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Chapter 3 3. Sweet Pliers

Word Count: 1424    |    Released on: 25/12/2023


sino, Dom and I returned to the warehou

f the basement. Those sounds would only get louder and fiercer. I

anything else you want to tell me? A

e. "He said the club's full of teenagers. Most

I ordered. "And I need Nico's lackeys. Catch as many as you can. I

dded, diallin

" I pushed the rusty door open; t

wrists bleed. His blood dripped down his forearm, staining his half-sleeve shirt


ind Nico, "Here's the tra

ze trained on the traitorous bastard. I co

, "Take his

the dark shirt, clung to his body,

front of these many men, all the soldiers he worked his, a

ission to me. He didn't respond. "The vow of always and forever being loyal to me and only to me. You've broken

e. I know what I've done, but I'm willing to change

ians had mistakenly slipped out of his lips. At least now I knew he was working wit

started twenty-four years ago. If I was right, I kn

ou would've said the same thing to that damned

as a flicker of discomfort in his eyes. "W

s. The soldiers in the room chortled

they tr

u think

e had in his back pocket. Nico's shivers returned. Every t

he winced at the pressure. Gripping his middle finger between the sharp blade

he room, his eyes glinting with rage. "W

how much each packet of those costs? How much you've robbed from me?" I roared a

fear and regret, confirming my intuitions. I bet he wishe

. Blood splattered on my dark shoes and the concrete floor. N

donis. I have a w

s too. Have consent." I moved onto his forefinger

y brow at him. He begged, "I'll t

l that he knows-his informants, where he keeps the girls, where he delivers them, and who picks them up. The drugs he uses for spiking and druggi

" the soldier questioned

e other lackeys. It makes th

k nod, I exited

Nico then and there

him, and he needs to be alive for that." I glanced at him. "Inform deputy chie


he had been dying to ask me. "Go

did you know it

motherfucker's face w

so sure of it.

is ruled by three families, bonded by a very fickle alliance. Human t

" Dom underst

novs is wreaking havoc from within my territory

s reckless as they w

uprooted one of the three Ivanov brothers, who ran a drug trafficking and testing chai

this time." I sighed, settling into my car outside th

all e

o do you think we

talking about the war be

. "Is there any other

nto his face. "No. That's not our war, Adonis. We

her of them, which one would you

ians and law enforcers overseas, which would make it easier for us to negotiate and extend our trade. And they're currently looking for efficient par

y voice t

o doubt. With the war going on, what were the chances of u

ng on inside that twi

proprietor never



Chapter 1 SEASON 1: 1. The Capo Chapter 2 2. Girls Night Gone Wrong Chapter 3 3. Sweet Pliers Chapter 4 4. i nostri salvatori (our saviour) Chapter 5 5. The Perfect Plan Chapter 6 6. Peace of mind
Chapter 7 7. Good execution. Bad day
Chapter 8 8. Adonis in-the-cafe Vitale
Chapter 9 9. Mamma knows whence
Chapter 10 10. Terribly tongue-tied
Chapter 11 Un ricordo passato (A past memory)
Chapter 12 Unexpected relationships
Chapter 13 Sweet but complicated
Chapter 14 Unshaken
Chapter 15 15. Devilish plans
Chapter 16 16. The Guerra sister
Chapter 17 17. Gelosia e bisogno (Jealousy and need)
Chapter 18 18. Some confidential matters
Chapter 19 19. Lorelai Trentino, LA Crime Family
Chapter 20 20. The cage
Chapter 21 21. A gallery date
Chapter 22 22. Mine
Chapter 23 23. A reality worse than nightmare
Chapter 24 24. Scuse e pasticcio (Apologies and mess)
Chapter 25 25. An open eye
Chapter 26 26. A barrier
Chapter 27 27. My woman
Chapter 28 28. Losing control
Chapter 29 29. Taken by the Bratva
Chapter 30 30. Wrong move
Chapter 31 31. Segreti e lingue (Secrets and tongues)
Chapter 32 32. Feral demeanor
Chapter 33 33. The Castellanos Empire
Chapter 34 34. The masquerade
Chapter 35 35. Matteo Rossi
Chapter 36 36. The Rossi Dynamic
Chapter 37 37. The real him
Chapter 38 38. Not nearly done
Chapter 39 39. His and mine
Chapter 40 40. Baci e offerte (Kisses and deals)
Chapter 41 41. Skyfall Agency
Chapter 42 42. Nobody else above you
Chapter 43 43. Traitors
Chapter 44 SEASON 2: 1. The reality we live in
Chapter 45 2. Pozzi dell'inferno (Pits of hell)
Chapter 46 3. No way out
Chapter 47 4. Rossi Secrets
Chapter 48 5. Not the closure I had hoped for
Chapter 49 6. Breaking down
Chapter 50 7. Alessia Di Falco
Chapter 51 8. The next step
Chapter 52 9. Bloody proofs
Chapter 53 10. A lot to take in
Chapter 54 11. The bond of blood
Chapter 55 12. gli anni persi (the years lost)
Chapter 56 13. The news out
Chapter 57 14. More than one sentence
Chapter 58 15. Don't disappear
Chapter 59 16. Some matters need action
Chapter 60 17. A plan worth the shot
Chapter 61 18. The reunion nobody wanted
Chapter 62 19. A father would do it
Chapter 63 20. Confrontation is the key
Chapter 64 21. Luciano De Luca
Chapter 65 22. Then he was gone
Chapter 66 23. non tirarsi indietro (don't back down)
Chapter 67 24. Returning something precious
Chapter 68 25. What about peace
Chapter 69 26. A mother's love
Chapter 70 27. Secrets and bachelorettes
Chapter 71 28. A sentimental binding
Chapter 72 29. Voyeurism
Chapter 73 30. To walk down the aisle
Chapter 74 31. And to say I do
Chapter 75 32. Strong touches, soft emotions
Chapter 76 33. The Reception
Chapter 77 34. Not an ending
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