when MinSik's black Tesla pulled o
side of his lip hard enough to taste blood, inhaling deeply and brushing his nose bridge with his thumb."Hey Kwon MinSik,this boy is g
t with hopes that Google had answers to the many questions that was racing in his mind. He fumbled with t
I know if
ing the articles in less than two minutes. His facial expression contoured i
he other boy lo
gulping down a huge ball of saliva t
I g
g. Shock hit him like a wrecking ball, Google's words upon his resea
overgrown curls of the middle aged woman with Hash standin
th Jinyoung,now his best friend wants
about y
daydream,"When do I get a rich goodlook
oon as he entered the shop, throwing the girl a dramatic glare. He jammed eyes with the woman through the mirror forcing him to bow his head in
Who says
bonding,then w
s eyes simultaneously at his friend. He proceeded to count on his fingers as he spo
in a questioning manner,"...noodles? From my kitc
ips,"...what was I supposed to do? Send the man home after he h
tart? From eating.....soon yo
wo boys screamed, shu
man causing the girl to gasp at her realization. The saloon fell awkwardly quie
nging his minion themed tote bag over his shoulder before turning to Ash
ng giggled prettily, lifting his hand to Pat the other's lo
now I'm always ready...",Hash turned to stick his to
I stop you from going,I'm
er.The boy who was already walking out of the door stopped abruptly as if he had just understood what he
r to shut him up before Mirani would hear and they'd both tease him. He waved both
evealing the thick blonde haired boy with round chubby cheeks and a small bite mark on his collar bone area that his Tshirt had failed to cover. The bright sun seeped into the car , re
eir designated driver,he was able to enjoy a comfortable view of the blonde fur ball through the rare view mirror,noticing
robably gossipping too. He could barely understand a word they said thanks to their slangs and many inside j
lips,his own time favorite,a song he hadn't heard the radio play in ages. He incre
er with their mouths wide open before bursting
k adjusted the rare view mirror so he
ut the window to hide his shyness,"...not you,The song...",he pressed his lip into a thin line trying hold
asked genuinely confused. "This is Taeyang! E
ash added again, succeeding t
doesn't listen to this anymore...",he used the hand on the man's shoulder as a support for himself to stretch a
back into his seat, holding eye contact wi
g his head fast enough to hide his blush,rappin
lly the other way around in situations like this but this time it was different. He didn't know how and
empty and quiet. Considering the magnificent building and the tasty
was getting harder to deny the fact that this man had some kind of grip on his
ver fading. He lifted his hand and dropped it on the smaller's head
Sik put both hands in his pocke
der gently pulling him away from his friend and towards himself to a
oying and I hop
indeed satisfied from seeing the other upset. Harry shifted his gaze to the blonde who had
phere as he pulled out a seat offering it to Ash. "...did you fire everybody?",a
ng it,"It was a little lousy and I had
squeezing into his tote bag on his lap with his mind going through t
mile plastered to his face"...can I work for you?",he winked,corking hi
e blush,"hmmm....and what do you t
came here for since you sent all your workers home?", MinSik as
the blonde sending his partner a questioning look."well, the kitchen area is free,we can make our fo
t for lunch and then sends the chef away. The said idiot chuckled, attempting to pat his
a mean mouth. However,Harry wasn't offended like every other person,he was genuinely intrigued by how carefree the other was with him. Thi
r out of his face, tucking it behind one ear in a manner that was
"you bagged yourself a fighter ,I hope he teaches you a little
gh for him to know the other didn't like head pat,"you don't have
o the neatly dressed butlers,each carry something to fill the table with. In les
chef to make steak...",he turned his vision to the quiet blond
...",He glanced over and met eyes of MinSik already staring at him pulling his tongue out jokingly at him just
placed in front of them. He'd rather pretend like the