img Beyond The Contract: A Billionaire CEO's Love Story  /  Chapter 68 The CEO's Legacy | 70.83%
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Chapter 68 The CEO's Legacy

Word Count: 765    |    Released on: 11/05/2024

increasingly focused on the legacy they hoped to leave behind. With each passing day, they became mo

his meant redoub

—— locked chapter ——
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Chapter 1 A fateful encounter Chapter 2 The Secretary's Charm Chapter 3 Grandma's Scheme Chapter 4 The Grandma's Scheme (Emily's perspective) Chapter 5 Dinner Chapter 6 The Contract Marriage
Chapter 7 Unveiling the Secret Wife
Chapter 8 The CEO's Dilemma
Chapter 9 The Ex-Girlfriend's Return
Chapter 10 Tangled Emotions
Chapter 11 Grandma's Scheme Unfolds
Chapter 12 Navigating Office Dynamics
Chapter 13 Growing Closer
Chapter 14 A Hint of Jealousy
Chapter 15 The CEO's Past
Chapter 16 The Secretary's Resilience
Chapter 17 Facing External Pressures
Chapter 18 Grandma's Intervention
Chapter 19 The Ex-Girlfriend's Strategy
Chapter 20 Trust Issues
Chapter 21 Unraveling the CEO's Heart
Chapter 22 The Secretary's Strength
Chapter 23 A Shared Secret
Chapter 24 Confronting the Past
Chapter 25 A Twist of Fate
Chapter 26 The Ex-Girlfriend's Manipulations
Chapter 27 Rediscovering Love
Chapter 28 Weathering the Storm
Chapter 29 The CEO's Confession
Chapter 30 The Secretary's Revelation
Chapter 31 What Would Grandma Do
Chapter 32 The Ex-Girlfriend's Ultimatum
Chapter 33 Resisting Temptation
Chapter 34 The CEO's Sacrifice
Chapter 35 The Secretary's Devotion
Chapter 36 Building Trust
Chapter 37 The Ex-Girlfriend's Betrayal
Chapter 38 A New Beginning
Chapter 39 The CEO's Redemption
Chapter 40 The Secretary's Support
Chapter 41 Strengthening Bonds
Chapter 42 The Ex-Girlfriend's Regret
Chapter 43 Grandmother's Approval
Chapter 44 The CEO's Apology
Chapter 45 The Secretary's Forgiveness
Chapter 46 Trusting Each Other
Chapter 47 Embracing Change
Chapter 48 A Test of Love
Chapter 49 The CEO's Determination
Chapter 50 The Secretary's Loyalty
Chapter 51 Facing Challenges Together
Chapter 52 Grandmother's Wisdom
Chapter 53 The Ex-Girlfriend's Envy
Chapter 54 A Journey of Self-Discovery
Chapter 55 The CEO's Reflection
Chapter 56 The Secretary's Grace
Chapter 57 Family Matters
Chapter 58 Overcoming Obstacles
Chapter 59 The Ex-Girlfriend's Regret
Chapter 60 A New Chapter Begins
Chapter 61 Celebrating Milestones
Chapter 62 The CEO's Gratitude
Chapter 63 The Secretary's Joy
Chapter 64 Balancing Work and Love
Chapter 65 The Ex-Girlfriend's Intrigues
Chapter 66 Grandmother's Lasting Impact
Chapter 67 Honoring the Past
Chapter 68 The CEO's Legacy
Chapter 69 The Secretary's Influence
Chapter 70 Lessons Learned
Chapter 71 A Glimpse into the Future
Chapter 72 The Ex-Girlfriend's Scheme Unraveled
Chapter 73 The CEO's Promise
Chapter 74 The Secretary's Hope
Chapter 75 Creating Memories
Chapter 76 Navigating Parenthood
Chapter 77 Trusting the Journey
Chapter 78 The Ex-Girlfriend's Reckoning
Chapter 79 Embracing Authenticity
Chapter 80 The CEO's Revelation
Chapter 81 The Secretary's Resolution
Chapter 82 Grandmother's Legacy Lives On
Chapter 83 The Ex-Girlfriend's Redemption
Chapter 84 Building a Future Together
Chapter 85 Grandmother's Eternal Love
Chapter 86 The Secretary's Comfort
Chapter 87 A Love That Grows Stronger
Chapter 88 The Ex-Girlfriend's Closure
Chapter 89 The CEO's Journey
Chapter 90 Grandmother's Guidance
Chapter 91 The Secretary's Faith
Chapter 92 The Ex-Girlfriend's Acceptance
Chapter 93 The CEO's Devotion
Chapter 94 Grandmother's Lasting Influence
Chapter 95 A Love That Transcends Time
Chapter 96 The CEO's Legacy Lives On
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