img Falling For The Stripper  /  Chapter 4 Miles..... | 26.67%
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Chapter 4 Miles.....

Word Count: 441    |    Released on: 09/10/2021

yone. Mindy one of the other girls she worked with got in.

we should stand at the c

ters. Not that their pay ever increased. The saving grace was the tips they often got from the clients. Som

w what she had to go through. She shook her head, ac

ocolate eyes, she quickly averted her gaze not wanting to cause any troubl

n thoughts. Where she would be free and taking a break from all th

meeting would take, it seemed

hat it was almost time to go home. Jasmine saw the manager dash to the bus

from Miles. She shook her head and sighed in disappointment, what was she expecting? It would

e, it was already in the late hours of the morning. Which meant that she woul

she found Miles perfectly asleep. It seemed as if he didn't have a care in

. Jasmine felt very tired from the da

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