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Winning Her Back After Divorce

Winning Her Back After Divorce

Author: Pen Write
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Chapter 1 Divorce Agreement

Word Count: 1477    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

ment, Step? What does it mean? What's happening?" Natasha asked. Her heart was racing, dreading his response. He couldn't possibly want a divorce from her, could he? "I know you’re an illiterate and

you know what you did to Ariel? She will be stuck in a wheel chair or probably used crutches for months, and we don't know how long it will take for her to walk again. And who do you think is to blame for that? If you hadn't pushed her down the stairs out of malice, would such misfortune have befallen her?" Stephen voice was cold as his anger intensified with each word. He wanted nothing more than to strangle the woman in front of him with his bare hands and end her life. How dare she talk about cruelty when she's the embodiment of that word? "What?" Natasha asked in disbelief as she cautiously stood. So this is the reason behind all of this. Hasn't she already proven her innocence? How can he still blame her after everything she had said? "Stephen, please listen! I swear I didn't push her. She fell on her own. I even tried to help her, but she refused my help. Why won't you believe me?" She made a final effort, rushing towards Stephan and gripping his left arm as she attempted to explain and prove her innocence once more. Why couldn't he believe her? She would never do such a terrible thing, not even to her worst enemy, let alone the woman her husband loves. The thought never even crossed her mind. "I demand that you release me!" Stephan retorted icily, shaking off her grasp. "Just sign the divorce papers! My mother and my sister will be bringing Gwen anytime now. I do not want to see you here by then. I do not want her to witness your presence and be frightened!" He ordered coldly, thrusting a pen towards her. His words pierced Natasha heart like a thousand knives. In his eyes, she was nothing but a bad omen for his childhood sweetheart. How cruel. “Is it okay if we don't get a divorce?” Natasha voice was gentle as usual, and her eyes held nothing but innocence and misery. She stared at his eyes, searching for answers. “You’re ridiculous Natasha. You know, if not for my grandfather, i wouldn't have married you." He said and she gulped down again. He was right. As Natasha opened her mouth to speak, the living room door swung open, revealing a group of five or six people, with one holding crutches her face wan and pallid. "Why is this wicked being still in my house?" Wendy, Stephen mother, exclaimed as she entered with a livid face. Both Stephen and Natasha turned towards the door, seeing the entire family and Ariel, holding onto a crutches, walk in. At the sight of Ariel, Natasha hurriedly rushed to her and grasped her hand in hers, desperately pleading, "Miss Andrew, please tell Stephan

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