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Chapter 2 002

Word Count: 1168    |    Released on: 05/12/2023


'd ever heard of reverse harems, multiple men and singular women. That was a bit off the beaten path. And sex slavery, stripped and sold, spanked and tormented. This was not her usual fare as I was aware of it

s that became hard easily and were very sensitive and a perfect, round, athletic ass you could bounce a quarter off. She worked

atured multiple male partners, and the ones that didn't, often showed women in sexual bondage, captured, stripped, sold and tamed. I even discovered she'd read some of the Gor books by John Norman. The Gor books were less explicit in the sexual descriptions, using things like slave kiss and slave orgasm to discuss the sex, but more brutal in the way it portrayed the slavery. The more recent books usually had an element of romance,

effect, where the woman comes to love her rapist or rapists. Rape was not something I imagined most women would care to experience in real life. So why so much in their imaginations? Not enough excitement in their lives? Was Norman correct in some of his assumptions; that submission to strong males was an inherently natural trait, bred into our lizard brains over tens, if not hundreds, of thousand years and the last five hundred or thousand years was an

ntasy without having to undergo the reality. It might be fun on my part too. I wouldn't mind being the Masterful Slave Master she imagined in her fantas

ns capturing humans. They were more reverse harem novels. She was c

lavery was all about without actually

said, her hackles going up

rs of having to be an actual sex slave? You would be required to submit to someone for that time, but when it's over, it

your sex slave for this time

mind. I mean, you know me and that I'd never do anything to really harm you. Yeah

omething in retort, bu

y or something

e to be someone's sex slave. Less than that and you're just playing games. We could negotiate some ground rules ahead of time so all expectations are laid out. Just throwing it out there for consideration. No need to make any decisions

was pleasantly surprised to peek in our bedroom window a half hour later and see her fingers working her pussy into a l



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