ead of hiding me in the bar all night. He pushed through the crowd of older men while I slid down the pole in the splits. Eventually, he made his way to the edge of the stage and our ey
him was worth it. "What can I do for you?" He bit his lip...nervously as he waited patiently. There was silence between us as music played for other girls behind me and different colored lights bounced around the club. -I was wondering-, hiccup, -if you, -hiccup, -would you do a private event for me?- Of course, I I was asking about another private event. I was a little disappointed, but I'm a stripper, it's part of the job. "I'll pay whatever you ask." She knew the chick would say that. Everyone who asked me was willing to spend their weekly salary on me, but after tonight's clue, I knew I was fucking high. Even though it was hot, I kept my answer the same as I did everyone else's. "Sorry, I don't do private events," I reply with a sad smile. He was beautiful, but I couldn't. I didn't know anything about him. The chick looked down tapping its feet against the glitter covered ground. "Okay," he finally said. "I'm sorry I bothered you." Everyone who asked me for an event always begged and pleaded, but he was the first to reality in taking no for an answer. That's when she turned around and left with the guy she came with. I wish he would have stayed. She wishes she had said more. But I didn't and now it was my turn to head home. I went into the dressing room. This time no one greeted me, instead everyone was huddled around the locker whispering. I did not pay attention to them and began to take out of my stage makeup. So I started hearing my name mentioned over and over again. "I can't bel