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They Want Her

They Want Her

85 Chapters
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A story about a young girl becoming the greatest obsession of her stepsiblings.

Chapter 1 Want 1


This is the fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


This story contained a lots of vulgar words and curses. This also contained some scenes which are not appropriate for close minded readers.

Author's Note:

I am not good and fluent in writing english, so pardon me with my grammar errors and approach to me in a nice way. I'm also deleting comments that I find offensive and block users I find toxic on this story's journey.

No one is allowed to tell me about changing the plot of my story. If you find this story annoying and disturbing, please just delete my work on your library and we're good.


"How does it feel to become the obsession of the three, jerks? And those jerks are your step siblings?"


Want 1

"Seriously, Trixie? Do I looked like your fucking servant?" Krysie said, raising the folders filled with sales report that Trixie needs to review before submitting them to the boss.

"No!" Her co-worker laughed and shook her head. "I already reviewed that one. Just submit it to the boss."

"Why me?" Her forehead knotted in confusion.

"The boss wants to see your goddamn face, Krysie. Just go," Trixie replied and continue working on her computer.

Krysie glanced at her wristwatch. It's early seven in the morning and here they are, arguing about this matter. And this always happens every fucking day!

Since she started working on this company, Krysie never got the chance to meet their boss. She was interviewed by his secretary and got hired immediately even without formal interviews or such a company needs in hiring their employees. That kinda feels weird, but she got used to it. It's been a year and she's still here, so yeah.

She stomped her feet on the ground like a child that wasn't given a cotton candy. She heads towards her table and sat on her swivel chair with a grumpy face. She just got annoyed, how funny is that...

"Hey, have you heard the news?" Olivia, her co-office mate poked her. "Our boss's siblings are here! Gosh, I'm about to collapse."

Krysie raised her brows. "And?"

"Aren't you interested? Our boss is a handsome man with a high sex appeal. Women flocked on their feet as I've heard. I'm excited to meet them!" Olivia said.

She chuckled nonchalantly and opened her computer. "And you expect me to feel excited about meeting them? Damn, I didn't even seen the CEO's face."

Olivia hummed and pouted. "You're right. But isn't it too unfair? You are the head of the Financial Department and you didn't even have the chance to meet and stare at our boss's handsome and greek god-like face."

Krysie forced a smile and proceeded with her MS word. "I don't give a damn, Olivia."

"Well..." Olivia turned her office chair and faced Krysie. "Men flocked on your feet, too. Maybe that's why you are not interested in meeting our CEO's siblings and the CEO itself. Shiz, you make us all envious!"

She just chuckled upon Olivia's remark and started doing her work. Her mind's in focus on her job because she need to get everything done. The month is almost over and that makes every head of the company's department busy. They need to compile the weekly reports and such.

"Hey, Krysie. Aaron wants to give this to you," Antheia said and handed her a bouquet full of flowers in the middle of working hours.

She murmured her thank you and secretly put it inside her trash can. She lifts her gaze on Antheia and forced a smile. "Do you need something, Antheia?"

"You're lucky, did you know that?" she said. "Aaron is one of the girl's dream guys here in our company, and there you are throwing every gift he'll give you."

Krysie clenched her jaw and leaned against her seat. "I'm not lucky, Antheia. It's just that he was blinded with the thought that he likes me."

"He likes you!" Olivia interjected. "I know. I've read one of his letters during our Christmas party before I send it to the monks. He likes you, a lot! Since you entered our company."

"That makes you very lucky, Krysie." Antheia took a deep breath. "I'll go ahead. Bye, girls."

She watched Antheia turned around and head towards the elevator. The moment she vanished from her vision, she let out a deep sigh. Krysie reached for the mirror on her drawer and lift it in front of her face to stare at her reflection.

Antheia was wrong. She ain't lucky at all. Her face only brought her nothing but horrible experiences that kept hunting her even in her waking hours. If going into plastic surgery is her only choice, she would have done that several years ago. But she can't... She just can't.

"Done staring at yourself?" Sunny asked, interrupting her deep thoughts. "Anyways, Aaron said he'll be waiting for you at the lobby. He said you'll be going out for a lunch."

Krysie nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Sunny."

Aaron Gaisler has been her suitor for almost a year. She kept rejecting him and he said he don't take no for an answer that's why up until now, he's still courting her for a yes.

Aaron is a good catch. In terms of look department, he has too. That's why according to Antheia, every girl in their company is aiming to have Aaron as their man. Aside from he is damn handsome, in terms of monetary, he can sustain a family or two. As far as she knows, Aaron's family are all professionals. His mother is a dermatologist, his father is an architect and his younger sister is a registered nurse in Hawaii. In other words, they are rich.

"Krysie! It's lunch break! Aren't you going down?" Olivia chanted.

Krysie closed my eyes tightly and leaned against her seat. She massaged her temple because of stress and blew some strands of her bangs.

"Thanks for reminding me, Olivia," she said.

Olivia smiled. "You looked like a robot while typing on your computer. You seldomly blink your eyes just like... are you sure you're a human and not a fucking robot?"

Krysie chuckled and clicked her computer to sleep. Olivia was right. She was too preoccupied with thoughts inside her head and then her eyes would go dilated and she'll seldomly blink her eyes whenever she's in that state.

"Are you heading towards the cafeteria?" Trixie asked her.

Krysie shrugged. "I'll be going out with Aaron for a lunch."

"Are you sure you both are not in a relationship?" Olivia eyed her suspiciously which made the latter chuckled.

"We really are not, Olivia. You're too malicious," Krysie replied and stood. "Let's go?"

"Can we tag along on your date?" Trixie smiled sheepishly.

"No. We shouldn't," Olivia contradicted. "It's their date, you bitch. And another thing, I know you want to see the CEO's sibling's arrival any moment by now. We shouldn't miss that chance!"

Krysie shook her head while watching her co-office mates slash friends being hysterical about meeting the CEO's siblings.

She just can't relate.

"YOU'RE good in manipulating department, Elias." Carson shook his head with a triumphant smirk on his face.

Hunter was busy signing some paperworks to visit Elias's company today. He wanted to see her. It's been three years and he would be gone crazy if another year would be added of not being able to see her, to touch her, and feel her. Damn. He needs her to remain sane!

"She thinks she can run away from us," Elias said. "There's no way I'll let that happen."

"Me, too." Carson tossed his phone in the air. "Damn, I'm excited to see her again."

"Hunter," Elias called for their eldest brother. "Aren't you excited to see her?"

Carson threw Elias his phone which the latter dodged. "He's more excited than us, dumbshit."

Carson and Elias smirked. Hunter may be had this cold personality, but he's more obsessed with their step-sibling, Krysie. Who knows that maybe among the three of them, Hunter had the most wicked plans... or maybe Elias, or Carson.

They are siblings. They may be different in other departments, but they somehow share some personalities

"Have you heard about that Aaron guy?" Carson suddenly blurted. "I heard he's trying to invade our territory."

"You mean, Aaron Gaisler?" Elias asked. "Where did you heard that news?"

"That fling I had last night." Carson blows loud breath. "She's a good fuck. I forgot her name, but she said she's a friend with our girl."

"Fuck." Hunter slammed his table which made the two shook their head. "I can finish this shits later. Let's go."

Carson and Elias looked at each other and smirked.

Finally, the lion is about to make a move...

"WHAT'S with the commotion?" Krysie asked while watching the people at the entrance of the company she's working in.

"Maybe the CEO's siblings arrived." Aaron shrugged. "Let's go? We'll be late."

She just nodded they walked their way towards the building side by side.

"Are you okay? You looked tensed," he said when he noticed Krysie's discomforted expression.

She shook her head. "I'm good, Aaron. Maybe I'm just a little bit sleepy."

He nodded and didn't utter a single thing. They just continue walking until they reached the building's entrance.

"Krysie! Glad you're back," Trixie exclaimed. She looked so worried. "The boss was mad. He demands the report sales I handed to you this morning."

She felt my knees trembled. "W-what do you mean?"

"I told him I'll give it to him later, but he said that you should be the one to hand it to him at the top floor." Trixie was hysterical.

Krysie feels like her throat went dry. Without further ado, she ran the distance towards the elevator and hurriedly pressed her floor's button. She didn't got the chance to say goodbye to Aaron because of urgency.

She's afraid. She heard that the CEO would fire any employees instantly regardless of how many years their employees worked on

this company. He is that ruthless.

And she can't lose her job. The moment she left home to stand alone and depend on herself means she had no one to ask for help in times of scarcity.

"Hey, Krysie. Careful!" Olivia said after seeing her running in a stiletto.

"Fuck," Krysie murmured and reached for the sales report that was handed by Trixie. "Did the boss's siblings arrived?"

Olivia was hesitant to answer. "Yes. They visited our floor and the boss asked for the sales report. Trixie explained but he shut her up. He's scary."

Krysie swallowed as she felt a lump in her throat. I'm dead.

She ran back to the elevator and pressed the top floor. The moment the door closed, she brushed her wavy hair using her fingers to fix it as it was messy a while ago. She also fixed her office attire, especially her fitted pencil-cut skirt that was lifted a little because of her running scenes a moment ago. She wiped her sweats and smelled herself.

"Thank God I had that long-lasting perfume," she murmured to herself.

As the door opened, she plastered her practiced smile and turned to face the secretary that immediately stood after seeing her.

"Move quickly, Sey. The boss is mad," the secretary said.

She nervously bit her lip and nodded her head. "Yes, sir."

Krysie went straight towards the CEO's door. She took a deep breath and knocked thrice even if her hands are sweating cold and her knees trembled in fear of being fired.

I just hope he won't and give a little mercy on me.

"Come in," said b cold and baritone voice.

She gulped and held the folder tightly as she turned the knob to open the door. She walked inside the office with her head down and closed the door behind her.

Krysie inhaled deeply and lifted her gaze to face the CEO. She almost loses her strength the moment her eyes landed on the man sitting on the swivel chair with a blank stare. She then looks at the two people sitting on the long sofa and both are wearing a smirk on their faces.

"Hey, princess. Did you missed us?"

Oh, damn...

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Latest Release: Chapter 85 Finale   09-09 15:20
1 Chapter 1 Want 1
3 Chapter 3 Want 3
4 Chapter 4 Want 4
5 Chapter 5 Want 5
6 Chapter 6 The Kiss
7 Chapter 7 Insane
8 Chapter 8 The Kiss
10 Chapter 10 Thunder
11 Chapter 11 Yohan
12 Chapter 12 Don't
13 Chapter 13 The Anklet
15 Chapter 15 His kiss
19 Chapter 19 Sister
20 Chapter 20 Yohan
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