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My Love, My Obsession

My Love, My Obsession

69 Chapters
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Mila Brown a simple and lovely young lady, who strives to work hard to take care of her little sister and Mother Soon her life is turned around for the better , when she landed a job at Harris construction company where she would be working as an assistant for Mr Harris but her life was soon turned upside down when the bosses son takes over Angel Harris Arrogant and unbearable Would she be able to handle the over bearing and arrogant Mr Harris or would she give in to her attraction for him

Chapter 1 Beginning

Mila POV

"You know when you enjoy the darkness so much, that waking up to the light knowing it held all your problems in its hands was the least of your worries."

I didn't want to face my pathetic life, where I had to struggle to make ends meet in order to take care of my mom and my sister.

"But like every good thing it had to come to an end as I couldn't stay here in this darkness forever. Hearing a loud bang on my door.

"Would you get up from that bed? Mila!" I soon heard my mom's voice scream as I gradually opened my eyes to the light.

"Mila, you know you can't be late for this interview today? So get up your lazy butt and go get ready!" she continued to bang on my door.

"Hesitantly, I managed to get up from my bed and I went straight to open the door for my mom who was now yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Mom, why are you yelling so loudly?" I scolded her as I rubbed my already heavy eyes.

"Mila, what is wrong with you? Do you want to miss this interview?" she asked in anger with her arms crossed.

"But Mom... this one will be just another rejection like the rest of them! I'm just so tired of all this rejection Mom... they are always saying I don't have any working experience. How will I get one if no one freaking employs me?" I groaned out in frustration.

"Sweetie, I know how you feeling, but you can't know if you don't try honey." she said in a comforting tone as she stroked my hair gently.

"But...." I wanted to protest but I was cut off.

"Mila, dear, this might just be it okay........ and remember we need the money. Anyways, if it doesn't work out, you always have your job at the 'Drink and cookies Coffee shop'" she said smiling with her eyes telling me it was going to be alright.

Seeing the comfort and concern in her eyes, I knew I had to do this. Not for me, really, but for my mom and sister. I had to provide for them and give them a better life, as my job at the coffee shop couldn't meet up with the bills which are gradually building up day by day.

So, I quickly took a shower and got ready. I hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen to have a quick breakfast before heading out.

"Good morning, Millie!" my younger sister greeted me with all smiles.

"Lila....... when are you ever going to get my name right for once?!" I scolded her with a playful little tap on her cheeks.

Lila immediately rolled her eyes at me, as she went back to her food murmuring.

Ignoring her constant grumbling, I quickly had a bowl of cereals and an apple, as I was about to leave trying to kiss Lila good bye I said:

"Get to school on time, okay?" I whispered to her as I kissed her forehead softly.

"As if going to school helped you, Sis." she said sarcastically as she immediately smiled widely waving me good bye.

Swallowing a lump in my throat, although I knew she was right. After all my years in school with Student Loan left to pay, I ended up a barista in a local coffee shop with no company willing to hire me.

Taking in a deep breath, I internally asked the universe to help me this time, because, my mind can't take anymore rejection.

Leaving the house, I quickly took the next available train to the other side of the town with my heart still beating so loudly in my chest.

Soon enough, after so many public transports, I was at the company. I kept my fingers crossed with hopes that I get this job this time.

The receptionist received me warmly, as she led me to in office where the interview was going to be held. I waited patiently with the nerves threatening to choke me.

Few moments later, a beautiful blonde hair lady walked in looking all classy in her all-black dress and heels, as every sound her heels made on the ceramic tiles caused a chaos in my heart.

"Mila Brown?" She asked as she looked at me with an intimidating glare.

"Ye...... Yes...." I stuttered as I cleared my throat nervously.

"Great...!" She said smiling as she went back to focus on the pieces of paper in her hand.

Moments had passed by and still no word from her. Only a soft glance she often gave me.

A few minutes later and still nothing from her. Finally, she cleared her throat looking up

"Miss Brown......." she took a momentary pause as she glared at me intensely. "I'm very sorry, but we cannot offer you this job, at the moment. You lack the experience." she said with a stern expression on her face.

Her words broke me yet again, as I just couldn't contain my anguish.

"No.... Miss. You can't say that. I'm more than qualified for this position... Please, I need this job!" I pleaded holding on to her tightly.

"Miss Brown, I'm sorry, it's out of my hands. Please, do see yourself out." she said pointing to the door.

"No...!" I screamed.

"This is my last and only chance. You can't just throw me out for no just reason! Do you know how much I need this job?" I screamed in rage. I didn't just know what came over me as I started destroying and scattering the whole office screaming like a mad woman. Before I knew it the security came in and I was carried out forcefully from the building.

Consumed with the feeling of rejection and pain, I felt like my world was collapsing right before my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it.

With tears flowing freely down my eyes and the anguish eating deep into my soul, I became oblivious to everything and everyone around me as I walked on the busy street so absent minded.

Still walking in a pathetic world of my own, I unconsciously crossed the road as I was brought back to reality by the sound of a car coming to a stop.

"Are you crazy? I would have ran you over Missy!" I soon heard a masculine voice say as I turned around looking up at him.

And damn, he has those eyes that you never wanted to look away from.

"What's your problem? Do you have a death wish or something?" he was about to scold me but I didn't give him to chance to, as I turned my back immediately walking swiftly away from him.


I didn't think of going back home. I went straight to my only income job. Walking into the coffee shop with a downcast look on my face, I went out back to get changed.

"Mila, you are quite early for your shift don't you think?" my best friend Maya said as she came to give me a huge hug.

Nodding my head in response, I couldn't just bring myself to respond, as a lot of mixed emotions were currently churning inside of me.

Maybe Maya saw the depressed look on my face or the tears at the corner of my eyes, but she pulled me into a tight and comforting hug.

"Another rejection?" Maya asked softly, as I nodded a yes in response.

"Don't worry Mila, there is always a next time, okay?" she continued stroking my hair gently.

"Maya, I don't think anyone would be willing to employ me at this point, and I just can't take another rejection from any company. So, I think this where I draw the line. I'm done Maya.... I'm done...." I said walking away to attend a customer.

After few hours of handing out coffees and cookies, I decided to get off my feet. I was about to leave, Maya rushed to me pulling me to the back.

"I have got it Mila!" Maya said with so much optimism laced in her voice.

"Maya what now?" I said, rolling my eyes at her.

Smiling widely, Maya handed me her tablet to have a look. Just look at this... the solution to your problem!" she squealed in excitement.

Not in the mood for her jokes, I reluctantly looked down at her screen.

"Mila Brown, looking for a job as a personal assistant." I saw an already set up job profile on Maya tablet screen.

Shocked beyond words, I immediately turned to Maya asking "Maya, what is this all about for goodness sake?" I cried out loud.

"Oh Mila, ...... I just realized what you were doing wrong, since ever! and that was... not applying for a lesser position that doesn't require you to have experience!" she replied smiling.

"But..." I tried to protest.

"No Mila, you need to start from the ground and work your way up. So, this is the best way you can do for now so, just accept it." she muttered lowly.

Seeing her point as I knew I had no other options, I agreed to her plan as we both set up the rest of the job profile.

Walking back to attend to more customers, I couldn't help but to allow myself to drift back to that incident on the road.

I just couldn't stop myself from thinking about him.

The man with the perfect silver-grey eyes.

Asking myself incessantly:

'Who he might be...?'

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Latest Release: Chapter 69 Finale   11-15 10:03
1 Chapter 1 Beginning
2 Chapter 2 The Job
6 Chapter 6 The Trip
7 Chapter 7 London
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