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Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1541    |    Released on: 05/12/2023


e, he looked absolutely dreamy. As Payne turned his head to him, looking annoyed, the man just raised his hand,

e one of the most wanted women in our entire society," Payne said to Gale, with gritted teeth. He wanted to

sk permission to enter Gale's territory and seek temporary protection from the noble Alpha. Gale is of noble blood in the werewolf society, which means his family tree consists of every

e? I never saw you so desperate to seek some help just from some girl, before, well, I'll admit she is a pretty one, but

ughter..." Whispered Payne, his eye

I never saw her before. She was alway

rents kept her inside that huge mansion, I met her once, when I got invited t

oks immediately. Something about her makes him crazy and possessive, but the time that he spends with her gives

iful girl from another country. They bonded through their struggles as a young wolf with an Alpha power, and when Noah loses hi

elve-year-old wolf back then." Said Gale to him, he had known Payne when they embarked on a human export business five years ago. They hav

o Gale and asked. "Why do you

arthest, and we have our agreem

alked into the window, a morning sunrise already peeking throu

ry. He will be here in an hour." Gale co

Gale can be. Although he always had a sadistic side of him hidd

Asked Gale back, a smirk came onto his face,

the door, a tall and handsome Asian man, with a good physique and gorgeous smile. "I must say, it got me curious t

ooks around the room, confused and in utter panic state. Medical staff who kept her in ch

ing calming words, with his hand brushing her hair. "It's okay, Sky, I

her. Somehow, the animalistic instinct of their wolf's nature came. Something about

sked Gale, while his eyes ke

her. She is the one." Muttered Soma, and just

way from the room, the three of them circling the young woma

at her with a cautious expression. He is not a man who c

hemselves as Alpha Soma, and Alpha Gale, friends of Payne. "I... I am fine..

n my territory." Answered Gale, he was leaning on

y the constant staring by the Alphas. "Uhm... Alright, bu

Sky a stomach cram. Strangely, not just a stomach cramp, but also another knot feel

also strange," Soma said to her with a wicked s

yne then glared at Soma, voicing his disagree

incess is definitely gullible about the real world." He turned to Sky so

he red blushed, making her face almost the same shade as a tomato. While Payne scol

alks, because he likes to become the listener or the watcher. Even at a certain activity, he likes to watch and will join

le he keep trying to ask him to sit, even though he ignored his f

. "Well, at least I know where t

Soma. Finally the jester is gone and

rectly at Payne. "Excuse me? Something

her, they knew immediately, that the girl would never be with just one Alpha. They saw her potential, something

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