agine her is into that slave girl Cara asked crying and angr
first place but you insisted saying yo
w I feel,don't you want my happin
him,you are a powerful wit
giving you the king may cost me yo
t just any human but the fairest one she said and Cara
patience but seeing her daught
t human with the fairest heart Q
ra loo
ess won't allow
ll hunt her,Ruthless will be take
ead you will have Ruthless all to yourse
I will go freshen and remove this stinking
sing you by midnigh
to now mother Ca
you a dreadful
kisses her mot
hen I started he
wly to meet with two
say while staring at
and my eyes met with
ana thought and t
d her lou
in shock as she realizes
o stand but lost her balance,she thought she was going to
d everything happened so fast Lana
up to meet wit
r help but instead he
ter she said
for he asked and
r you might hurt yo
don't mind
ce shouts the witches gathered t
l die if we f
done and only by the fair
st heart from tomorrow starting from the
Haule never dies a voi
rom the crowd again and all
y c
ing as her husband King
e need an heir to the throne please impregnate my demon friend let her bear u
trumpet and a demon princess betrot
an trust Hazel said tryi
st her the
hat Queen Hazel i
now please impregnate princess Emma,Qu