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Apocalypse: Chasing Dawn

Apocalypse: Chasing Dawn

11 Chapters
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The extremely dark future of humanity is pushed to the brink of destruction because of a zombie pandemic spreading across the globe at breakneck speed. Sunny witnessed all her loved ones die in front of her, and at the same time suffered a terrifying hunt from the person she once thought was a benefactor. The moment Diggory was about to touch the poor girl's soul, Sunny's prayer was heard by the creator. The energy in the young girl has the opportunity to explode strongly, pulling her back to the past to correct her mistakes, and to free the dark future that humanity is suffering.

Chapter 1 The Beginning of the End

Sunny immediately knelt on the ground as soon as the sharp knife cut her mother's throat, blood from the wound on her neck spewed out, splashing everywhere on the young girl's face. Her eyes widened with despair and excruciating pain, and the vocal cords in her throat stiffened, twisting together so that she could not utter a cry of grief that pierced the sky.

He let go of his arm, letting go of the cold body in his lap, letting her mother fall to the ground emotionally. Sunny did her best, using her knees to trudge across the hard rock to reach her mother.

The dull pain transmitted when the soft flesh was scratched by the friction caused the blood to leak out little by little, this physical pain could not be compared with the extreme pain that was frantically exploding in Sunny's heart.

I don't know when Sunny's face was covered with tears, her trembling hands reached out to touch her mother. The small hand tried to hold the wound tightly so that the blood would not flow out, white rays of light flashed through the girl's hand, closing the mouth of the wound.

But even if she managed to stop bleeding, what she did was useless. Her mother had died early, her eyes could not be closed as she stared up at the gray ceiling.

"Mommy!" Sunny choked to call her mother, the pitiful cry made the hearts of the listeners confused.

On the other hand, mommy could not answer her, her mother could not open her arms to hug Sunny to comfort her.

Sunny's tears fell on her mother's face, Sunny held her mother's upper body and hugged her mother tightly. She pressed her face to her mother's forehead, constantly sobbing.

She kept calling mommy, but no one answered

Negative emotions piled on top of each other, resentment, resentment, pain. Those things blend to form an intense emotion that is difficult to pronounce exactly.

He knelt on one knee in front of her and Sunny's chin by the tip of her mother's blood-sized knife. An evil smile spread across his lips, every word he said rang in the girl's ears very clearly.

"From now on, you don't have to worry anymore, you can love me wholeheartedly."

Yes, now Sunny has nothing left.

Her father died on the battlefield with her brother, and her mother's cold body was in Sunny's lap. No one in the Walton family survived, she was the only one left.

They all died in his hands! The one who had gone crazy to the extreme destroyed the world and then hunted her with a terrifying obsession.

Sunny looked at him with the eyes of a hater, even if it meant risking her life, she still wanted to drag him down to hell. But the difference between the two's abilities was enormous, before she could kill him, she was already controlled by him.

The only thing he wants now, maybe, is Sunny!

Thinking that made Sunny smile faintly, she looked at the blade close to her face and then without hesitation pushed her head forward in his surprise. The knife quickly pierced deep into her veins, causing pain beyond Sunny's tolerance.

The girl's consciousness gradually sank into the endless night, his voice still ringing in her ears: "No, no, no..."

"Use your healing power, hurry!" He ordered her in desperation.

But Sunny did not intend to listen to him, her heavy eyelids slowly are closed. The girl's head fell to take her last breath, still holding her mother's body in her lap.

"No!" The screams that came from the man were horrible.

Now, when he had everything in his hand, at the same time he also lost her. Sunny would rather die with her family than refuse to be with him for a moment.

She is the one who possesses the strongest healing ability in Amory, but she deliberately did not treat the wound on her body. Committed suicide with his sharp knife, causing an obsession for the rest of the bad guy's life.

He removed Sunny's hand from her mother's body, coldly separating the two from each other. Carefully holding Sunny's lifeless body in his cold arms, his eyes filled with madness.

"Do you think you'll get away with me? No, no matter where you live, you won't be able to escape."

What he said was the truth and also the only attachment in his heart.

After Sunny died, the soul did not reunite with her loved ones according to her wishes of the girl. She was left stranded in the world and tied to the man who killed her entire family.

Despite her best efforts to free herself from this bondage, Sunny still could not find a way. She had to helplessly follow him, witnessing with his own eyes the hysteria that had reached its climax.

The fact that Sunny is no longer alive in the world does not stop him from hoping to find a way to partially satisfy his desire to possess Sunny.

The poor girl he targeted was Amanda, Sunny's cousin. Amanda looks a lot like Sunny, and she also had the same healing power as her. Their mother were twin sisters, so, understandably, they look alike.

The relationship between Sunny and her cousin is very good, extremely close to each other. So when she heard that Sunny was dead, Amanda immediately investigated who was behind this and took revenge.

On their first encounter, he saw Sunny's figure through Amanda's face. Even his outspoken personality had a few traits reminiscent of the girl he had become attached to.

So the wicked man quickly locked the target, chasing Amanda to capture the girl. In the end, he still trampled on justice, when his hands were covered with innocent blood and no one could defeat him.

When he held the lives of Amanda and the others, Sunny's soul was once again extremely desperate. Seeing her sister being strangled to death by him and slaughtering all the defenders of Amanda, Sunny burst into tears.

What about him?

A delighted smile bloomed on his lips like a bright sunflower welcoming the sun. At the moment Amanda died, he saw Sunny's soul collapse beside her sister.

"Sunny, why are you crying?" His hand reached out into the empty air as if to touch her. But Sunny was always afraid to dodge, letting his hand drop freely.

Suddenly Sunny became aware of something scary. He could see her. Sunny was so panicked that she forgot to cry, her eyes wide with fear.

Turns out he always sees her from beginning to end!

He kept the evil smile on his lips, his eyes fixed on the nothingness in front of him

"I told you, you can't escape me!"

Those words echoed deep in Sunny's mind, making her extremely scared, the girl closed her eyes and stretched her arms to cover her head. She didn't want to see him for another second, the time she had spent in capacity with him was more than enough.

Just when he was about to move towards Sunny, an invisible force pulled her behind, away from his evil hand. He widened his eyes filled with anger as he watched Sunny's soul fade away before he could even touch her, once again the pain in his heart rolled over like a raging wave.


His roar of anger made Sunny's heart tremble, and it was the last thing she heard amid this hazy reality.

Although it was very scary because she was suddenly pulled away by a mysterious force, Sunny also secretly thanked it. Even if the soul disappears, she still accepts it, rather than being next to that perverted man.

Sunny's eyes were covered with a thick black mist, unable to see or hear anything else. That power continued to drag her soul through a chaotic space tunnel with no end in sight.

This speed is completely comparable to the speed of the light.

Yet she did not feel any pressure on her already withered soul. In a few seconds of being pulled back, the images of the past were reproduced in Sunny's head.

Her family is still intact, no one is left in that beautiful memory.

Unbelievably complete happiness.

Tears of pain fell softly and her last wish was said like that: "Please let me see them again."

Reuniting with the family that loved her wholeheartedly but unfortunately left before she had time to hold on. And the creator heard Sunny's earnest prayer and made that wish come true.

The space tunnel came to an end, roughly throwing Sunny into a blinding pure light. Give her a chance to start it all over again, so Sunny can do what she's been asking for.

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