mansion and went to the HospitalI was greeted by Dra. DUPAIN my OB, she made me lie on the bed for the baby's ultrasound, I just decided now because I want to know the baby's gendershe applied the gel and then put it on my stomach, I saw the crumpled child in my womb on the monitor, I couldn't stop crying because I saw him even before he came out....the joy in my heart to see your child"pour l'instant, le bébé est en bonne santé .... le rythme cardiaque du bébé est normal" ( as for now , the baby is healthy .... the baby's heartbeat is normal ) said the OB who made me smile brother took me by the hand and smiled too"you have a healthy baby boy" the OB added with a smile that made me cry"hush now lil sis, just be happy you have a little baby boy" Big Brother let me stay, I can't imagine that if only Jared was here and he was with me I would be even happierAfter the check up, we went home to the mansion and we caught up with mommy who was cooking, we told her that my baby is a baby boy that's why she got excited and asked to go shopping tomorrow to buy things for BabyI cant explain this feeling, im happy right now, patiently waiting for my little angel to come out,,,, just 2 months and he will come out, and i cant wait to touch and see himYanna's POV how fast things go by, from days to weeks and turns to months, it seems like everything happened yesterday so the memories are still fresh for me for almost 4 month stay here in Paris, I made new friends, my sister Keisha and her daughter Ayesha became close to me, we met more often as for now, my baby bump already grew bigger, the baby is 7 months old so the bump is already big today the graduation will be held in the Philippines, at the same time the graduation of BSBA, architecture and engineering strand, I am wearing today the Toga Graduation gown that is Black and gold neck line, Prof Vin sent it because even if I am not there at the Academy, I will still participate I was at the graduation through Skype, they sent me the diplomas and medals according to prof Vin I am the Cum-laude of the Architecture strand, this afternoon here in Paris is 2:00 pm while in the Philippines it is 9:00 am for now I will wait for their call, as long as I prepare for my speech later Third Person POV : Philippines...... all students of Cordova Academy are getting ready because at any time the Graduation Ceremony will begin.... all students were wearing there Toga gowns ang their Graduation Caps "GOOD MORNING PARENTS AND GRADUATES PLEASE PROCEED TO YOUR DESIGNATED SEATS .... THE CEREMONY WILL START" their dean announced Graduation started with the speeches of the guest speakers and Jared's parents who own the school.....Yanna patien