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Fated To Be Queen

Fated To Be Queen

10 Chapters
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A blind Luna? A loved Luna? A hated Luna? The Pregnant Luna? The helpless she-wolf? Pain. Suffering. Sorrow. Anguish. Sarah wasn't just a blind she-wolf, she was more than that. She was supposed to be brave, the Savior of all living things. However, one thing led to another, and Sarah was rendered powerless. A novel about choice, betrayal, love, and weakness-power. Choice? YES. secret? YES. Betrayal?YES. Find out in this norishing novel. Xoxo.

Chapter 1 One

SARAH Waking up, I walked to the bathroom for my bath. After my bath, I walked back to my wardrobe to take out my dress for the day even though I cannot see them. My step mom had picked it out for me. "Sarah, are you going to waste my time today again?!" yelled my stepmom. I quickly brushed my hair and packed it in a bun. I took my walking stick which rested beside the door frame. With this, I walked out. I gently walked down the stairs since I did not have my sight to guard me, I had to use my legs to guard my steps.

After succeeding in descending the stairs, I sense my stepmom standing in front of me by the scent that radiated off her. I followed closely behind my stepmom, she shut the door close before we proceeded to hail a taxi which carried us to our destination. After stepmom paid, we headed towards a place I had no idea of. "You have to be obedient." My stepmother told me. I nodded my head and walked closely behind her. Soon, we reached the place we were headed to. My step mom stood beside me while I could scent two other men in front of me. Although I can't see, I have a really nice nose that helped me sometimes. I inhaled another round of scent, it scented like dozen of people but they weren't in the room. It was just I, my step mom, and the two men. "Mom, why did we leave our territory?" I whispered to my stepmother wondering what was happening. I could also scent that these two men aren't a part of our Park but they are home. Which meant that we have left our territory for another territory, I wondered why my step mom did that. We hardly left our territory for another territory because there was no need. "Take care of her." My step mom uttered. I looked in her direction just because her scent filled rue entire place. "What do you mean, mom?" At this time, my heart beat scaled higher because my stepmom sounded like she is about to leave me in the hands of these men in another pack. The two men in front of me began to move closer to me and I moved backward. "Stepmom, what is going on?" I questioned still moving backward. "Sarah, do you think I have been getting money from trees to take care of you? I need more money and you need to work. This work is not stressful at all, just obey whatever they tell you." My stepmother uttered. I felt her walk away leaving me alone with these two creepy men. "Uhh, she is so pretty. Men are going to love her!" One of the men beamed. I could hear them laugh in amusement which creeped me out. "Do you need a girl like me? I am blind, I will not be good at whatever you want to use me for." I looked in no direction, in particular, hoping they would release me. Perhaps they didn't know I am disabled. "It's fine, the men will control you themselves, all you have to do is stand and look pretty. They won't even know that you are blind. You have such an amazing body figure." Truth be told, Sarah was endowed with a magnificent figure that can make any man's d!ck so hard. "Please..." Sarah put two and one together, she realized that these men are going to use her for dirty work. Fear clouded her heart but she couldn't run as she would never be faster than them. These men are wolves, they are probably seven times stronger than her and she was nothing but a blind wolf. "Just let me go, please," Sarah begged. "No, we already paid your stepmother some money in advance, you have to earn that money and more before we can think of letting you go." The other man with brown hair bellowed. He was the strongest of the duo who stood before Sarah. Before Sarah could say any other thing, the one with green hair had carried her over his shoulder and entered a room. The room looked like a costume room, it had different clothes, a vanity, and ladies in there. "You brought a new girl, Jon?" Elena who looked like the head of the group smirked as Jon laid Sarah on the bench in the room. Sarah looked like a puppet, looking in no place but frightened. "Yes, her stepmother sold her to us. She will be with your group tonight Sarah, I only want the best in front of Alpha Reid. I don't want any mistakes." Jon directed it to Elena who nodded her head. "Fine, I will make sure Alpha Reid is satisfied. After all, I still want my head on my neck." A faint smile appeared on her thin pink lips. She looked in the direction of Sarah. "Why is she looking like that?" Elena noticed that Sarah was looking towards the sky and her eyes were pale silver, a very weird eye color. Jon looked at her. "She is blind and she is new, what do you expect?" "Blind? Are you joking?! What if she messes up?!" Elena snapped. "Can't you see the type of shape she has?! Alpha Reid will be mesmerized by her shape so I don't care if she is blind, her sight is not needed anyway!" Jon barked then walked away. Elena sighed in surrender, she gently looked at Sarah who was still shaking like a jelly fish. "C'mon, I have to dress you up. The first rule to earn money here is to keep your mouth shut and stop acting like a virgin!" Sarah nodded her head. She knew she wasn't in her pack, if she misbehaved she would be killed and no one would know her whereabouts. It was better to obey them, after all, her stepmother had sold her and collected money. These people had right over her.

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Latest Release: Chapter 10 Ten   08-07 19:49
1 Chapter 1 One
2 Chapter 2 Two
3 Chapter 3 Three
4 Chapter 4 Four
5 Chapter 5 Five
6 Chapter 6 Six
7 Chapter 7 Seven
8 Chapter 8 Eight
9 Chapter 9 Nine
10 Chapter 10 Ten
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