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Chapter 2 A Strong Woman

Word Count: 1075    |    Released on: 19/02/2024


ody going rigid from th

d at the red mark on his left

r. She didn't hate him for it, knowing they were both trapped in the situation. B

out bitterly. "Before our parents arranged our marriage, I had a lover as wel

cate fingers poking at the hard muscles on his chest. “I s

, so she turned away from him. He attempted to grab her arm to guide

tite. I'm going ho

tle the b

made her way to the door and got into the sleek Phoenix, the

joined her in the car and took the

silence, but she found solace in their mutual decision to ig

tory house, she hastily clambered out of the car, expecting Liam to fo

turned to the car, her temp

our concern,” h

e back a response, and vanished from her sight. She

!" Muttering angrily to herself, even though he was

red in her mind. He already had some wine that evenin

ed in the king-size bed. But damn, no matte

ry for her husband, although s

ould be no one to drive him home. Moreover, she feared her father-

for his return. Regrettably, she had stayed up late

akfast for her husband so he could eat once he got home. She was still in the dark ab

cleaned the house, took a quick shower to

noticing the signs of fatigue etched on her face. It was no wonde

carefully slipped into the stylish ocean blue top.

door creaked open and Liam swaggered into the room, a mix of

shirt, she caught a glimpse of a

she kept her composure. He was drunk and she's

night?” She asked, her v

plied with a n

nswer seemed all too clear. Instead, she pressed h


I'm not

t's your favorite. You should e

ably before sprawling out on the bed, onl

t to voice her frustration as it would be futile.

s slumber, but took on a da

s marks starting at the top of his chest, continuing down h

ignored the needles piercing her chest

ill wearing. Carefully, she removed the first one then moved

r when he wakes up, she left a bottle of water and an aspirin on the


nd mumble as she wa

t longer," she en

e enough money to pursue h

e to support herself, even if it meant leavin

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