Desmond a helpless romantic, would seek the help of a pretty, phone thief to get back his girlfriend juilet who broke up with him to follow a richer man. The pretty phone thief would agree to this, and her brilliant plan on helping Desmond get his girlfriend back is to make his girlfriend juilet jealous. How? Desmond and the phone thief would fake date. Desmond was reluctant at first but agreed to her plan at least. Along the line when by the help of the pretty phone thief plan Desmond was about to get back his girlfriend, Juliet he realized he no longer want her because he had infact fallen in love with the pretty phone thief. But then, Desmond best friend Edward who happens to be a number one playboy has eyes for the pretty phone thief and he also claims to have fallen in love with her. Two former best friends turn foes for the heart of the pretty phone thief but as the two boys do battle another suitor in the hidden place gradually tries to steal the heart of the pretty phone thief. Will Desmond, the helpless romantic end up with the phone thief? Or will his best friend the playboy get her love? Or are both friends another to lose her to this unidentified suitor? Find these out and more in this emotional, touching tale of love, betrayal and sacrifice.
Loud music kept on playing, filling the air with crazy hip hop beats...the whole place was crowded with people dancing and shaking to the beats of the songs in an erotic manner and as usual Desmond and his best friend Edward were present, they would never miss the chance to have fun on a Friday night. In fact that's the definition of their very existence....Having crazy fun and since they got admitted into college it was as if they had been thrown into a new world and they were very much ready to explore it to the fullest...
[ On the dance floor]
Edward was with his new found girlfriend, Clara and the kind of manner at which they dancing one can't differentiate whether they were in fact dancing or having sex. Edward stationed himself at the back of his girlfriend Clara and he was rocking her ass hard and fast while she kept twerking and grinding her ass against his member.
Freaking hot stuff!
Desmond on the other hand was riding solo today, this discussion was not taken by choice rather by circumstances. You see his heart was recently broken into pieces by a girl he so much loved and this just happened not too long ago, a week and three days to be more precise.
But a heart break won't stop Desmond from having fun at a party right? Well If you can call sitting down and watching while everyone danced in an erotic manner and make out having fun. Yeah, then I guess it's fun...
"Dude come on," Edward called out to his friend in a loud voice due to the loud music playing.
He has come to drag his friend Desmond to the dance floor.
"No man, I am cool go have fun, you don't want to keep her waiting," Desmond said in an equally loud voice, glancing at Clara's direction.
"Are you sure you are okay? Man, you are at a party. I am sure one of these girls will be willing to dance with you, you might even get some pussy tonight," Edward said, trying to entice his friend into changing his mind.
"It's okay man. I ain't interested in any of that." Desmond said and Edward frowned.
"Come on man!"
"Dude you better go back to your girlfriend..I think some dude is about to take her away," Desmond said staring at a direction.
"Shit!" Edward cursed as he followed Desmond's eyes and it led him to his girlfriend Clara being rocked hard by another guy.
The guy had his hands placed on her waist and was just smashing his groin against her ass.
"Back off dude...she is taken!" Edward yelled, grabbing hold of his girlfriend Clara by the hand and taking her away from there.
Desmond smiled softly from where he was as he watched his best friend Edward almost fighting for a girl he knew pretty well he would soon be taking her to the dump truck.
He wondered why it is always so easy for his best friend Edward to use girls and dump them while he is here suffering over a girl that dumped him and has forgotten about his existence.
He wishes he could forget all about her...
"Janet!" Desmond muttered in shock as he saw his girlfriend_ ex girlfriend rather coming into the club with a male figure on dreadlocks.
The guy had his hands firmly on Janet's buttocks as they moved to the dance floor.
"She left me for him?" Desmond frowned and soon after his heart started beating really fast when he watched as the girl he was madly in love with was in the arms of another.
Desmond felt like giving way to tears, all the emotions and feelings of heartbreak that he had been trying to suppress came back to him tenfold and suddenly it felt like the room was lacking oxygen. He was finding it difficult to breathe properly and it hurts really bad.
He stood up from the chair he was seated in and ran to the restroom passing a number of people making out on his way to the restroom, some were being fingered...
Finally in one of the toilets Desmond let out a sorrowful cry as he closed the door behind him, folding himself on the floor of the toilet, his back resting on the door of the toilet he cried even more loudly.
He just wanted to let all the hurt he feels inside out but it seems impossible, he has never felt a pain more painful than this..
"Why? Why are you hurting me so much? I still love her. I still love you so hurts, it hurts so much.." he kept crying until he was interrupted by the banging on the door.
"Desmond!! Desmond!! Open the door Desmond.."
It was the voice of his best friend Edward.
"Leave me alone!! Go away!! I want to be left alone!! Gooooo!!" Desmond yelled with tears in his voice.
"Man you are embracing me here, what's wrong with you?! Why are you acting like a baby... Man up and get out of that place, it stinks!" Edward yelled trying to put some sense into his best friend.
"I am okay here. Just leave me alone! At least I have found something that stinks just as my life," Desmond said, the tears coming down his cheeks. Edward let out a sigh.
"Come on dude, stop being melodramatic... It's not as if someone died, you just got dumped. Everyone gets dumped everyday. Look at her, she is out there having fun, she has totally forgotten about you and you are here killing yourself. You think by crying and making a fool of yourself that will make her come back to you? No man, it only makes you look desperate and no girl wants to be with a desperate guy, trust me dude."
"I know she still loves me I jus_ " Desmond was cut short.
"Noooo! She doesn't man. She doesn't love you and the earlier you realize this the better for you. She might have even forgotten your name and ask yourself is there anything like love?... The answer is fucking No! It doesn't fucking exist anymore.
Everyone now just wants to have fun. That's what I'm doing with Clara also and when I am done having fun I dump her and the circle continues, it never ends. Seriously man you have to come out of there, it feels crazy weird mw talking to a door, people will start to think am mad or something"
Edward said and after some lengthy seconds the door slowly opened up.
Desmond was standing, cleaning the tears from his face.
"She doesn't love me? Janet doesn't love me anymore?" he asked again like a sad child who had just told Santa Clause doesn't exist.
"Man she might have not even have loved you from the start," Edward said, taking a deep breath.
"You see girls like Janet are only after two things. Money and catching Fun. You were a lot of fun until you started wanting to make things serious. I guess that's why she left you."
"What? Are you saying because I wanted to make our relationship serious that's why she dumped me? That doesn't make any sense," Desmond said.
"Well it doesn't have to make sense to you but it's the fact and that's just part of the reason she broke up with you. You saw that guy she came in with, right?"
"Yeah, I saw him, the ugly guy with dreads," Desmond said in a frown.
"Well that ugly guy is a real G-boy( fraudster) He has lots of cash, man. You can't possibly compete with that, man. You guys had fun but it's time to let her go and forget about her." Edward said just then his girlfriend Clara came to take him to the dance floor...
"Baby, have been looking all over for you. They're playing my favorite song... Let's go and rock!" she said, sounding excited.
"Wow baby! I am right behind you." Edward said, winking at Desmond then went with his girlfriend...
"I have to let her go, I have to get over her.... God what has this girl done to me?" Desmond said softly.
"Those beautiful big eyes of hers, those sweet lips. I have to stop thinking about it?.." Desmond kept talking to himself as he walked out to the dance floor...
Meanwhile Janet and her new boyfriend are still dancing and Desmond's eyes were constantly on the guy's hands that were holding Janet butt.
It was driving him crazy watching them.
"Goshhh! I can't do this. I have to get a drink."
He walked to the bar stand.
"Barman, give me some shots of your strongest liquor," Desmond ordered as he was ready to stagger home tonight.
.....some minutes later Desmond was dead drunk.
"Janet...J..Janet," he called out, totally intoxicated.
"I... Love.. Her..But_" He laughed uncontrollably.
"Barman, give me one more shot."
"I think you have had enough, now it's time to pay up," the bartender said, stretching his hand out for his payment.
" Janet? Oh I see her there," Desmond said pointing to Janet who by this time was kissing her dreadlock boyfriend and the guy was pressing her boobs underneath her gown.
"Janet, Janet. My janet," Desmond staggered towards her.
"Hey! Where are you going boy? Pay me my money!" the barman yelled but Desmond ignored him as the liquor had completely taken control of him...
Desmond staggered to where his ex was.
"Janet, what are you doing with him? Come with me," he took hold of her hand.
"Desmond?! What are you doing here?" she asked surprised, clearly she was just knowing he was here at the club now.
"Who is he?" asked the guy in dreads.
"I don't know him that much... Let go of my hand!!" Janet barked at Desmond.
"'s me..your Desbaby
Let's dance... Kiss me," Desmond said, smiling silly, clearly not in his right senses.
Are you mad!!? I see you are drunk. I said fucking let of my hand!" Janet yelled at him.
"Yeah guy back off or I will hit you," the guy in dreads warned.
But Desmond kept staggering and saying nonsense, making a total nuisance of himself while trying to take Janet away.
"She said stay away from her, pervert!" the guy in dreads yelled before landing a swift right hook on Desmond's face causing him to see the stars as he collapsed to the ground unconscious...
There was a lot of commotion happening and this made Edward look in that direction.
"Babe, I will be right back. Let me go see what's happening over there," he said to his girlfriend Clara, who he was dancing with.
"Alright, but hurry up okay," she said then whispered into his ear
"I am already horny for you."
Edward smiled naughtily then quickly pushed through the crowd to see what the fuss was about so he could return back to his girlfriend only to find his best friend, Desmond lying unconscious on the floor.
"Jeez, Desmond! What are you doing?" He quickly got down to him.
"You reek of alcohol man. Sticks!" He checked Desmond and saw he was alive but fast asleep and his phone and wallet had been stolen.
"Gosh, wake up man!" He yelled, giving him multiple slaps on the cheek to wake him up but all to no avail.
"Great! Just great, I will have to carry you all the way to the hostel now." Edward said frustratedly.
Just then the bartender walked up to him.
"Are you his friend?" he asked.
"Yeah I am, any problem?" Edward asked.
"No, just that your friend here took some shots and he hasn't paid yet," He said, stretching out his hand for Edward to make the payment.
"Shit! When I thought it couldn't get worse, now I have to pay for his drinks???" Edward said, talking to no one in particular.
He then turned to the bartender
"How much is it by the way?"
"80 dollars."
"80 what now??!" Edward exclaimed..
Just then his girlfriend Clara came looking for him.
"Baby let's go. Leave that loser friend alone and follow me to my hostel. He has been trouble all night, I am going to give you the best night of your life." she spoke in a very seductive tone.
"Jeez! Why is this happening now God??" Edward looked up in the heavens.
He really wants to eat up Clara tonight but he can't just leave his best friend on the floor like this, he thought.
"Baby hold on let me sort my friend out then we can leave, okay?"
"No way! He has been getting in our way all night. It's either you come with me and have the best night of your life or stay with that useless friend of yours there. Decide," Clara said and she was very sure he would come with her, no one would resist her, she thought.
"Okay then if you put it that way, I guess I have no other choice then." Edward said, looking downcasted.
"Lighten up baby, we are about to have a nice and long night full with sex!" Clara said with a naughty smile on her face.
"Well not me and you. You will have to find another person to do that with you," Edward said.
"Huh.. What? What are you saying?"
"Yeah I chose him," Edward said.
"What does that mean?" she asked, confused.
"Don't you have the brains to comprehend what I am saying? Read between the lines baby, I have just taken you to dump town sweetheart... Bye, bye." Edward said with a wicked smile.
"I hate youuuu!" Clara screamed then ran out of the club in tears.
"Girls be crazy, am I right?" Edward said, looking at the bartender who was waiting for his money with a serious face.
"Desmond you owe me big time for this," Edward said to the unconscious Desmond.
āPlease just kill me. Please.." with tears in my eyes I begged for my own death. I am not one to have suicidal thoughts but I could no longer bear the humiliating torture I was being subjected to any more. However my abductor smiled at my pain and suffering with joy. āYou will surely meet your end but it will be when I decide your pu"*y is no longer of use to me and my men. But don't think that's the only terrible thing I can do to you. So you better apologize to me and my honored guest before I allow the dogs and horses to also get a taste of you too and make no mistake it's not going to be pleasant at all," he said wickedly and I felt so humiliated.. How did my life end up this way? Physically assaulted, starved, molested and made naked; being offered as an object of pleasure to his uncharacteristically attractive but intimidating guest? I used to have a perfect life. A family who cares for me and a man who loves and cherishes me. He only just proposed to me yesterday and I have been dreaming of raising a happy family with him. So where did it go wrong? Oh, I remember now. I was stabbed in the back by the person I love and trusted the most. I didn't know she has always been envious and jealous of my happiness. My best friend Gloria, she betrayed me and sold me out to a gang of ruthless thugs to be violated and murdered. However when it seemed all hope was lost the person I least expect to help me would be my savior.
Take me, please take me now. I love you, Damon." she moaned as he continued squeezing and toying with her soft chest especially her nipples. āI am yours. But only for tonight." was his cold reply. ā Alpha Damon has the physical appearance of an angel but a heart inclined to evil because of his demon origin. Ladies fantasize about him because of his extraordinary beauty and aura but Damon cares for no one. No one at all. The Cold Heart one. However, Damon would meet a human girl Jane, who he saved from a gang of rapists. And she will make him feel things like compassion and concern and ultimately love. But before he could accept these feelings as true and real, Danger and Death would come like the shadow as he will be the center of a war between Demons and Witches as well as Werewolves and Vampires...
Meet Jane. She is all boys dream. Pretty, hot and extremely sexy! Her beauty and curvy shape makes it impossible for any boy to resist her, every boy practically drools over her and they would give and do anything just to have her but Jane isn't one to commit herself in any relationship. However she is a sex addict. She gets any boy she wants it doesn't matter to her if he is a student or her school teacher She gets whatever she wants and no man can refuse her The Pretty Slut. The queen of Barlian high Meet Andrew, a handsome, talented boy His cuteness is unlike anything in this world, more like, god-like. His scent and eyes can capture any girl who gazes or comes close to him He is more than every girl's dream. He is their very fantasy and deepest desires Mr Cute himself. The king of Skyfall High However, he is as shy as the word why. So he stays very far away from the girls What will happen when Pretty meets Cute? When Slut meets Shy??
He is looking so upset and he doesn't want to say why. He just pinned me to the wall that moment and looked into my eyes saying to me. "...I have no intention to cause you any pain but today l have to do that. You can call it selfishness or whatsoever you choose to call it but l don't have a choice". Once he said these words to me l began to shake in fear. Although l didn't know why but l knew something bad was about to befall me. What could it be though? Immediately he showed me the collar l didn't just assume any longer l was sure now. He put the collar around my neck and made it very tight. Lord Ethane never makes me wear my collar when we are alone. I almost broke down in tears but l knew a day would surely come when he would do this to me but I really didn't expect it to be on my second day with him. It really is too soon.
Nathan sat on the roof with a portrait in his hand. He has been looking at her portrait for the past hours and he is not ready to let go of it. He stared at the picture with a satisfied smile on his face. His Sadie! He just can't stop staring at her. She was really his sweet angel which portrayed the meaning of her name. Sadie! He hugged the portrait before dropping it. He picked up his drawing paper and pencil ready to sketch her beautiful face again. Every corner of his room has her picture, everything! And almost all his belongings too. His plates were designed with her picture, his phone pouch was her, his wrist band has her name. His private company is in her name, his box has her picture, his closet, just name it. The workers thought he's running mad, no one believed it's love except his family and of course, his personal guard. He smiled at nothing, closing his eyes before starting the sketching. He's been stalking her ever since that fateful day they met , that fateful day she became his sweet angel. He knows her every move, everything she does and how she's being treated in her own home . He turned his hand in a fist and his jaw tightened. The thought of that does nothing but angers him. He wants to save her, he wants to take her out of that bondage but it's not yet time. She doesn't even recognize him, it will be insane to go ask her out for marriage when she doesn't know him . He's going to make them pay, watching his Sadie from a far distance seeing her in tears, seeing her lonely, seeing her sad and seeing her feeling unloved hurt his heart so much. If only she knew that she had him, he would love her forever. When he gets her, no strand of her hair can be touched unless it's the person's destiny to die by his hands. For what they are doing to her, he's never going to forgive them. When the time comes, he will destroy them with just a snap of his fingers. " Young master " Kaleb called bowing slightly. Nathan raised his head giving him a questioning look. He knows he doesn't like to be disturbed when he's up here so why is he here? " I am sorry to disturb you young master but I thought it's important I tell you this now " Kaleb said and bowed his head again, gulping hard. His young master has been in a very good mood for a long time now, he doesn't want him to go back to his old attitude of being cold and alone plus what he dreads to happen again. This will definitely do worse to him if he hears it but it's still his duty to inform him. "What is it, Kaleb?" Nathan asked calmly, taking his eyes back to his sketchbook . "It's..ummm. It's Sadie, young master." His heart divided into two the moment he heard Kaleb mentioned Sadie. He stood up in a swift standing curiously close to Kaleb with his heart racing fast. What about her?" Nathan asked breathlessly, he's finding it difficult to breathe all of a sudden. Kaleb glanced at his young master as he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He knows what this is going to cause to his young master, he knows he might become mentally unstable after this. That is scaring him because he doesn't want that to happen. "Talk to me Kaleb, what happened to Sadie?" Nathan yelled impatiently. "Sadie! She was stabbed by her sister a few minutes ago, young master." Kaleb paused to watch his young master's expression and to his surprise, it held none. Nathan tried processing what he just heard. Stabbed? His Sadie stabbed? That can't be! "I am sorry young master, I don't think she will make it." Kaleb added! Before he could shift away slightly as he felt uncomfortable. He saw his young master collapsing to the floor struggling to breathe. "Young master," he called with his body shaking in fright. Nothing must happen to him. Nothing! "Young master please," he called again but Nathan couldn't answer. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't! As much as he tries! He got an attack! His attack was back! Kaleb's fear came true. The inhaler! He needs to get it as fast as he can. With that, he left his young master on the floor and dashed out of the roof.
Meet Lee Chun, the son of a billionaire, he is super handsome and oh yes! He is a sƫx freak. Lee Chun's many sexual exploits with the ladies has earned him the nickname Sƫx God. He is a real time player who doesn't believe in love.... Meet Ji-a, a beautiful bolf orphan girl, who has no one but herself and her lovely heart. What happens when these two very different souls meet? Find out in this blockbuster novel.
For ten years, Daniela showered her ex-husband with unwavering devotion, only to discover she was just his biggest joke. Feeling humiliated yet determined, she finally divorced him. Three months later, Daniela returned in grand style. She was now the hidden CEO of a leading brand, a sought-after designer, and a wealthy mining mogulāher success unveiled at her triumphant comeback. Her ex-husbandās entire family rushed over, desperate to beg for forgiveness and plead for another chance. Yet Daniela, now cherished by the famed Mr. Phillips, regarded them with icy disdain. "Iām out of your league."
Rumors said that Lucas married an unattractive woman with no background. In the three years they were together, he remained cold and distant to Belinda, who endured in silence. Her love for him forced her to sacrifice her self-worth and her dreams. When Lucas' true love reappeared, Belinda realized that their marriage was a sham from the start, a ploy to save another woman's life. She signed the divorce papers and left. Three years later, Belinda returned as a surgical prodigy and a maestro of the piano. Lost in regret, Lucas chased her in the rain and held her tightly. "You are mine, Belinda."
Kallie, a mute who had been ignored by her husband for five years since their wedding, also suffered the loss of her pregnancy due to her cruel mother-in-law. After the divorce, she learned that her ex-husband had quickly gotten engaged to the woman he truly loved. Holding her slightly rounded belly, she realized that he had never really cared for her. Determined, she left him behind, treating him as a stranger. Yet, after she left, he scoured the globe in search of her. When their paths crossed once more, Kallie had already found new happiness. For the first time, he pleaded humbly, "Please don't leave me..."Ā But Kallie's response was firm and dismissive, cutting through any lingering ties. "Get lost!"
"There will be no falling in love, we will only act as a loving couple when we are in public, we will share a room to make it believable, but no intimacy, touching is off-limits. We'll only have sex once a month, and that's solely to produce an heir. You won't interfere in my business, and I won't interfere in yours. You will be my wife in every sense and you will not be involved with any other man," he said, arrogance seeping from every word. I watch his mouth move, I'm not ready to fall in love with any man, especially not one as arrogant and egoistic as him. I can handle acting as a loving couple, and as for intimacy once a month. I can agree to that just to satisfy my sexual cravings with no strings attached. "Where can I sign?" I asked since I had nothing to lose. *** Nadine's wedding dreams turned to nightmares when she caught her sister and fiancƩ cheating! With a secret recording, she's ready for revenge. But then mysterious billionaire Logan West offers a deal: A Contract Marriage to take down her ex's empire. But what Nadine doesn't know is her life is getting complicated as she takes her chance to get revenge or risks everything for a chance at love?"
Eveline married Shane, an obstetrician, at the age of 24. Two years later, when she was five months pregnant, Shane aborted the baby himself and proceeded to divorce her. It was during these dark times that Eveline met Derek. He treated her tenderly and gave her warmth like she had never known before. He also caused her the greatest pain she ever had to endure. Eveline only grew stronger after everything she experienced, but would she be able to bear the truth when it was finally revealed? Who was Derek behind his charismatic facade? And what would Eveline do once she found out the answer?
As a simple assistant, messaging the CEO in the dead of night to request shares of adult films was a bold move. Bethany, unsurprisingly, didn't receive any films. However, the CEO responded that, while he had no films to share, he could offer a live demonstration. After a night filled with passion, Bethany was certain she'd lose her job. But instead, her boss proposed, "Marry me. Please consider it." "Mr. Bates, you're kidding me, right?"