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Chapter 9 Being Jealous

Word Count: 1825    |    Released on: 29/11/2023

her right hand fumbled around to find where the damn thing was. Cursing in her heart why, when her strength had not wholly recovered, she had to make an urgent call that

ng. Her life was still floating around in dreamland, repeating how great her night with Dean was. If it hadn't been fo

what time it is? We will meet one of the beauty companies tha

cepting that she had to be separated from the soft mattress she was

like fans' guesses from both sides are correct. They were like two lions in one cage, wild and hot. He massaged his fore

uggish," said Louisa, pulli

Cross's house. Get ready, or I'll kick your a

soul, still lulled by the beautiful flower of sleep. Then, look around where the glass walls with ivory-white curtains are exposed. It makes sunlight penetrate and provides warmth to

ky is decorated with white wisps floating in the sky, plus hills and the roofs of luxury houses full of glamour inhabited by Hollywood actors and actresses. No wonder this area has fantastic prices, thought Louisa in amazement

d shoulder muscles. His white, slightly tan skin glistened under the sunlight as if he had transformed into the most expensive pearl. The movement of Dean's hands from up to down towards the edge of the pool reminded Lou

her chin with her right han

ully as if their fight at the club was meaningless. Is it that easy for Dean to forget that? Louisa thought. She shook her head silently,

itching to touch Dean's broad shoulders, especially the hairs under the ce

d about me last n

why she's so blunt about saying things that should be kept under wraps. But It can't be denied that De

out of the pool and grabbed the towel sl

ng, Mr. Cross," said Louisa, laughing out

his hands on his hips. "You will

, rolling one eye and sticking out her tongue, knowing that aft


time making love there. This was all because of Louisa's provocation, who joked that this was morning exercise, which should be done regularly in addition to gett

intoxicated with passion, exchanged mischievous glances, implying that the love they had already ignited could not just be extinguished. Dean bent do

enjoying the small kisses that became more and more demanding as Dean's right hand wandered under the towel of the red pyjamas she was wearing. Dean smiled

ean asked as the harmony e

n, and damn, she cursed. She wanted to stop, but the pleasure paralysed Louisa for the umpteent

sa an expression of disapproval. The man giggled, then sent a soft kiss on the lips

isa asked, spraying vanilla perfu

agreed to collaborate on an album project for one of the singers.

, admiring Dean's body shape. "

" said Dean, kissing Louisa's head. "Y

o you and a woman before me?" Louisa sneered in annoyance while w

personal life," answered Dean, still observing Lo

that wants to use my services to advertise their

"I don't want you to offer something to other men like yesterday, Ms. Bahr. Clothes too revealing, m

lateral decision, who was so happy to interfere in her affairs. "Being my date doe

ou," Dean sighed, tryin

t even discuss that with me, Cory! You think you can d

Louisa's arm but was

a packed up her things and left witho

by one while trying to keep the girl waiting for her manager to arrive. Unfortunately,


the main door to call the girl. "Cory, let's call it a day at

n. "Ah, now I understand why Ellie's company called me at night if

n't want to lose money," said Dean, throwing responsib

h, rubbing his face angrily, feeling it would be challenging to arrange Louisa's life according to her wishes. It

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