img My Dear Teacher  /  Chapter 4 4 | 80.00%
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Reading History

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1276    |    Released on: 12/07/2023

h after climbing six flights of stairs in thirty seconds. And also t

ngly stuck-up voice ask, just as I let out my last defeate

down on the stool furthest away from him and put my kit on the counter, without even looking at the worm sprawled on his chair. Rolling ov

nking he was the man as always. As if I needed it

don't have all day," I replie

got up and came towards me with the proof in his hands. He stopped righ

lly think I d

en us, and pulled the exam out from under his hand. I started to fill in the head

me more and more

h to say a few good things to him, but was stopped by his arm, which

a heavy breath, trying not to scream in pain, and walked away. I grabbed my kit in desperation, and the last thi

our English teacher, well known in the school for her great teaching method and for her successful extracurricular activities. Activities that included, of course, fooling around with students. It must not have been easy

l like flying at her when I see the two

d full of material, the teacher sat in her chair and from there she watched the muscular idiots who sat at the back and laughed about some nonsense that on

ently nice, something about her bothered me. Apart from the fact that she could have Mr. Suan kneeling

m the doorway, and when I raised my gaze from the sheet

all gentle, and he quickly walke

lab biology will take the test in the last class today. Look

who returned my glance in an angry way. His white shirt, half-tucked to his body, distracted me for a few milliseconds, until I hit my eyes on his forearm. There was a bandage on it, right where I had bruised it with

ck a hearty laugh and continued copying, with an evil grin on my face. Fine po

'll let you. As soon as the elevator arrived and the door opened, I was faced with the most confusing scene of my day. Mr. Suan was talking and laughing animatedly with Professor Cassano inside the elevator, and as soon as

't have entered that elevator. It is kind of dangerous to enter a cubicle with a professor who lov

r indicating the first floor. I don't think I have ever cheered so hard to be alone with Mr. Suan, and I can't believe that I have overcome all the times I have wished for this. Now that I wa

grabbed his arm when Mr. Suan took a step towards the door. And just to make

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