Gilbert Parker's Books
You Never Know Your Luck, Complete
You Never Know Your Luck; being the story of a matrimonial deserter.
When Valmond Came to Pontiac, Complete
Gilbert Parker was a late 19th and early 20th century politician and novelist who wrote prodigiously. The British-Canadian's works are still popular in the 21st century.
The World For Sale, Volume 1.
Gilbert Parker was a late 19th and early 20th century politician and novelist who wrote prodigiously. The British-Canadian's works are still popular in the 21st century.
The Trespasser, Volume 1.
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The Lane That Had No Turning, Volume 1.
The Lane That Had No Turning, Volume 1. by Gilbert Parker
![The Battle Of The Strong [A Romance of Two Kingdoms], Volume 1.](
The Battle Of The Strong [A Romance of Two Kingdoms], Volume 1.
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1899 edition. Excerpt: ...Maitresse Aimable's voice came ravaging out of the silence where it lay hid so often and so long, and the signalmen went their ways shamefacedly. She could not make head or tail of her thoughts now, nor see an inch before her nose; all she could feel was an aching heart for Guida. She had heard strange tales of how Philip had become Prince Philip d'Avranche, and husband of the comtesse Chantavoine, and afterwards duc de Bercy. Also she had heard how Philip, just before he became the duc de Bercy, had fought his ship against a French vessel off Ushant, and, though she had heavier armament than his own, had destroyed her. For this he had been made an admiral. Only the other day her ean had brought the Gazette de jersey in which all these things were related, and had spelled them out for her. And now this same Philip d'Avranche with his new name and fame was on his way to defend the Isle of ersey! Maitresse Aimable's muddled mind could not get hold of this new Philip. For years she had thought him a monster, and here he was, a great and valiant gentleman to the world. He had done a thing that ean would rather have cut off his hand--both hands--than do, and yet here he was, an admiral, a prince, and a sovereign duke, and men like ean were as dust beneath his feet! The real Philip she knew: he was the man who had spoifed the life of a woman; this other Philip--she could read about him, she could think about him, just as she could think about William and his horse in Boulay Bay, or the Little Bad Folk of Rocbert; but she could not realise him as a thing of flesh and blood and actual being. The more she tried to realise him the more mixed she became. As in her mental maze she sat panting her way to enlightenment, she saw...
![Michel and Angele [A Ladder of Swords], Complete](
Michel and Angele [A Ladder of Swords], Complete
Michel and Angele [A Ladder of Swords], Complete by Gilbert Parker