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Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1161    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


hen walked away with Jasmine trailing b

" I told her as I

knows not to mess with m

other after we're done. You need to go take a bath and wash

d let the water warm up to the right temperature. I could feel my muscles relax as the warm water pou

ing my hair, I lathered myself in body wash and scrubbed my skin of all sweat and grease. I

yone's hair and makeup were done and

ag you out the bathroom," Aquarius huffed

dresser as Aquarius started on my

ng on their dresses in a hurry as we were already half an hour late to the party. I quickly s

f the shoulder dress that reached her mid-thigh. Aquarius wore a pink and white knee-length floral dress, and Merl

e got some drinks and snacks and then found ourselves a table. Archan

to celebrate my son's 16th birthday party, eat ,

attleya Freeman a hap

und, looking at me

t's right, the fre

eetheart." Sylvia s

and Mrs Lockwo

, the part

eeling came over me as if I was being drawn to something. I started looking around frantically

man come to th

ust knew he was my mate. Oh my goodness, I couldn't believe No

that he's found his mate." a small voice in

pe so," I whisp

s well. When I reached the steps to take me up to the stage, Noah put his hand out to

"happy birthday, Cat. I love you so much. You'

eyes as I mouthed a

d, "umm yeah, so.. happy birthday," and t

urned around, looking at me wit

ere is no way you could be my mate so I Noah Christ

reak. The pain I was feeling was like a million knives had pierced through my heart, but there was no way wa

an Freeman, accep

nees, holding his chest. Befo

re's something your mom

at them, confused. My m

l parents, and we'r

sped then D

rue, and even if it is, did you guys have to tel

as a baby with her name stitched into the blanket she was wrapped in but now we're tired of taking care of

o protest, but I st

I'll be fine. You taught me how to take care of m

y room and closed the door behind me. Two minutes later, my friend

y, he'll regret rejecting you." H

an always come to the pack house. I'll make sure

d while they all laid beside me as I c



Chapter 1 No.1 Chapter 2 No.2 Chapter 3 No.3 Chapter 4 No.4 Chapter 5 No.5 Chapter 6 No.6 Chapter 7 No.7
Chapter 8 No.8
Chapter 9 No.9
Chapter 10 No.10
Chapter 11 No.11
Chapter 12 No.12
Chapter 13 No.13
Chapter 14 No.14
Chapter 15 No.15
Chapter 16 No.16
Chapter 17 No.17
Chapter 18 No.18
Chapter 19 No.19
Chapter 20 No.20
Chapter 21 No.21
Chapter 22 No.22
Chapter 23 No.23
Chapter 24 No.24
Chapter 25 No.25
Chapter 26 No.26
Chapter 27 No.27
Chapter 28 No.28
Chapter 29 No.29
Chapter 30 No.30
Chapter 31 No.31
Chapter 32 No.32
Chapter 33 No.33
Chapter 34 No.34
Chapter 35 No.35
Chapter 36 No.36
Chapter 37 No.37
Chapter 38 No.38
Chapter 39 No.39
Chapter 40 No.40
Chapter 41 No.41
Chapter 42 No.42
Chapter 43 No.43
Chapter 44 No.44
Chapter 45 No.45
Chapter 46 No.46
Chapter 47 No.47
Chapter 48 No.48
Chapter 49 No.49
Chapter 50 No.50
Chapter 51 No.51
Chapter 52 No.52
Chapter 53 No.53
Chapter 54 No.54
Chapter 55 No.55
Chapter 56 No.56
Chapter 57 No.57
Chapter 58 No.58
Chapter 59 No.59
Chapter 60 No.60
Chapter 61 No.61
Chapter 62 No.62
Chapter 63 No.63
Chapter 64 No.64
Chapter 65 No.65
Chapter 66 No.66
Chapter 67 No.67
Chapter 68 No.68
Chapter 69 No.69
Chapter 70 No.70
Chapter 71 No.71
Chapter 72 No.72
Chapter 73 No.73
Chapter 74 No.74
Chapter 75 No.75
Chapter 76 No.76
Chapter 77 No.77
Chapter 78 No.78
Chapter 79 No.79
Chapter 80 No.80
Chapter 81 No.81
Chapter 82 No.82
Chapter 83 No.83
Chapter 84 No.84
Chapter 85 No.85
Chapter 86 No.86
Chapter 87 No.87
Chapter 88 No.88
Chapter 89 No.89
Chapter 90 No.90
Chapter 91 No.91
Chapter 92 No.92
Chapter 93 No.93
Chapter 94 No.94
Chapter 95 No.95
Chapter 96 No.96
Chapter 97 No.97
Chapter 98 No.98
Chapter 99 No.99
Chapter 100 No.100
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