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Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight

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In ancient times there had been a battle between the power of darkness and the power of white, after a thousand years later a genius child was born who had strength above the average for his age, it turned out that he was a child who was predicted by the world who would destroy the power of darkness once again. On the way, it turned out that the two parents of the child were killed by a messenger from the Sect College who was the sworn enemy of the Sect College where his parents studied martial arts. Let's see the full story

Chapter 1 Origin

Long ago, before the kingdom was founded, the world was filled with chaos and war, fighting skills were very valuable. Two opposing sects, white and black fought non-stop. Finally, the white stream led by the dragon warrior managed to win it, but it was predicted that the black stream would return.

One hundred years later after the great war

In a village a child was born with special abilities because he was bestowed by the sky with a great power that could destroy the power of darkness, the moment he was born, the sky shook with thunderous roars with flashes of light dazzling the eyes.

With the darkness of the night on the full moon dotting the skies of the small town, the child was born.

The child was born to parents who had legendary powers. With his father having his legendary swordsmanship and combined with his mother, he has legendary medical powers as well.

By the time this child was three years old, he was able to lift a stone that was twice the size of the child's body.

Dennis, the child is very smart, for his age because at his age he is already very good at talking and fighting.

"Father, this is father's sword right? I borrowed it," said the little boy to his father.

"Don't, my son, this sword is very dangerous for you," said his father to his son.

"Never mind, honey, let our children play with our heirlooms, because when the time comes, he will have his own," the wife persuaded her husband.

"So you can, huh? Can I borrow the sword?" begged his father.

"I wonder how? But I'm afraid you'll be hurt by your father's heirloom sword, my son," said the father to his beloved son.

"Father!" "Mother!" The sound of her child crying was getting louder and louder so that the glass in their house all shattered and the eardrums of both parents were almost shattered due to the crying of their own child.

If it wasn't for the legendary strength of the two of them, they probably couldn't hear any sound by now because their eardrums had burst.

"My son is still small but already has extraordinary strength, I have to train his strength well and I will invite him to face my teacher so he can be guided properly there," he said to himself.

"Husband, why are you just daydreaming? What are you thinking right now?" asked his wife confused because it was not as usual for her to see her husband daydreaming like that.

"I'm thinking about the strength of our child, if he is not guided properly. Afraid that his power will be used for evil things," said her husband explaining what he was thinking.

"Hem, so that's what you think, dear, I understand the burden of your thoughts, but I'm sure that you can guide our child to become an enforcer of justice like you, dear," said his wife seductively.

"Hurry up, dear, or our house will be destroyed because of the sound of our child's crying," persuaded his wife so that her husband quickly gave his heirloom sword as a toy for his son.

"Don't cry anymore, dear, here, father, give me the father's heirloom sword, yes, but don't cry again, and quickly wipe your tears," the father persuaded his son so that he would not cry again.

"Yey, thank you, father," replied his son with a big smile.

(Gives up sword)

The forty-year-old man gave his heirloom sword to his three-year-old son.

When the child whined, in the end the father also gave the heirloom sword, with one condition that his son did not use the sword excessively.

When the sword was in his hand, the boy immediately swung the sword, instantly creating a lightning bolt that was so big.

At that moment, suddenly "ssrrak" there was a fallen tree and the fallen tree almost fell on the child.

Immediately his father moved as fast as lightning to protect his son, by hugging his son he protected his son and finally the fallen tree fell on his father's back.

Immediately the wife approached the two and checked the condition of both to check the condition of their bodies.

"Are you all right, dear, my son?" said the wife who was very worried about both of them.

"Mother, I'm fine, maybe dad is a little injured because earlier I saw dad's back was bleeding a little," said the child to his mother.

"Try, you take off your clothes, Cristian," said Minnie firmly because she knew how the character of her husband.

That is the name of the child's parents who are predicted to shake the martial world.

"I'm fine, Minnie! I'm fine, honey!" said Cristian with a serious face.

But not long after, he took off his shirt to show his wife that his back was fine.

"What's fine? There's a lot of wounds on your back, honey," Minnie said worriedly

It didn't take long, Minnie finally took out her medical stance to treat her husband's back. With the regeneration power possessed by his wife, finally the wounds on his back healed immediately.

Finally all the wounds on her husband's back disappeared.

"Dennis, you have to be careful in using your father's sword, because your father's sword is not yet time for you to use," said the father warning his son in using his heirloom sword.

"I'm sorry, father, because I played with father's sword, now father is injured," said his son crying because his father was injured by his behavior.

"Yes, my son, father is okay, but later when you are borrowing father's sword, don't be careless in spending your energy.

"Power? I'm not using my energy at all, dad," Dennis said pitifully.

"Hah? My son Dennis, didn't even use his strength to use my heirloom sword, even though the sword is heavy for my son's age, how can my son hold my sword without using his strength?" he said in his heart.

It is true that the boy's name is Dennis Xian, he is the son of a legendary couple, namely Cristian Wong and Minnie Lie. These two couples came from the same school, the Sun Xuan Sect.

It was from this college that the pair met each other and helped each other in self-defense training. Until finally they got the title of legend because they managed to kill the leader of the forces of darkness who for hundreds of years had ruled the martial world and finally the martial world returned to peace.

But behind all the success of the two of them in destroying the forces of darkness, there were some disciples from the Dong Sheng Sect who envied the success of the Sun Xuan Sect, which had both talented and intelligent disciples.

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Latest Release: Chapter 5 Qirin   08-01 00:23
1 Chapter 1 Origin
3 Chapter 3 Monster
4 Chapter 4 Prediction
5 Chapter 5 Qirin
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