick, and the sun concluded he would have to get up very early in the morning to get ahead of Miss Priscilla Flint.
Always during the summer months Primrose Hall had its doors and windows thrown open soon after daybreak, to "air" the house, and at eight o'clock precisely they were all closed again, and the shades drawn to preserve the carpets and furniture from any possible contamination of sun and dust. This caused a sort of artificial night during the middle of the day, but the Primrose ladies were used to it, and went about the darkened house like cats or bats or owls or moles, or any other creatures who can see in the dark.
Miss Priscilla Flint was the older of the sisters, and therefore was nominally mistress of Primrose Hall. But it was her habit in every household matter to express her opinion at length, and then to ask Miss Dorinda what she thought about it. And as Miss Dorinda's opinion always coincided with Miss Priscilla's it would be impossible to say what would have happened if it hadn't.
On this particular morning, then, when the sun was baffled in his attempt to fade even a streak on the blue satin sofa, and was so provoked about it that he went behind a cloud to sulk, and stayed there quite a little while, Miss Priscilla and Miss Dorinda sat in the morning-room holding their after-breakfast conference.
"It seems to me," Miss Priscilla was saying, "that spring has really come at last. I saw a fly in the library yesterday morning. I didn't speak of it to you, for I thought I might have been mistaken, as I had on my near-glasses, but Martha says she saw it too, so there can be no doubt about it. And I think, Dorinda, that as we go to the sewing-society to-morrow, and it may rain the next day, I think that to-day we will clean the attic."
"Yes, sister," said Miss Dorinda, "it is quite time, and we will set about it at once."
Cleaning the attic was a mere figure of speech, for how can any one clean what is already spick and span, and speckless?
But although frequent periodical sweepings and dustings kept every nook and cranny of Primrose Hall as bright as a new penny, yet a semi-annual housecleaning occurred as regularly as the spring and fall came; and, indeed, I daresay the Misses Flint thought that spring and fall were invented as comfortable seasons for the performance.
The morning-room at Primrose Hall had a wide bay-window in which were two great arm-chairs facing each other, and in these chairs the two ladies sat every morning while they systematically planned the day's occupations.
Near Miss Priscilla's hand was a bell, and after she had pressed it, Bridget, the cook, appeared-automatically, it seemed-in the doorway, which, by the way, she nearly filled.
Miss Priscilla gave her the kitchen orders for the day, then dismissed her and rang for Martha, the waitress.
Then Martha came and stood in the doorway. She was a pretty young German girl, and seemed to be attired principally in starched pieces.
"Martha," said Miss Priscilla, pleasantly, "to-day we will clean the attic. Send Matthew after Mrs. Dolan and her granddaughter to assist us, and we will start at ten o'clock."
Martha disappeared with a starchy rustle, and Miss Priscilla and Miss Dorinda went to make their toilettes for the great event.
Their housecleaning costumes had been renewed, but never varied, during many springs and falls; and when attired for the fray, each good lady wore a black stuff skirt, short and scant, a white muslin sacque with a bit of neat embroidery at throat and wrists, and a huge checked gingham apron. As Miss Priscilla observed, "No one can work if she is conscious of her clothes," and this garb had been chosen as the best possible compromise between usefulness and comeliness. On their dignified heads the sisters wore ruffled sweeping-caps made of shiny muslin, and in the way of accoutrements, each carried a pair of scissors, a ball of string, a paper of pins, some sheets of paper, and a pencil.
"Precisely at ten o'clock the procession formed"
Precisely at ten o'clock the procession formed and solemnly ascended the attic stairs. Miss Priscilla went first, then Miss Dorinda, then Martha, with dusters, hammer and tacks, camphor-balls and moth-powders. Then Mrs. Dolan, with big broom, little broom, and dust-pans. Then Mrs. Dolan's granddaughter, with soap, pail, scrub-brush, and floor-cloths, and sedately following all walked Tabby, the cat.
Having arrived at the scene of action, Miss Priscilla and Miss Dorinda set themselves to work, and at the same time gave orders to their assistants, which were vigorously carried out, and soon the attic seemed to be in the path of a well-trained cyclone. Quilts and feather beds were shaken and beaten; trunks and chests were emptied of contents which were unrolled, inspected, rolled up again, patted and punched, and returned to their places. Discarded garments were critically examined to see what should be given away and what should be packed in tar-balls for the summer.
"This gray barege always makes me think of chicken-pie," said Miss Dorinda, unfolding an old-fashioned skirt.
"Why?" said Miss Priscilla, in muffled tones, by reason of her head and shoulders being deep in a huge trunk.
"Because I wore it the day Ann Haskell came to see us. Do you remember? She came in the morning to spend the day, and she stayed a full-fledged week. I thought she never would clear herself off. And she wanted chicken-pie made for her."
"Yes," said Miss Priscilla; "and then when she got it she wouldn't eat it."
"No; and we couldn't eat it, because she would have onions in it. And the cats wouldn't eat it: nothing would eat it, and at last we had to throw it away."
"I suppose we're not very hospitable," said Miss Priscilla; "but I just hate to have company, they upset things so."
"But sometimes it seems a duty," said her sister.
"Not at all; that's where you're silly, Dorinda. I believe in charity, and giving of our worldly goods to help our less fortunate neighbors; but that doesn't mean we're to open our doors and let them all come in and make themselves at home. Do you remember when Ann Haskell came again, and rode up in a hack from the station, bringing a big bag with her?"
"Yes; and you told the driver to come for her again directly after dinner."
"I did, or she would have stayed another week. My, but she was surprised!"
"I know it; I couldn't do anything like that!"
"Then you're a coward, Dorinda. It is certainly cowardly to have company because you're afraid to tell them they can't stay. Now here's another matter. The Dorcas Circle wants to make up a box of clothing for those fire-sufferers; so what do you think of giving them some of Lavinia's things?"
"Oh!" gasped Miss Dorinda, in a startled tone.
"I think we may as well," went on Miss Priscilla. "It's fourteen years now since Lavinia died. They say, keep a thing seven years, and you'll have use for it again; but we've kept these things twice over seven years, and I don't see how they can ever be of use to us, except to give away."
"Well," said Miss Dorinda, still dazed, "perhaps you are right."
Lavinia Flint, the younger, very much younger sister of these two ladies, had run away from her home fifteen years ago to marry a dashing young soldier named Jack Lovell, and had sailed with him to India. A year or so later the Flint ladies heard from Mr. Lovell that his wife had died, leaving a tiny baby named Lavinia. He sent them no address, so they could not have answered his letter if they had wanted to. And they had no desire to answer it, for they looked upon their sister as lost to them from the day of her elopement, and they had no wish to see her husband or child.
The Flints were a hard-hearted, stiff-necked race, and if one of the family did wrong, the others felt no relenting mercy because of ties of blood.
And so when Lavinia went away, her pretty dresses and other girlish finery were packed away in the attic, and had lain there ever since.
She was so much younger than her sisters that they had petted her as a child, and had taken great pleasure in her girlish enjoyments. But when she left them, with only a note to say she had eloped with Jack Lovell, their hearts hardened, and they now rarely mentioned her, even to each other.
And so year after year the trunks of Lavinia's clothing had been looked over and put in order, with no reference to their future disposition, until now Miss Priscilla concluded the time had come.
But when they shook out the old-fashioned gowns, the lovely taffetas and organdies and embroidered muslins did seem inappropriate to send to people who were suffering for plain, substantial clothing.
"Oh, my!" said Mrs. Dolan's granddaughter, her eyes as big as saucers, as she looked at the beautiful show, "ain't them just elegant! I wisht I was a fire-sufferer, or a freshet victim."
"How well I remember Vinnie in that flowery frock," said Miss Dorinda; "she looked like a spring blossom herself, she was so pretty and fresh."
Miss Dorinda sighed; but Miss Priscilla shut her teeth together with a snap, and returned the dresses to their trunks and shut down the trunk-lids with a snap, and the cleaning of the attic went on again.
Except during an interval for luncheon, the workers worked all day, and at five o'clock the attic was cleaned, and the procession filed down-stairs again.
"Deary me," said Miss Dorinda, as she reached her own room, "how tired I am! I believe I grow older every year. Are you tired, sister?"
"Yes; but I'm so thankful that the attic is done. When that's over I always feel like singing the long-meter doxology."
"Well, I'm too tired to sing; I'll rest a bit before dinner."
This carefully crafted ebook: "THE ROOM WITH THE TASSELS (Murder Mystery Classic)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Room with the Tassels is a locked room mystery novel with young detective Penny Wise as a star character. With spiritualism and occultism back in fashion, a group of rich and bored New Yorkers decide to find a "real" haunted house, where they will try to investigate the truth or falsity of paranormal activities. They settle on a place called Black Aspens with the infamous room with tassels, up in the wilds of Vermont, which is believed to be haunted ever since the murder occurred there. Things don't go well for the group, as the murders start happening, and it will take the brilliance of Pennington Wise to solve the mystery. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American writer and poet. Among the most famous of her mystery novels were the Fleming Stone Detective Stories, and Pennington Wise series. She also wrote several Sherlock Holmes stories.
This carefully crafted ebook: "THE DEEP-LAKE MYSTERY" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Deep Lake Mystery is a locked-room mystery set in a lake-house in rural North America. Mr. Norris is invited to join his old friend, the detective Keeley Moore at Deep Lake, for a vacation. Their holiday is ruined when one of Moore's neighbors is killed in his own bed under strange circumstances. The only door in or out is locked, all the windows open into a lake too dangerous to dive into, and the dead man is surrounded by an odd assortment of items carefully staged around him. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American writer and poet. Among the most famous of her mystery novels were the Fleming Stone Detective Stories, and Pennington Wise series. She also wrote several Sherlock Holmes stories.
Carolyn Wells (June 18, 1862 – March 26, 1942) was an American author and poet. Wells wrote a total of more than 170 books. At the beginning of her writing career she focused on poetry on children's books. Later in her career she devoted herself to the mystery genre. The curved Blades was first published in 1915.
Carolyn Wells was an early 20th century poet and author best known for mysteries like The Gold Bag and Fleming Stone Detective Stories
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