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When Two Wolves Collide

When Two Wolves Collide

60 Chapters
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When Tiffanye Rebel and her mate Quinton McKnight rejected each other, Tiffanye left her pack, never to return. Five years have passed, and Tiffanye had returned to the same place that brought her nothing but pain and misery. As time goes on, all the bad memories begin to surface. There are secrets to be revealed, Will Tiffanye ever get past all the lies and betrayal, or will these unfortunate events finally break her?

Chapter 1 Prologue

"I had fun tonight, and we made a lot of money; I cannot wait to do this again tomorrow night."

"Ok chill Tanina, before you wake up the whole werewolf community with your mouth."

"Oh hush Shaughnessy, you know I'm telling the truth."

"I agree Tanina, but I'm still telling the truth about your loudmouth."

"I second that."

"Tiffanye, you up?" Tanina ask.

"Of course, how can I get some sleep with you two talking so loud?"

"Whatever Tiffanye, we just happy to have money in our pockets. Thanks to you for putting a word in for us down at Jax club."

Chill Tanina, nobody likes a kick-ass, anyway remember, do not tell anyone about this. Because if word gets out that Jax is having underage girls dancing in his club, all hell will break loose, especially if Alpha gets involved."

"Do not worry Tiffanye, our secret is safe; no one will ever know," Shaughnessy said.

Tanina nodded while driving; soon after, Tanina came to a complete stop in front of my house. "here you go, home sweet home Tiffanye" Shaughnessy said.

I reply, "What so sweet about it? my parents ignore me as much as they can, Sunshyne is self-center, Emiliano does his own thing, and Journee is the only one who cares to be around me."

Tanina spoke, "Don't worry Tiffanye, things will get better soon, pray to the moon goddess."

"Will do, don't worry, I feel that things will change in due time. Anyway, you two need to hurry up and head on home before we get busted. Also, remember to put the Alpha car back in the same spot, don't forget what happened last time we took it out for a joyride."

"Don't remind me if we do get caught; I hope it is by Roderick. All I have to do is charm him, and we are off the hook," Tanina replied.

I sighed. "You know that Roderick left for the Alpha academy last week?"

"Oh shit, I forgot," Tanina stated.

"How could you forget? Remember the Alpha threw him a going-away party," Shaughnessy utter.

"Well, sue me for forgetting; there's a lot on my mind," Tanina said.

"Yeah, trying to find ways to seduce him," I said; we all chuckled.

"Anyway, hurry up and head home; you two did remember to mask your scent? I ask, looking at both of them.

"Of course, Tiff, we would never forget, especially that punishment the Alpha had given us when we took his car the last time. Every time I think of that still can feel my legs shaking from all that torture," Tanina said.

"Agree," Tiffanye and Shaughnessy said in unison.

I spoke, "Ok, it's getting late, I'll talk to you two tomorrow."

"OK, good Tiff," Tanina said as she drove the car and took off.

As soon as the car was out of my view, I hurried up and headed to my back yard so I could seek in the back door; I knew that Journee had kept the door unlocked, and she always does, you got to love baby sister for that; also, I give Journee two hundred dollars. That makes her happy because she gets to buy all that girly stuff she likes. Just when I was about to open the door, suddenly, the September breeze had hit me, I was able to catch a scent of lemon and peppermints that had my Jezebelle jumping up and down in my head; soon enough, she had me following the smell.

As I was walking, I realized that I was heading up the hill about 150 yards from my house. When I reached the top, a tall figure had his back turned to me. I believe that he picks up my scent cause the person immediately turns to face me. A man stood about 6'4 long black hair medium built from what I can see. With the bright light coming from one of the poles close by, I know he was brown completion. As we stood there facing each other, I felt myself getting caught up in his eyes, but I had to stop myself. Before I knew it, my wolf Jezebelle screamed in my head, "Mate".

I was so in shock that I found my mate, but also I don't know how to feel at the same time. People always told me when you find your mate, you would feel over joy, and wanted to mate right away. I never brought into that mess, that was just words coming from a bunch of horny she-wolves who would fuck anything that move. I was right, standing there facing the man, I can feel the mate pull, but I do not feel excited, I want to feel that bond in my heart. Deep down I'm not ready to be mated at all.

"So, you are my mate?" the man said.

"I believe I'm am" I replied.

The man responds "What's your name?"

"Tiffanye Rebel, you?"

"Quinton Knight"

I sighed "Nice to meet you Quinton".

"Same here, I have something I need to tell you" Quinton said.

"Ok, you have my full attention speak away" I told him.

"Ok, here it goes, I know that the moon goddess, had place us together, but I'm ---

I cut him off You're not looking for a mate?""

""Yes, how did you know?"" Quinton ask.

""Because I feel the same way too, Idon't have the time to be settling down right now. so there no need for us to get to know each other,let's do what we have to do, and get it over with."" I stated.

When those words left my mouth, I could hear Jezebelle growling, and whimpering at the same time. she wants to be with her mate, I know that its going to hurt to do this to her. When I look at Quinton I can see that he was having a conversation with his wolf too. In minutes Quinton eyes became normal.

""So mate,I'm surprise that you are handling this situation quite well"" Quinton stated.

I retorted ""What you thought, I was going some dimsel in distress, that going to cry over you? Idon't think so, I have my dignity"".

Quinton uttered ""Very well, thenI'll be the one to reject you>""

I said ""What makes you think that you should be the one to do it. why can I do it?""

""Because I said it first"" Quinton stated.

""You did not I cut you off, and finished the sentence for you. So I should be the one to say it"".

""That's not going to happen mate" Quintion stated.

"Sounds like a challenge; let me tell you now, that you are not going to win," I said, folding my arms.

"You wanna bet? I'm starting right now."

"I Quinton Clyde Mc Knight"

"I Tiffanye Bonnie Rebel"

"Reject you as my mate," both said in unison.

After everything was said, the ground began shaking as lighting struck down between Quinton and me. I feel that we had just upset the moon goddess in my heart, and she is pissed off right now. Before one of us could do anything, Quinton and I were lifted from off the ground, and we were about 10 feet in the air. We both headed towards each other immediately; we collided with electric shock; suddenly, we got thrown back from the area we came from. I crashed onto a tree with my back, and I felt the pain right away, that I wanted to scream. All I could see was that my vision was getting blurry until darkness took over.

When I woke up, I saw that it was light out, the sun was beaming in my eyes that I had to close them again. I turned my head to the slide and opened them up again; it was much better this time. When I tried to get up, I felt a sharp pain in my back that I whimpered slightly. When everything started coming back to me from last night, I remember that Quinton and I had rejected each other, then we collided. I felt Jezebelle whimpering before she went to the back of my mind I felt bad for what I did to her, because all she wanted was to be with her mate, and I took that happiness away from her, and now she is hurt by my own actions, all I can do is to tell her how sorry I'm am.

"Jezebelle, I know you can hear me, I'm sorry for what I'm putting you through. I hope that you can understand, my reasons for doing this. The emotional pain that we had endure for so many years from our parents makes it had for me to open my heart to any one especially our mate. I know that you are upset with me right now. I hope that one day that you will find it in your heart to forgive me" I cut off the communication, I knew that Jezebelle will need some time to herself. I started getting up soon enough the pain gotten worst from my back, but I was able to stand. I started walking towards the direction of my house, before I walked further on, I turn to take one last look at the hill. I said to myself "I know that I did the right thing." I turn back around, and continue walking.


The sound of my phone had awoken me from my peaceful sleep. I rolled over reached my hand out, and grab my phone, once I had it in my hand, I open my eyes to see that it was Journee calling me, I immediately pick up the phone.

"Hey Journee, what's wrong?"

"Hey sis, nothing wrong, I got some excited news, I found my mate Tiff."

"Ok Journee, you don't have to scream in my ear."

"Sorry Tiff, I'm just so excited about finding him, I could not wait to tell you."

"Well Journee, you could had waited, and told me about this later. Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Again I'm sorry Tiffanye, I just wanted you to be the first to know, I'll be having my mate ceremony soon."

"Congrats Journee, I'm proud of you, just let me know when, and I will be there."

"That another reason why I call you, I need for you to help me plan my ceremony."

"Journee, I don't know nothing about planning ceremonies of any kind, ask mom, or Sunshyne about that."

"Are you crazy Tiffanye? Do you remember the last time those two planned my sweet sixteen birthday? They made it all about them, you know that for so long mom, always feek that she had to out do the Luna. So no I will not be asking them, so please Tiffanye."

"I just cannot say no to you Journee, sure why not."

"Thanks big sis, my ceremony is in one month from now, so I need you to come back home, and stay we have a lot to do."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Journee, you know how things are there between our parents, and me."

"I know Tiff, I want you here, it's been 5 years, and I miss my big sis."

The minute Journee, get this way I can picture her doing those sad puppy eyes, which always get to me no matter what.

"Ok Journee, I will come, and stay you can take the sad puppy eyes off your face now."

"How did you know Tiff?"

"Because we are sisters, when you feel that you don't get your way, you put those puppy dog eyes on."

"You got me Tiff, Journee chuckle."

"I got to go now, I have to get ready for school, I see you soon love you Tiff."

"Love you too baby sis" the call ended, I place my phone back on the nightstand. I look at my clock to see that it was 6am. It was no point of me going back to bed, so I got up headed to my closet, and pull out my black sports bra, and panties, a pair of blue jeans, with a red crop top. I headed to the bathroom, and close the door, once in I open the bottom cabin from the sink, and reach for my brown sugar, and vanilla body wash, and a wash cloth. I went to turn my shower on, adjusted my water to warm, then I step in as soon as the water hit my body, I felt relax then I started washing up my body. I was thinking about how my day is going to begin.

I got out of the shower, I begin to dry myself, and I brush my teeth, from there I put my long light brown hair into a ponytail. Than I put my clothes on, when I finish I open the door, come out the bathroom place my dirty clothes in the hamper. I looked back at my bed, and saw that no good for nothing free loader boyfriend of mine Jerome is still asleep. The reason why I call him that is because it was true, at the beginning he was sweet, and charming but once he sweet talk me into letting him move in with me, that when I started to see the real him.

When Jerome move in he had a job, it wasn't until two months later that he had lost it. He told me that they laid him off due to bad economy, what kind of fool he take me for? He was a sale associate at a phone store. Little did he knew, that I knew the store manager there, I call the manager, and he told me that the reason that Jerome was let go because of two sexual harassment complains, and also he gave away three expensive phones to some ladies for free, the mess up part is that I was not one of those girls. It's all cool, another reason is that he a cheaper, my neighbor Lexi, tells me that when I leave everyday, he always bring multiple women to my home, I did not need her to tell me that because that is one the perks of being a wolf I can smell out the multiple women he brings in, even when he tries to cover it up. what you except from a human. I had no desire of falling in love, I just needed this jerk to relieve my sexual stress, that was building up in me. Now that I'm back to normal, I don't need him anymore, I lost interest. You would had thought that he had token the hid, because we have not had sex in two months. Today is the day that everything will change, his meal ticket is ending. Once he leaves out, and do whatever he do, I arrange for Lexi to come in my apartment, and put all his stuff out, and have the locks change immediately, the joke is on him.

I took one last look, at this scum, and grab my book bag, purse, and car keys, headed on out the door. In the hallway I close the door, and locked it. Soon, I was about to leave when I heard the door open, and soon Lexi came out.

"Hey Tiff, how are you?"

""Good, how about you?"

"You knw, the same is everything set for today?" Lexi ask.

"Absolutely Lexi, I already have his suticases pack up, once you go in and look to the far side to your right, and you will see three suitcases that's all his stuff."

"Ok Tiff, that all I needed to know, I will text you when everything done."

"Thanks Lexi, don't worry I will pay you later."

Don't worry Tiff, it's just a sister looking out for a sister."

" I appreciate it, I got to get going now talk to you later."

Lexi gave me a nod, and I headed to the elevator, since my apartment is on the third floor. One thing that I can say about Lexi is that she is a true friend. It was a week after I rejected my mate Quinton, that I decided to leave home, I got tired of feeling unwanted so, I grab my things, and left. When I got into town, that when I discover I was in human town, the first thing that I notice was a diner, so I went in, and took a seat at a table. There is when I met Lexi who was a waitress she took my order, when she came back with my food placing it on the table, and she walk off. I begin to eat, and was thinking about my next move, soon as I was finished Lexi came over to retrieve my plate. Before she could walk off again, she begin to say "Hello, you seem that you are far away from home, are you in trouble?"

" No, I just ran away from home, that's all"

"I can tell cause we don't get many runaways here, but hey we are consider a small town."

"Then I should have no problem adjusting here".

"Exactly, my name is Lexi" she said extend out her hand.

"Tiffanye" I stated shaking her hand.

"Tiffanye, you look a little young, how old are you?"

"I'm sixteen, I'll be turning seventeen soon"

"Wow, I would had never guess it, anyway I'm eighteen."

"Cool, so Lexi I wonder can you tell me, where I can find a motel around here, so I can get settle in for tonight?"

"Nonsense, you can stay with me." Lexi said.

"I appreciate that Lexi, but I don't want to be a burden. But most of all you don't know me like that."

"It's not a problem Tiffanye, anyway you are not the only one who ran away from something, or somebody. I ran away too, coming from a broken home of mental and emotional abuse from my family, so I can relate to you."

" I accept your offer Lexi, if you are sure I want be a burden to you?"

"Of course you want Tiffanye, before we do anything are you sure that no one looking for you?"

"Well if you consider both parents that ignore me, a self-center sister, a brother who does his own thing, and my younger sister will wonder why I left, other than that no. But I will call my sister Journee up to let her know that I'm safe so she will no longer worry."

"Ok, than you all set, come on let me show you my place." Lexi said grabbing one of my bags, and I got up, and follow her. After that day, my life change. I got to know Lexi, from her background, to her goals she have set in life, than I gave her some background about me, except she does not know that I'm a werewolf, even though she human, I can see myself telling her one day, about my kind until then my lips are seal. I made it to the first floor, the elevator door open, and I walk heading out the front door, went over to the parking lot unlock my car door, got in and started my car, and drove off headed to the gym, to do my daily workout.

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Latest Release: Chapter 60 No.60 Epilogue   10-17 13:51
1 Chapter 1 Prologue
2 Chapter 2 No.2
3 Chapter 3 No.3
4 Chapter 4 No.4
5 Chapter 5 No.5
6 Chapter 6 No.6
7 Chapter 7 :
8 Chapter 8 No.8
9 Chapter 9 No.9
10 Chapter 10 :
11 Chapter 11 No.11
12 Chapter 12 No.12
13 Chapter 13 :
14 Chapter 14 No.14
15 Chapter 15 No.15
16 Chapter 16 No.16
17 Chapter 17 No.17
18 Chapter 18 No.18
19 Chapter 19 No.19
20 Chapter 20 No.20
21 Chapter 21 No.21
22 Chapter 22 No.22
23 Chapter 23 No.23
24 Chapter 24 No.24
25 Chapter 25 No.25
26 Chapter 26 No.26
27 Chapter 27 No.27
28 Chapter 28 No.28
29 Chapter 29 No.29
30 Chapter 30 No.30
31 Chapter 31 No.31
32 Chapter 32 No.32
33 Chapter 33 No.33
34 Chapter 34 No.34
35 Chapter 35 No.35
36 Chapter 36 No.36
37 Chapter 37 No.37
38 Chapter 38 No.38
39 Chapter 39 No.39
40 Chapter 40 No.40
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