Stella hizb's Book
His Ultimate Desire
PROLOGUE Sylvia is terrified to accept her destiny. She was living a peaceful life as she had always dreamt of. Her journey from San Francisco to Seattle was nothing less than a dream for her. But today, all her dreams have been shattered. Suddenly it occurred to her as if he was always behind everything and was waiting for the happiest day of her life to uncover his brutal plans for her future. She thinks to her herself if she has any wish left to stay alive. However, the fear of him not letting her die is already killing her. living him the agony she does not want to bear all her life yet she can find no other place to hide from the brutalities that he very confidently calls "LOVE". The 12-hour drive 5 years ago from San Francisco had made her believe that she was invisible to the world but her encounter with HIM today made her realize how fragile a woman is in front of a man who is so great in power and uses it for his personal gains. Her life as a free bird was over. How did this happen? The worst nightmare was yet to unveil in her life and she should be ready to embrace it either with fear or open arms.