Onlyaftermidnight85 's Books
For a Demon Prince to come into their higher power, they must take the body and power of a Maiden Virgin. Maiden Virgins had holy powers, a pure gift from the Gods to balance power. But long ago a mighty Demon Lord fell in love with one such Maiden, and it was through that union that this high power was discovered. Thus began the practice. But Parthenia is no ordinary Virgin Maiden, and she would rather break the Celestial Stone that is her power and immortality than live without her heart. Can Parthenia ever really be freesol or will the Demon male she loves break her in more ways than one?
The Alpha of Dragons
The Dorack men are brutes who come from a long line of shapeshifters. They can no longer shift and have all but lost the instincts to mate. The men are presented with human wives in hopes of breeding. But DaThoren, the brute prince of Dorack, discovers the scent of not his new human bride but the slave girl covered in dirt at her feet. She is nothing more than a dog at their feet, but she seems to pull something from DaThoren, and soon he sinks more than just his fangs into her. "Do you think to trick me into breeding you, Pet?" Only one problem, shapeshifters can't pair mate with a human. Thus begins her story, for she was never just a dog, and she is far from being human. Only a dragon can carry the seed of another dragon.