img Legend Of The Young Warlock (LOTHYWAR)  /  Chapter 5 Mahjong; Game of the Gods! | 83.33%
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Chapter 5 Mahjong; Game of the Gods!

Word Count: 1774    |    Released on: 26/10/2021

four oak trees wit

o dark i

ventide and the sun was beginning to retreat, therefore the inside of the hut was clouded by gloom. But the faint orange rays

the room was si dark. There was only one def

re is mag

e room. The door shut itself suddenly behind her, s

in? So

and she could barely catch a sight of anything. She c


when she heard a sudde

rd you could help me. I come with no harm.

ng the hem of her gown up. She felt a


down. Her soft palm felt th

, my mi

behind her. She put both her wet hands to he

a task she shouldn't do, but there

intensity of the dread. She fell on her back, on her

white beards, reeking of herbs and


f her eyes, already now a tr

was misled. If I had known, I wouldn't had com

eels, locking her finge

you told l

did nothing but heighten the dread. Fo

e shade of light which lit up half of the room; th

tones. There was no fire underneath, but there were steams dancin

her jaws dropped. She couldn't find the old man anymore.

ned to her,

you were tol

autiful lady. A blond. 5"5, thick and curvy, oblong

Elena had her lips paved

every one who hired her. But one summer, she disappeared for few weeks. But on her return, she

er and beckoned at Elena who wa

know whose st

she could; a comp


her feet. The lady walked away from

nto the

ng the nice curves of the lady's beautiful face.

ned at what she saw in the water in the bowl. She threw he

face ugly beyond description. Elena mustered

e didn't hate me because I was ugly. He did because he wasn't interested in me. He called me petty. I felt used and ruined and should had destroyed him, but

ut were was a small stool. She put her left leg on it,

en. How stupid of you. As one of their needs is met, anothe

ng in precision. As she cackled,

f Cauldron. She stretched her left hand over the pot

dron and collected small qu

y part of your body which you displeases would be tucked in without warning, and that which you love most wil

r voice, after she had

ppen then in t

to where the stool was. She put her left leg on

find living

ld ma

le and looked away from Elena. Looking at the old wooden wal


m, clasping the container of cauldron to her chest



out to all the kings and their prince

th his knees, scarcely looking u

een of

broidered gowns for Lady Mali

is back to two maids sho

didn't bu

huddered. One of the maids dropped

the du

uards hurried to the

rnaments. The scout reported also that 20 other princes from unknown re


r. The Princess was walking towards the throne, accompanied by her p

nt aura. Her long sleek hair, like the sun and brown eyes that matches the soil of the earth completes her look. Her spoilt bratty attitude d

way the captain

a, my

he throne and

sting against the oc

er? Shouldn't I get to choose

quentially, a

, do not wander off. Fifty of


uard. And by the way father, I have a surpr

wielded an i

break m

nd pecked him

of any request on t

reath. He shook

t don't make me regret


with father till I return. I trust y

r which nuzzled at her rib-side


aisle of the luxuriously furnished palace

does the surprise h

the Ostler! I'll announc

hen she twitched

you also have y

ged at once, her te

ady. That ru

ucked. Their horses were

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