What happens when Emma discovers that her best friends/crushes are dominants and pushes them to accept her as a submissive? Will she be able to be with them in the way she desires in the end, or will this merely complicate matters further? There's only one way to find out!!!
"What are you guys doing?" I ask the two dirty blondes who sit on the couch next to me. "we're watching a sex movie" Ace Answers
"You guys are always watching sex movies"
"Got a problem with it, Miss Virgin?"
"Nope" I hid my blush and attempted to get up from between them, but Clay pulled me back down.
"Relax Emma, it's just a BDSM movie with a few sex scenes, nothing to hurt your innocent eyes." I huffed, turning to look at the television.
"Could you guys turn this off?" I ask my lovely best friends as the show reaches its third sex scene.
Ace chuckles "what is it, turning you on or something? Are you seriously t-" he went silent after that and my eyes found his silver blue ones, only to see him looking at my nipples.
"The scenes are fresh. I kinda like this BWSM thing. "
Heat rises to my face when they both start laughing. "Listen, it's completely normal to get turned on by a sex scene," I defend myself
"It's not that em, it's called BDSM, not BWSM," Ace says
And they both started laughing again.
Knowing how they are, I ignored them and focused on the movie in front of me.
When they wouldn't stop laughing, I push both of them, "you guys are so annoying"
"Isn't that why you love us, princess?" I rolled my eyes but didn't say it was true.
The laughter died down, and we were all quietly watching the movie. Until today, I didn't know that such a relationship existed.
I was intrigued and had so many questions, but those will have to wait. I'm gonna ask Clay about the current scene. He must know about these things and besides, he wouldn't tease me as much as Ace would.
"Are there other tools used to punish or just those?"
The submissive was being punished for not following rules.
He looks at me strangely before answering my question. "No, there are others. Would you like to see some?" I nod eagerly and he pulls me up with him, dragging me to a part of their house I've never been to before.
We stop at this door, and he punches in a code. It opens and I gasp as I enter the room. They have a whole BDSM room.
There's a bed in the middle and some shelves with all kinds of BDSM stuff.
He takes me over to a section. "omg clay, is that the same nipple clam from the movie?" I ask as I take it up.
I put it back down when I noticed something: "Are you, you guys a dominance?"
"It's dominant, and, uh, yes, we are."
"How come you guys never told me?"
"never came up."
"Ya right, you know, I thought you guys were my best friends."
"What do you mean? Of course, we are," he says, hugging me. I rest
my head on his chest, enjoying his body heat.
"I can't believe you guys never kept this from me"
"Emma, we didn't know how you'd react, plus we've only been doing this for a while now. "
"How I'd react: just wow"
"Emma, just forget about it," he says, kissing my cheeks.
"Right, I should just fucking forget."
"Your words, princess, your words."
His entire demeanor changed and took on a more dominant one, one that has me apologizing in seconds. He hates it when I use curse words, and I kind of find it funny because they use it all the time.
"It's fine. Just watch your language when you are upset. "
I stopped midway "Oh, wait, clay be my dominance"
"It's dominant and no, are you crazy?" He pulls away to look at my face. His mesmerizing blue eyes searched my gray ones for what I don't know.
"Listen, it doesn't have to be sexual like what I saw in the movie. I'm really into this thing, and what better way than to have my own best friends to teach me what's wrong and right makes me better."
I tried to persuade him to please discipline me and make me better, knowing how bad I can be at times
I never had that. There were no parents to tell me, "Honey, you can't do this or you can't do that" and no one to scold me. I raised myself. But that's a story for another time.
"There's more to it than what you think."
"Come on, Clay, you both have the potential to be my dominants"
"Please," I say, kissing him on his cheek.
"Okay fine," he huffs grabbing my hands
"Let's go talk to Ace about this," he said, and I hugged him and ran out of the room excitedly.
"She can't be serious," Ace says once we finish telling him everything.
"She is"
He turns to me. "Okay then, em, if that's what you want, but"
"Shh," I say, putting my fingers over his lips.
"Thank you, thank you."
"Ace, how come you guys didn't tell me about being doms?" I ask, removing his hands.
"We didn't know how to tell you, Em, and so we tried to show you signs. It's not our fault that you're so slow that it took Clay taking you to the playroom for you to figure it out."
My mouth hung open at what he just said
"What the fuck, Ace? Why'd you have to say it like that? You know, I wasn't able to go to school as much as y'all did. "
"He wasn't saying it to hurt you." Clay joins in.
"Why the fuck do you always take up for him?"
"Don't act like I don't take care of you, too ."
"Maybe she needs this after all. She has a filthy mouth," Ace says, and I use my tongue to lick his left cheek before kissing it.
I smiled when he didn't wipe it off. "My mouth is so shitty, yet you won't wipe your cheek." He rolls his eyes. "You know, that's not what I meant."
"I'm slow, remember?"
"right Clay?"
"Princess, I'm gonna go look for something to eat. I can't stay here watching you guys fight. I'm sure Ace will tell you everything you need to know and let you sign the contract."
Clay says, and I open my mouth wide. "You're not hungry, you just don't want to take up for me," he laughs. "No, I'm genuinely hungry." I roll my eyes and he leaves.
"Who knew such a sweet little princess like you would be interested in something like this?" Ace says, mocking Clay's voice because that's what Clay calls me."
"Ace, are you trying to make me feel bad right now?"
"Emma, take it easy. I'm just messing with you," he says, rubbing my cheek. Whenever he touches me, it sends shivers down my spine. Now if you're wondering why just a touch from my best friend has such an effect, it's because I have feelings for him.
"Give me a second," he says, getting up. A few minutes later, he returns with papers. He handed them to me and I looked through them.
"Great," I say, now finished."
"memorize those rules and know everything that you're supposed to. Is there anything you would like to take off the paper?"
"I don't have a problem with any of the things on there," I say truthfully.
"Alright then, would you like to go to the playroom to pick out which tools you want to be punished with and pleased with?"
"Sure, but what do you mean by pleased?" he laughs.
"on second thought, let's just look at the tools used for punishment."
"How about only the whip?" He chuckles.
"OK, fine," he said teasingly.
"On second thought, you guys can use anything," he smiles. "There's one more thing."
"What's that?"
"For everything to work, you'll have to live with us."
"I practically live here," I laugh.
"True. Why did we even buy you that house again?"
I pull his head down and give him a little kiss on the cheeks.
"Emma Lynn, why do you always kiss my cheeks?" I smile, knowing that he likes it. The same way I enjoy it when he teases me.
"Here," Ace says, giving me a pen, and I sign the paper, handing him the papers back.
It's official now: they're my dominants now.
"Good morning guys," I say as I enter the kitchen. "Good morning," Clay says, handing me an egg sandwich and some chocolate tea.
"Thank you, sir," I say, but it sounds so strange.
"Good morning, Ace," he doesn't respond, so I take my seat and begin eating my breakfast.
"Can I go to the mall today?" I ask them.
"I see you're learning to ask for permission already?" Ace says, in a mocking tone.
"Stop teasing her, before she turns bad,"
"she's already bad,"
"You're right," Clay agrees with him and I pout
"Guys, I'm not bad"
Ace chuckles. "You can go to the mall, Emma, but you have to be back before 12."
"Thanks, Sir," I say, getting up and him
"Oh, here's my card, use it." Clay hands me his card but I refused it
"no, I can't,"
"You don't have a choice," he says, leaving no room for an argument
"you're our responsibility. We'll take care of you, okay? "
"Okay, thanks masters," I say, giving them a hug
I made my way to my room and grabbed my purse before heading out
"I'm home guys," I say as I enter the house. Hearing no reply, I put my stuff in my room and make my way to the living room.
They should be there. "I'm back guys, wanna see what I bought?" I'm so excited I've got so much cool stuff
"Sure," they both say, taking me by surprise.
We walk back to my room and I throw everything I bought in the middle of my bed for them to see.
After a while of looking through my stuff, Clay picked out a dress I bought and told me to try it on.
I headed into my closet to change into the short red dress. I then walked out, giving them a spin so they could see it fully. "it looks good on you. There's a party that we're going to next week. You should wear that"
Wait, they're taking me to a party? They know I hate going to parties
I say nothing and begin removing everything from the bed. I throw them in the closet and change out of the red dress and into an oversized shirt that they got me last year. Then make my way back to them.
"sup guys," I say, jumping on the bed and landing in the middle of them."
"The Sky" I laugh at Clay. He's so lame.
"This room is like an oven in here," Ace says, taking off his shirt. I bit my bottom lip as he did. I wish I could run my hand over his hard chest and lick his abs with my tongue. Oh my, I should stop thinking about doing those things to him. He's my best friend. He looks at me, amused. I blushed and turned to the side, only to be met with clay's blue eyes. My face is in the pillar now. I can't believe I was caught checking out my best friend.
I feel the bed dip.
"Emma!" Ace calls as he pulls me away from the pillow in a way that we're both on our knees.
I avoided eye contact with him. "do it," he orders, putting my hands on his chest.
"What?" I ask, confused.
"You were, uh, saying what you wanted to do to me out loud.," I blush.
Embarrassed that I said all that out loud
"do it, Emma, don't be shy,"
"Are you sure?" I ask skeptically
"Why not?"
Taking a deep breath, I trail my fingers across his chest. He felt so hard under my touch. I wanna lick them; I wanna lick his abs.
My tongue exits my mouth and I lick the muscles of his chest. When I noticed the change in his breathing. I stop and look up at him, his gray eyes looking at me with a look I've never seen before.
Movement on the bed from the other side of the bed reminds me that clay is there.
They've never made me feel left out before, only for not telling me about being doms and I find Clay very attractive as well.
I crawl over to him, lift his shirt and start licking his hard abs, after which I ran my hands over his chest.
He got on his knees and before I knew it; he was sucking on my neck. A soft sound escapes my mouth as he continues to suck my neck. Soon after, I feel Ace behind me, his hands making their way to my boobs, messaging one while playing with the nipple of the other through my clothes.
My entire body felt on fire. I've never had this done to me before. Just as things were about to escalate, a phone started ringing. My phone
"Can I answer this?" I ask them.
Clay nods and I take the call
"Hello, who's this?" I question the caller since it says the number is unknown. I quickly ended the call once I heard the voice of the caller.
"Who was it?" Ace asks, putting his shirt back on, "just a random person," I lied
"What did they want?"
"They had the wrong number. ,"
We stayed in a comfortable silence as they both stare at me
"What guys?" I asked when I couldn't take it anymore. Clay rubs his thumb over my flushed cheeks. "It's nothing, princess. Should we go get some lunch? What would you like?"
"ice cream" they both laugh
"I knew you'd say that,"
"What do you mean, you knew I'd say that?" I pretend to be offended. That's all I eat.
" Emma,?"
"Yes, Sir"
"From now on you're gonna have to cut back on the Ice cream and eat more healthy food." I cringe at what Ace just said.
Luckily, we were walking to the kitchen, and they were behind me. They couldn't see my face.
Once we entered the kitchen, they went into the fridge, looking for something to prepare. I took my seat around the island. "Ew healthy food," I say when I noticed they were making a salad
Ace turns to look at me and I backtrack, "I mean, yay healthy food"
"It doesn't matter if you like healthy food or not princess, you're gonna eat it"
Oh boy, why did I become their submissive?
What happens when Emma discovers that her best friends/crushes dominants. pushes them to accept her as a submissive? Will she be able to be with them in the way she desires in the end, or will this merely complicate matters further?
"Tylor, this is wrong, we shouldn’t be” I moaned in ecstasy, my hands clawing at his back. As he slammed his cock into me repeatedly. “The Elders aren’t here right now, are they?, let’s enjoy the pleasure while we can” It was in the middle of the night when innocent Skai decided enough was enough. Skai’s father had been abusing her ever since her mom left 4 years ago.. He blamed her for it, despised the very sight of his own child, and would never miss an opportunity to inflict pain upon her. Little did Skai know that they’re things lurking in the shadows. Waiting for the right moment to strike Things that could do far more damage than her father Tylor, a 200-year-old Hybrid king, cursed to live a miserable, filled life, void of love or compassion When Skai ends up finding herself in the possession of such a man. Their attraction grew instantly, and they both craved each other. Yet Skai is human, and he’s a Hybrid A relationship that shouldn’t be and could lead to death. Will they be able to deny the forbidden desires? Or given into the temptation and face the consequences later?. Read on to find out!
What happens when a hook-up gets complicated by a baby? Can she hide the secret from him? Or will he show her how possessive he can be when he learns she's carrying his child? "Seven years ago, I had a one-night stand with my brother's best friend, who also happened to be my lifelong crush. The next day, he vanished leaving me pregnant. Now, I am a single mom raising our son in the same small town. Recently, he returned to attend my brother's wedding and the truth about our son was finally revealed. As he reclaims his place in our lives, the sparks between us reignite. However, danger from his past threatens to shatter our newfound connection. I am torn between my love for him and my fear of getting hurt again, especially now that I have two hearts to protect - our son's and my own."
For ten years, Daniela showered her ex-husband with unwavering devotion, only to discover she was just his biggest joke. Feeling humiliated yet determined, she finally divorced him. Three months later, Daniela returned in grand style. She was now the hidden CEO of a leading brand, a sought-after designer, and a wealthy mining mogul—her success unveiled at her triumphant comeback. Her ex-husband’s entire family rushed over, desperate to beg for forgiveness and plead for another chance. Yet Daniela, now cherished by the famed Mr. Phillips, regarded them with icy disdain. "I’m out of your league."
She thought she was the love of his life, and he became the love of her life that fateful day she had seen him at the pack's party. Selene Grace was only a replica of Alpha Leo's real mate, and when he spotted her, Leo immediately claimed her as his Luna in order to suppress the rumors of him being mateless. Being unable to conceive turns Selene's marriage into a nightmare, and as if that wasn't enough, Alpha Leo finally reunites with his long time lover and mate, rejecting a pregnant Selene as a result. 5 years later, Selene, a now successful doctor, receives an invitation to the moon shadow pack in order to rid the pack of a deadly disease which has struck it. Will Selene return back to the pack which had caused her so much pain, and what would she do when she realizes that she is mated to the Alpha who had betrayed her in the past?
After three loveless years, Neil's betrayal deeply wounded Katelyn. She wasted no time in getting rid of that scoundrel! After the divorce, she devoted herself to career pursuits. Rising to prominence as a top designer, skilled doctor, and brilliant hacker, she became a revered icon. Neil, realizing his grave mistake, tried in vain to win her back, only to witness her magnificent wedding to another. As their vows were broadcast on the world's largest billboard, Vincent slid a ring onto Katelyn's finger and declared, "Katelyn is now my wife, a priceless treasure. Let all who covet her beware!"
On the day of their wedding anniversary, Joshua's mistress drugged Alicia, and she ended up in a stranger's bed. In one night, Alicia lost her innocence, while Joshua's mistress carried his child in her womb. Heartbroken and humiliated, Alicia demanded a divorce, but Joshua saw it as yet another tantrum. When they finally parted ways, she went on to become a renowned artist, sought out and admired by everyone. Consumed by regret, Joshua darkened her doorstep in hopes of reconciliation, only to find her in the arms of a powerful tycoon. "Say hello to your sister-in-law."
Due to the plight of her family, Phoebe had no choice but to embark on the path of selling herself. In an accident, she had a tangled night with Alexander. Everything began to derail, and even if she fled to the ends of the earth, she would still be found by him and entangled... *** Phoebe screamed in frustration, "What do you want from me?" What was this supposed to be? He raised an eyebrow wickedly. "What do I want? You'll find out soon enough." With that, he hoisted her up and carried her back into the office. The door slammed shut with a kick, and he cleared the desk with a sweep of his arm before laying her down on it, his body pinning hers in place, completely trapping her in his grasp. Every cell in his body was telling him he wanted her. He wanted to claim her again. This time, there would be no escape for her-he wouldn't let her slip away. Never again. If he had suffered for five years, then this woman wouldn't get off easily either!