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Owned By A Ruthless General

Owned By A Ruthless General

Author: Khay2626
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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 568    |    Released on: 04/06/2021

said loudly to the wom

the head of that woman who wa

opponent. No one can hurt in his family. They would pass him first befor

are we going

Torture that fucking b

old's lip lift

tried to get rid of the rope that bound her to

l do whatever you ask me to do- even if it's a sex slave,

his cheek before laughing slightly. He glanced f

neck. Her head is turning like it wan

tandard." He tightened his gripped even more to the woman's neck. "A fucking bitch l

ck so she was exhau

s to kill that bitch right now but he just fucking c

er. She will be the cause of the downfall of all Monterea

loud. He bare

u, we can just fucking catch her and when that time comes? We wi

r family is going to die. You're al

gun at her head. Blood gushed from her hea

a bullet on the

ing b

ill her right away?" An

still up and down while looking at the lifeless woman. He's

ing bitch like her. S

ted his shoulder. "Tsk.

n his shoulder. "Throw th

ft their hideout. He brushed his

oesn't like at all is that he spends his tim

r fucking u

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