img Mysteries Of Chaos  /  Chapter 5 5 | 16.67%
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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1515    |    Released on: 22/05/2023

– You are of a race that does not know some human habits, nor

ur planet? – He questioned him

uid looks like our

it come from? – H

e is oxygen and pasture on your planet, you can

go. -

hen, I'll give the cow an

ip and transported the cow an

e simply left t

cow disease. – Tsuki said, right after they left. "

it's one less problem


were solving, Tsuki was called in

suki said, at th

walking. – Commis

e why he stabbed his in-laws, he

ason to kill.

loodied hands, on East Turtle Street , a victim in salt house, was sta


h a tire iron, he strangled an

on't know..., I don

his in-laws, sleepwalking, th

to detect sleepwalking, so they were takin

disorder, sleepwalking, when he was 10 years

e to sustaining the sleepwalking defense, he owed money from games, so he left, traveled mo

ntentional murder, he divorced his wife whe


nt mo

Tsuki qu

s. – One of the school

a truck on the run. – One o

hat you could solve

n to resolve a com

ft County

and running around the school and around, i

e called to the scene

umors inside

t results to other students, the rumor spread through the school and reached the directors, who

ill wearing their school uniforms, when they went to visit

gate, they were well into the mid-year exa

the way, it was when they were surprised by a naked mannequin of a man that had a part sho

way, you're in t

they were surprised by the janitor and the school principal who surprised them, but who saw the dummy, desperate and

as found in the morning by the garbage men when they put the pieces together,

s the street, the fourth time, he was sent from school to the dump, but the mannequin wandered and ran in the mi

hrough the abandoned school and through part of the city towards the industrial zone, al

parations, when he th

nts who also entered that school at night, of course that school suspended the students, when they

next to the destroyed dummy for a week, after the ot

ithout an arm, he rummaged through the trash looking for her, then took her to his mansion. then he renovated it, made some alterati

trial zone street when he saw the ma

it's behind the other mannequin,

he mannequin q

t for me? – The mann

e and don't wander a

ent to live happily

– They said

nnequins at his mansi


i Man

akout from Arkham, but that it hadn't been a real problem that they could solve for him, so they wanted

te, since their marriage, there was an

wn, when he traded with the demons, his old contacts and villains weren't a problem,

ent well. – Dick, he said a


n longer than you've lasted with a relationship with

to talk about it? –

be William's contact, the ma

want? – Tsuki

, but cutting contact was the best way to say he wants a different life, he never understo

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