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The Lord's Weakness

The Lord's Weakness

Author: Faith Odulesi
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Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1897    |    Released on: 27/01/2022

rvant went on her knees in announcement.

around to meet the gaze of her faithful servant.

t have the power to do that.

. "Can't you see I'm busy?" She was busy indeed. Getting dressed for Achu. Achu wa

mix with a commoner. Two, Achu was from the

most expensive roses sewn together and transformed by th

f her clothes. Her gown was made from the finest silk, scented with the sweetest

her, the white beads around her waist making a patterned noise.

when she was young, the king had bathed her with water from

lifted her chin with her index and thumb finger

to look up at her naked princess.

tood to her feet. With one hand on her waist, sh

it against the face of her lover

ead again. "Sir Harry is your groom to be.

wer vase that always sat beside her bed and crashed it agains

t even have her fire powers!" He clicked his tongue. He had no shirt on and his lower body was hidden from vi

from the world of water after all and lacked

n't be the first man to be rejected by fourth princess. It was Kin

ant panicked, breathing in and

ugged, clicked her tongu

stayed there any longer, it was only a matter of

the lowly

to the courtyard. How was she su

e royal family. What an embarrassment they would deal with now

ut if there was one thing he was known for, it was his beard hair, nine inches long and sometimes he braided it to keep it out of harm's wa

e fourth princess a

look at the small, unkempt woman approaching them. "W

in tears, "I tried to convince her to come with me but she had her mind made up." She informed the kin

om. It was third chief Hugo's wife, Miranda. Myan watched from the corner of her ey

round to fan her with

d to. "Clearly, this servant is too low class to command someone like Kassy.

tall, well built guard

ome with you." T

Achu so much. It would be trouble if they got caught and if she was certain of anythin

at was gathered around. They wondered how a low c

e." Myan brought her voice down and lo

hand was transitioning to a bright red colour. A warning that one

ss is naked your majesty." Myan

rned to its original

he had his believe. "I have to warn her in advance. Ramon should not see the fourth

t be here in five minutes." The k

own up to avoid tripping on it, making her way to her princess' room. A man as huge as Ramon onl

She turned the metal knobs but they didn't budge. It was locke

ght. Her moans were loud and even through th

ng beat up. Myan looked over her shoulder, the king and Ramon were just a

oor, ignoring how it hurt her knuckles. "Fo

sy groaned

rincess out of the way unconsciously, she

staring at her like

d me against the wall." Kassy snapped at her, raising her fi

rder. It will be trouble if he finds Achu here, he could kill him!" Myan panicked, pushing a

joined in the panic. "Quick, get me clothes I can wear." She o

e caught a quick glance at Achu and her eyes went reflexively wide.

him under the bed b

ength gown, and she was heading back to Kassy. "You have got to be kidding me!" She growl

knocking sound on the bed

d in fear. "He's here!"

rally tossed Achu out of the

top of her voice, receiving the gow

called back and both women could already hear the foreign

nowhere and so Myan hurried

one and sped back to t

ead and Myan took the same action. From the look o

et you declined me." The king lo

complete different, polite and respectful

into the room as if he e

ful look and both women sighed in r

sy turned to whisper in Myan's ear, "th

herself, well,

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