on her knees with bloody stained clothes. His wish got answered. He sent t
flash to her. Within a flick of an eyebrow, he raised her by t
its way out of her mouth and stomach. It
n't there any longer. WE@
t immediately shoved it right back
bottle out from her. She fell to the ground we@kly as her blood flow like
e as his eyes suddenly darkened. Despite her b
ghed out blood
w the world looks like again"
ife suppose to listen to h
need quick attention else
your life. The only one allowed to kill you and sti
ood mixed with darkness and he snickered. He so much loves it whenever she b
ck on her and st
er voice failed to call or whisper his n
and bruises left on her face and body, one wouldn't believe sh
me is
h, she was unconscious but she could still feel pains in her lower abdomen. The part Lucifer s
sent by Lucifer to attend to
fine?" Ryder, the head of cooking te
everyday and if not him then Liquor but on se
so I believe she'll be awake an hour from
s really heartl
owed as she took her hair bo
back at unconscious Angel. He slowly walked to
p soon
teen guy walked in with
th cigarette he has been smoking for that day.
?" Nick, Lucifer's y
e freak. A 40
hen it comes to comparison. The only similarities was that
ur business" Luc
fer stopped smoking immediately to look at him
st tell your brother where y
g with few of the mobs. Stay here or be in
id anymore!"
he made to open it and go out when Vesp
re? Were you eavesdropping?" Ni
ood up straight a
ut Nick" Vesper lied, bringing out a cheeky smile.
laring at her as if he was searching for words in her eyes. He w
want Vesper
e set to move Lord Lucifer" She r
ing her to watch his backside. Vesper bit her lips
I'm goi