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My Dear Teacher

My Dear Teacher

Author: Familia25
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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1266    |    Released on: 12/07/2023

ave five pages of homework, and woe betide anyone who didn't bring their homework the next day. Hateful little geography class. And just when I thought that noth

e broad shoulders, that experienced smile, and always relaxed, as if nothing could take that tranquility away from him. Apart from that haircut that gave him an air of 20 when in fact he was ten years older. A beautiful face that drew si

ible doubts from his students with a smile on his face and simple words. My facility in biology gave me plenty of time to analyze his way of t

. Suan's hairy head enter the class. Just like that hello-I'm-a-bitch-I-want-to-give-you-in-the-teacher's-

allows a lot more bacteria than a person who chews gum with his mouth closed? -

ly enough, she continued in her same shallow way, furiously chewing her strawberry gum, while her friend made a shocked (bitchy) face. The only reason I didn't continue to be amused by h

guy you have ever seen in person. Having to endure 50 minutes a week with a man like that without having thoughts like mine was impossible, trust me. I

proached my desk with an animated smile as he leaned one hand on t

ell whenever he was around. I have always been told that these nature-connected guys have kind of hippy tendencies, i.e. they

He always asked that same question when he started a new content, as if he needed my opinion abo

, prof

e: when do you intend

class that he always does everything he needs to do and there are still about 10 minutes left for people to talk or ask more complicated questions. If I told you that I never had any questions and I hated practically everyon

ere I had just finished copying the Hammings' subject. I saw those two bright brown eyes staring at me, accompanied by the sm

ck to writing to prevent my drool from running, "No

ed, sitting down at the desk now vacant in front of me and standing aside to

d, laughing a little and looking at him. Really, tel

my heart have an epileptic seizure, "and I know that even i

I asked, almost offended, a

biology as I do, and copying what I write w

smile on my face, and all I

I would be avoiding the deforesta

losed his eyes and laughed at my bad sentence. As if he didn't

clusion," he sneered, smiling in an amused way before getting up and going to wake up Houston so she wouldn't start snoring

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