English-Esperanto Dictionary by C. F. Hayes
I, mi.
Ibis, ibiso.
Ice, glacio.
Ice, an, glacia?o.
Iceberg, glacierego, glacimonto.
Icicle, pendglacio.
Icelander, Islandano.
Idea, ideo.
Ideal, idealo.
Identical, identa.
Identify, identigi.
Idiocy, idioteco.
Idiom (a peculiar expression), idiotismo.
Idiom (general sense), idiomo.
Idiot, idiotulo.
Idle, senokupa.
Idleness, senokupeco.
Idol, idolo.
Idolatry, idolservado.
Idolize, amegi, adori.
If, se.
Ignis fatuus, erarlumo.
Ignite, ekbruligi.
Ignoble, malnobla.
Ignominy, malnobleco.
Ignorance, nescio.
Ignorant of, to be, nescii.
Ignorant, malklera.
Ignore, neobservi.
Ill, malbono.
Ill, malbone.
Ill, to be, malsani.
Ill-bred, maledukita.
Illegal, malle?a.
Illegible, nelegebla.
Illegitimate, nela?le?a.
Illegitimate, malrajta.
Illiberal, avara.
Illicit, malpermesita.
Illiterate, malklera.
Illness, malsano.
Illogical, mallogika.
Illude, iluzii.
Illuminate, ilumini.
Illumination, iluminado.
Illusion, iluzio.
Illustrate, ilustri.
Illustrated, ilustrita.
Illustration, ilustra?o.
Illustrious, fama.
Image, figuro.
Imaginary, fantazia.
Imagination, fantazio.
Imagine, imagi.
Imbecile, malspritulo.
Imbibe, sorbigi.
Imbue, penetri, inspiri.
Imitate, imiti.
Imitation, imito.
Immaculate, senmakula.
Immaterial, negrava.
Immature, nematura.
Immediate, tuja.
Immediately, tuj.
Immense, vasta.
Immense (size), grandega.
Immerge, trempi.
Immerse, subakvigi.
Immigrate, enmigri.
Immigrant, enmigranto.
Imminent, minaca.
Immobility, senmoveco.
Immoderate, malmodera.
Immodest, nemodesta.
Immolate, oferbu?i.
Immoral, malbonmora.
Immorality, malbonmoreco.
Immortal, senmorta.
Immortality, senmorteco.
Immovable, senmova, nemovebla.
Immutable, ne?an?ebla.
Imp, diableto.
Impair, difekti.
Impart, komuniki, sciigi.
Impartial, senpartia.
Impartiality, senpartieco.
Impatience, malpacienco.
Impatient, malpacienca.
Impassive, kvietega, stoika.
Impeach, kulpigi, denunci.
Impediment, baro.
Impel, anta?en pu?i.
Impend, minaci.
Impenetrable, nepenetrebla.
Imperative, ordona.
Imperfect, neperfekta.
Imperfection, difekta?o.
Imperial, imperia.
Imperishable, nepereema.
Impermeable, nepenetrebla.
Impersonal, nepersona.
Impertinent, malrespekta.
Imperturbable, stoika.
Impetuous, vivega.
Impetus, anta?enpu?o.
Impiety, malpieco.
Impious, malpia.
Implacable, ven?ema.
Implant, enradiki.
Implement, ilo.
Implicate, impliki.
Implied, neesprimita.
Implore, petegi.
Impolite, mal?entila.
Impolitic, nesa?ema.
Import, enporti.
Importance, graveco.
Important, grava.
Importunate, trudema.
Importune, trudi, trudi?i.
Impose (put on), trudi.
Impose on, trompi.
Impossible, neebla.
Impost, imposto.
Impostor, trompanto.
Impotence, neebleco.
Impoverish, malri?igi.
Impracticable, nefarebla.
Impregnable, fortika.
Impress, impresi.
Impress (print), presi.
Impression (printing), presa?o.
Impression, impreso.
Impressionable, impresebla.
Impressive, impresa.
Imprison, malliberigi.
Improbable, never?ajna.
Improper, nedeca.
Impropriety, nedececo.
Impromptu, senprepara.
Improve, plibonigi.
Improvement, plibonigo.
Improvident, malspxarema.
Improvise, improvizi.
Imprudent, nesingardema.
Impudent, senhonta.
Impulse, pu?o.
Impure, malpura.
Impurity, malpureco.
Impute, alkalkuli.
In, en.
In front, anta?e.
In place of, to put, anstata?i.
In that manner, tiamaniere.
Inability, neebleco.
Inaccessible, neatingebla.
Inaccurate, neakurata.
Inaction, senokupo.
Inactive, senokupa.
Inadvertence, malatenteco.
Inane, malplena.
Inanimate, senviva.
Inappreciable, netaksebla.
Inappropriate, nedeca.
In as much as, tial ke.
Inattention, neatenteco.
Inaudible, nea?debla.
Inauspicious, nefavora.
Incalculable, nekalkulebla.
Incapable, nekapabla.
Incapacity, nekapableco.
Incarnate, korpigi.
Incarnation, korpi?o.
Incendiary, brulkrimulo.
Incense, bonodorfumo.
Incense, furiozigi.
Incest, sangadulto.
Incentive, ka?zo.
Inch, colo.
Incident, okaza?o.
Incision, tran?o.
Incite, instigi, inciti.
Inclination, inklino.
Incline, inklini.
Incline (slope), deklivo.
Include, enhavi.
Incoherent, sensenca.
Income, rento.
Incommode, ?eni.
Incomparable, nekomparebla.
Incompatible, nekunigebla.
Incompetent, nekompetenta.
Incomplete, neplena.
Incomprehensible, nekomprenebla.
Inconceivable, neimagebla.
Inconsistent, nekonsekvenca.
Inconsolable, nekonsolebla.
Inconstant, ?an?ema.
Incontestable, nedisputebla.
Inconvenient, maloportuna.
Incorporeal, spirita.
Incorrect, malkorekta.
Incorrigible, plimalobea, nerebonigebla.
Incorrupt, honesta.
Incorruptible, neputrebla.
Incorruption, senputreco.
Increase (grow), kreski?i.
Increase, plimultigi.
Incredible, nekredebla.
Incredulous, nekredema.
Incriminate, kulpigi.
Inculcate, enradiki.
Incurable, neresanigebla.
Indebtedness, ?uldeco.
Indecent, maldeca.
Indecision, nedecideco.
Indeed, do, efektive, ja.
Indefatigable, senlaca.
Indefinite, nedifinita.
Indemnify, kompensi.
Indemnity, kompenso.
Independence, sendependeco.
Independent, sendependa.
Indeterminate, nedifinita.
Index (names), nomaro.
Index, tabelo.
India-rubber, ka??uko.
Indicate, montri.
Indicative (gram.), indikativo.
Indict, kulpigi.
Indifferent, indiferenta.
Indigenous, enlanda.
Indigent, malri?a.
Indigestible, nedigestebla.
Indigestion, malbona digestado.
Indignant, to be, indigni.
Indirect (through an intermediary), pera.
Indirectly (through an intermediary), pere.
Indirect (devious), malrekta.
Indiscreet, maldiskreta.
Indispensable, necesega.
Indisposed (ill), malsaneta.
Indisposition, malsaneto.
Indisputable, nedisputebla.
Indissoluble, nesolvebla.
Indistinct, malklara.
Individual, individuo.
Individual, individua.
Indivisible, nedividebla.
Indolent, senenergia.
Indomitable, nedresebla.
Indorse, dorseskribi.
Indubitable, neduba.
Induce, decidigi, alkonduki.
Indulge, indulgi.
Indulge (one's self), indulgi?i.
Indulgence, indulgo.
Industrious, diligenta.
Industry (business), industrio.
Inebriate, ebrii.
Ineffectual, vana.
Ineligible, neelektebla.
Inert, senmova.
Inertia, inercio.
Inestimable, netaksebla.
Inevitable, neevitebla.
Inexact, mal?usta.
Inexhaustible, nekonsumebla.
Inexpedient, nenecesa, nekonvena.
Inexperience, malsperteco.
Inexplicable, neklarigebla.
Inexpressible, neesprimebla.
Inextricable, nemalplektebla.
Infallible, neerarebla.
Infallibility, neerarebleco.
Infallibly, neerareble.
Infamous, malglora, malfama.
Infamy, malgloro, malfamo.
Infancy, infaneco.
Infant, infaneto.
Infantile, infana.
Infantry, infanterio.
Infatuation, delogiteco.
Infect, infekti.
Infelicity, malfeli?eco.
Infer, impliki.
Inferior, an, subulo.
Inferior, malsupera.
Inferiority, malsupereco.
Infernal, infera.
Infidelity, malfideleco.
Infinite, senlima.
Infinitive (gram.), infinitivo.
Infinity, multego.
Infirm, malforta.
Infirmary, malsanulejo.
Infirmity, malforteco.
Inflame, flamigi.
Inflammable, bruli?ema.
Inflammation, brulumo.
Inflate, ?veligi. [Error in book: sveligi]
Inflect, fleksi.
Inflexible, nefleksebla, rigida.
Inflict, punon doni.
Influence, influi.
Influence, influo.
Influenza, gripo.
Inform, informi.
Inform, sciigi.
Informed, to be, scii?i.
Infrequent, malofta.
Infuze, infuzi.
Ingenious, sagaca.
Ingenuity, lerteco.
Ingenuous, naiva.
Ingot, fanda?o.
Ingratitude, sendankeco.
Ingredient, elementa?o.
Ingress, enigo.
Inhabit, lo?i.
Inhale, enspiri.
Inherit, heredi.
Inheritance, hereda?o.
Inhuman, nehumana.
Iniquity, malboneco, maljusteco.
Initial (letter), ?eflitero.
Initiate, iniciati.
Initiator, iniciatoro.
Inject, en?prucigi.
Injection (medical), klistero.
Injurious, difektiga.
Injury, difekta?o.
Injury (wound), vundo.
Injustice, maljusteco.
Ink, inko.
Inkstand, etc., inkujo.
Inmate, lo?anto.
Inn, gastejo.
Innocence, senkulpeco.
Innocent, senkulpa.
Innumerable, nekalkulebla.
In order to, por.
In order that, por ke.
Inoculate, inokuli.
Inodorous, senodora.
Inoffensive, neofendema.
Inopportune, ne?ustatempa.
Inquest, enketo.
Inquietude, maltrankvileco.
Inquire, demandi.
Inquiry, demando.
Inquisition, inkvizicio.
Inquisitive, sciama.
Inquisitor, inkvizitoro.
Inroad, ekokupo.
Insalubrious, malsaniga.
Insane, freneza.
Insanity, frenezeco.
Insatiable, nesatigebla.
Inscribe, enskribi.
Inscription, surskribo.
Inscrutable, neser?ebla.
Insect, insekto.
Insecure, dan?era.
Insensible, sensenta.
Insert, enmeti.
Insert (print), enpresi.
Insertion, enpresa?o.
Inseparable, sendisi?a.
Inside, interne.
Inside out, returnite.
Insidious, insida.
Insight, elsciado.
Insignificant, sensignifa.
Insincere, nesincera.
Insinuate, proponeti.
Insipid, sengusta.
Insist, insisti.
Insnare, allogi, kapti.
Insobriety, malsobreco.
Insolent, insultema.
Insoluble, nesolvebla.
Insolvent, nepagokapabla.
Insomnia, sendormo.
Insomuch, tial ke.
Inspect, ekzameni.
Inspector, inspektoro.
Inspiration, inspiro.
Inspiration (breath), enspiro.
Inspire, enspiri.
Inspire, inspiri.
Instalment, partpago.
Install, lo?igi.
Instance, ekzemplodoni.
Instance, ekzemplo.
Instant, momento.
Instant, in an, momente.
Instantaneous, subita.
Instead of, anstata?.
Instead of, to put, anstata?i.
Instep, piedartiko.
Instigate, instigi.
Instill, infuzi.
Instinct, instinkto.
Institute, fondi.
Institute, instituto.
Institution, institucio.
Instruct, instrui.
Instruction, instrukcio.
Instruction (teaching), instruado.
Instructive, instrua.
Instructor, instruisto.
Instrument (mus.), muzikilo.
Instrument (wind), blovinstrumento.
Instrument (string), kordinstrumento.
Instrument (tool), ilo.
Insubordination, ribeleto-ado.
Insufferable, nesuferebla.
Insufficient, nesufi?a.
Insular, insula.
Insulate, soligi, izoli.
Insult, insulti.
Insurance, asekuro.
Insure, asekuri.
Insurgent, ribelanto.
Insurrection, ribelo.
Insusceptible, sensentema.
Intact, sendifekta.
Integer, tutcifero.
Integral (math.), integrala.
Integrity, rekteco.
Intellect, inteligenteco.
Intelligence, inteligenteco.
Intelligence (news), sciigo.
Intelligent, inteligenta.
Intemperance, malsobreco.
Intemperate, malsobra.
Intend, intenci.
Intense, ega.
Intensity, egeco.
Intent, celo.
Intention, intenco.
Intentional, intenca.
Inter, enterigi.
Intercalate, intermeti.
Intercede, propeti.
Intercept, interkapti.
Intercession, propeto.
Intercessor, propetulo.
Intercourse, interrilato.
Interdict, malpermesi.
Interest, procento.
Interest, interesi.
Interest one's self in, interesi?i je.
Interesting, interesa.
Interfere, sin intermeti.
Interior, interno.
Interjection, interjekcio.
Interline, interlinii.
Interlocutor, interparolanto.
Interloper, trudulo.
Interlude, interakto.
Intermeddle, enmiksi?i.
Intermediate, intera, intermeza.
Interment, interigo.
Interminable, senfina.
Intermission, intermito.
Intermit, intermiti.
Intermittent, intermita.
Internal, interna.
Internally, interne.
International, internacia.
Internationalist, Internaciisto.
Internationality, internacieco.
Interpose, intermeti.
Interprete, traduki.
Interpreter, tradukisto.
Interrogate, demandi.
Interrogation, denotes, ?u.
Interrogation, note of, signo demanda.
Interrogatory, demanda.
Interregnum, interregno.
Interrupt, interrompi.
Intersect, intersekcii.
Interval (space), interspaco.
Interval (time), intertempo.
Intervene, sin intermeti.
Intervention, intermeto.
Interview, intervidi?o.
Interweave, kunplekti.
Intestate, sentestamenta.
Intestine, interna?o.
Intimacy, intimeco.
Intimate, intima, intimulo.
Intimate, sciigi.
Intimation, sciigo.
Intimidate, timigi.
Into, en (with accusative).
Intolerable, netolerebla.
Intolerant, netolerema.
Intoxicate, ebriigi.
Intoxicated, ebria.
Intoxication, ebrieco.
Intractable, nedresebla.
Intransitive, netransitiva.
Intrepid, kura?ega.
Intricate, malsimpla.
Intrigue, intrigi.
Intrinsic, vera.
Introduce, prezenti, enkonduki.
Introduction, enkonduko.
Introduction (preface), anta?parolo.
Intruder, trudulo.
Intrusion, trudo.
Intrust, komisii.
Inundate, superakvi.
Inure, kutimigi.
Inutility, senutilo.
Invade, enpenetri.
Invalid, nula.
Invalid, malsanetulo.
Invalidate, nuligi.
Invaluable, netaksebla.
Invariable, ne?an?ebla.
Invasion, ekokupado.
Invent, elpensi.
Invention, elpenso.
Inventory, katalogo.
Invert, inter?an?i.
Invest (money), procentdoni.
Investigate, esplori.
Inveterate, enradikita.
Invigorate, vivigi.
Invincible, nevenkebla.
Invisible, nevidebla.
Invitation, invito.
Invite, inviti.
Invoice, fakturo.
Invoke, alvoki.
Involuntary, senvola.
Iodine, jodo.
Irascible, ekkolerema.
Ire, kolero.
Iris (anat.), iriso.
Iris (bot.), irido.
Irishman, Irlandano.
Irksome, peniga, enuiga.
Iron, fero.
Iron (linen, etc.), gladi.
Iron, an, gladilo.
Ironer (fem.), gladistino.
Ironmonger, patvendisto.
Irony, ironio.
Irradiate, radii.
Irregular, neregula.
Irreligious, malpia.
Irreparable, neriparebla.
Irrepressible, nehaltigebla.
Irreproachable, neripro?inda.
Irresolute, ?anceli?a, nedecida.
Irreverence, malriverenco.
Irritable, incitebla.
Irritate, inciti.
Is, estas.
Island, insulo.
Islander, insulano.
Isle, insulo.
Isolate, izoli.
Israelite, Izraelido.
Issue, eldoni.
Issue (offspring), idaro.
Issue, elflui.
Isthmus, terkolo.
It, ?i, ?in.
Italian, Italo.
Italic (writing), kursiva.
Itch, juki.
Itching, juko.
Item, ero.
Iteration, ripetado.
Itinerant, voja?anta.
Ivory, elefantosto.
Ivy, hedero.
Jabber, babili.
Jack, roasting, turnrostilo.
Jackass, azenviro.
Jackal, ?akalo.
Jacket, jako, ?aketo.
Jade (tire), lacigadi.
Jaded, laca.
Jagged, denta.
Jaguar, jaguaro.
Jail, malliberejo.
Jailer, gardisto.
Jam, frukta?o.
January, Januaro.
Japan (polish), laki.
Japan, Japanujo.
Japanese, Japano.
Jar, botelego.
Jasmine, jasmeno.
Jaundice, flavmalsano.
Javelin, ?etponardo.
Jaw, makzelo.
Jawbone, makzelosto.
Jay, garolo.
Jealousy, ?aluzo.
Jeer, mokadi.
Jelly, ?elateno.
Jeopardy, dan?ero.
Jerk, ekskuo.
Jersey (garment), trikoto.
Jessamine, jasmeno.
Jest, ?erci.
Jest, ?erco.
Jesuit, Jezuito.
Jesus, Jesuo.
Jetsam, fuko.
Jetty, digo.
Jew, Hebreo.
Jewel, juvelo.
Jewel-box, juvelujo.
Jeweller, juvelisto.
Jewess, Hebreino.
Jilt, koketulino.
Jingle, tinti.
Job, tasketo.
Jockey, rajdisto.
Jocose, ?ercema.
Jocular, ?ercema.
Join, kunigi.
Join hands, manplekti.
Join together, kuni?i.
Join with, kunigi.
Joiner, ligna?isto.
Jointly, kune.
Joint (anatomy), artiko.
Joint (carpentering), kuni?o.
Joist, trabo.
Joke, ?erci.
Jolly, gajega.
Jolt, ekskui.
Jostle, pu?egi.
Jot, joto.
Journal (book keeping), taglibro.
Journal (a paper), ?urnalo.
Journey (by car, etc.), veturi.
Journey (travel), voja?i.
Journey, voja?o.
Journeyman, taglaboristo.
Jovial, ?ojega.
Jowl, bu?ego.
Joy, ?ojo.
Joyous, ?oja.
Jubilant, ?ojega.
Jubilee, jubileo.
Judge, ju?i.
Judge (legal), ju?isto.
Judge, ju?anto.
Judgment (legal), ju?o.
Judicial, ju?a.
Judicious, prudenta.
Jug, kru?o.
Juggle, ?ongli.
Juggler, ?onglisto.
Jugglery, ?onglado.
Juice, suko.
Juicy, suka.
July, Julio.
Jumble, miksi.
Jump, salti.
Junction, kuni?o.
June, Junio.
Junior, neplena?a.
Juror, ?urinto.
Jury, ju?antaro.
Juryman, ?urinto.
Just (time), ?us.
Just (fair), justa.
Justice, justeco.
Justice (correctness), praveco.
Justify, pravigi.
Justly, juste.
Juvenile, juna.
Juxtaposition, apudmeto.
Kaleidoscope, kalejdoskopo.
Kangaroo, didelfo.
Keel, kilo.
Keen (sharp), akra.
Keep, teni, gardi.
Keep silence, silenti?i.
Keeper, gardanto.
Keepsake, memora?o.
Keg, bareleto.
Kennel, hundejo.
Kernel, kerno.
Kettle, bolilo.
Key, ?losilo.
Key (of piano, etc.), klavo.
Keyboard, klavaro.
Keystone, ?ef?tono.
Kick, piedfrapo.
Kid, kaprido.
Kidnap, for?teli.
Kidney, reno.
Kill, mortigi.
Kill (animals), bu?i.
Kilogramme, kilogramo.
Kilolitre, kilolitro.
Kilometre, kilometro.
Kin, parenceco.
Kind (species), speco.
Kind, bona.
Kindle, ekbruligi.
Kindness, boneco.
Kindred, parencaro.
King, re?o.
Kingdom, re?olando, re?lando.
Kingfisher, alciono.
Kingly (adj.), re?a.
Kingly (adv.), re?e.
King's evil, skrofolo.
Kinsfolk, parencaro.
Kinsman, parenco.
Kiss, kisi.
Kitchen, kuirejo.
Kitchen-garden, legoma ?ardeno.
Kitchen-gardener, legom?ardenisto.
Kitchen-jack, turnrostilo.
Kitchen utensils, kuirilaro.
Kite (bird), milvo.
Kite (toy), flugludilo.
Knack, lerteco.
Knacker, defelisto.
Knapsack, tornistro.
Knave, fripono.
Knave (cards), lakeo.
Knavery, friponeco.
Knead, knedi.
Kneading-trough, knedujo.
Knee, genuo.
Kneecap, genuosto.
Kneel, genufleksi.
Knell, mortsonorado, funebra sonorado.
Knife, tran?ilo.
Knife-blade, tran?anto.
Knight, kavaliro.
Knit, triki, trikoti.
Knitting-needle, trikilo.
Knob, butono.
Knock, frapi.
Knock down, dis?eti, de?eti.
Knot, ligtubero.
Knot (bow), banto.
Knot (in wood), lignotubero.
Knout, skur?o.
Know, scii.
Know (to be acquainted with), koni.
Knuckle, artiko.
Kopeck, kopeko.
Koran, Korano.
"Ms. Crawford, it’s time for you to divorce Mr. Larsen and come home. You're the only heiress the Master's waiting for.” ~•~ For the sake of love, Amara accepted the arranged marriage with Tobias William Larsen. She did everything to gain her husband’s heart but when his old love returned, she realized that all her effort was all for naught. Tobias demanded a divorce on the night of their wedding anniversary, even at the price of threatening her. Heartbroken, she finally dropped all her illusions about him and returned home to be the heiress. The next time she met Tobias, they were no longer couples but opponents. "Mr. Larsen, should I remind you again? We've divorced." "Amara, that's the stupidest mistake I've ever made. Please come back to me."
Lindsey's fiancé was the devil's first son. Not only did he lie to her but he also slept with her stepmother, conspired to take away her family fortune, and then set her up to have sex with a total stranger. To get her lick back, Lindsey decided to find a man to disrupt her engagement party and humiliate the cheating bastard. Never did she imagine that she would bump into a strikingly handsome stranger who was all that she was currently looking for. At the engagement party, he boldly declared that she was his woman. Lindsey thought he was just a broke man who wanted to leech off her. But once they began their fake relationship, she realized that good luck kept coming her way. She thought they would part ways after the engagement party, but this man kept to her side. "We gotta stick together, Lindsey. Remember, I'm now your fiancé. " "Domenic, you're with me because of my money, aren't you?" Lindsey asked, narrowing her eyes at him. Domenic was taken aback by that accusation. How could he, the heir of the Walsh family and CEO of Vitality Group, be with her for money? He controlled more than half of the city's economy. Money wasn't a problem for him! The two got closer and closer. One day, Lindsey finally realized that Domenic was actually the stranger she had slept with months ago. Would this realization change things between them? For the better or worse?
During her three years of marriage with Brendan, Adeline had become as humble as dust itself. However, what she got in return wasn't love and affection, but endless indifference and disdain. Worse yet, when the woman in Brendan's heart suddenly showed up, he further distanced himself from her. Finally, Adeline couldn't stand it anymore and asked for a divorce. After all, why should she stay with such a cold, distant man? The next one would surely be better. Brendan watched as his ex-wife left with her luggage in tow. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him and he made a bet with his friends. "She'll definitely regret leaving and will come crawling back to me in no time." After hearing about this bet, Adeline sneered. "Dream on!" A few days later, Brendan ran into his ex-wife in a bar. It turned out she was celebrating her divorce. Not long after, he noticed that the damned woman seemed to have a new suitor. Brendan was starting to panic. The woman who had clung to him for three years suddenly didn't seem to give a damn about him. What was he going to do?
Life was a bed of roses for Debra, the daughter of Alpha. That was until she had a one-night stand with Caleb. She was sure he was her mate as determined by Moon Goddess. But this hateful man refused to accept her. Weeks passed before Debra discovered that she was pregnant. Her pregnancy brought shame to her and everyone she loved. Not only was she driven out, but her father was also hunted down by usurpers. Fortunately, she survived with the help of the mysterious Thorn Edge Pack. Five years passed and Debra didn't hear anything from Caleb. One day, their paths crossed again. They were both on the same mission—carrying out secret investigations in the dangerous Roz Town for the safety and posterity of their respective packs. Caleb was still cold toward her. But as time went on, he fell head over heels in love with her. He tried to make up for abandoning her, but Debra wasn't having any of it. She was hell-bent on hiding her daughter from him and also making a clean break. What did the future hold for the two as they journeyed in Roz Town? What kind of secrets would they find? Would Caleb win Debra's heart and get to know his lovely daughter? Find out!
He, handsome and powerful, enjoyed his fame of a renowned billionaire! She, cunning and unconventional, accidentally got involved with him! "I took your pants by mistake! I am so sorry but trust me this is just a misunderstanding. And… I may have to go." She gracefully escaped through the window, leaving the enraged CEO tied to the bed. "At any cost, capture the pants-stealing woman! I'll personally punish her!" Furious, he ordered a city-wide search. When caught, she was dancing with a male model! The CEO angrily pressed her against the wall, sincerity on his face, "Darling, I can do better than the model." And then, unexpectedly... News went crazy about what happened on that dancing night!
Eight years ago, she thought he was a Money Boy at the club, and accidentally had a one-night stand with him because she was framed by her stepsister. Is $100 enough to buy a Money Boy for one night? The next morning, she casually dropped $100 and ran away. Eight years later, she returned with her genius son. Little did she expect to be "deceived" into the Noblefull Group by her beloved son. Her immediate boss turned out to be Mr. $100 from eight years ago! ... "Bad girl, how dare you humiliate me eight years ago, this time you will pay the price!" "Bad girl, one billion dollars, I buy your whole life!" "I just want to be a secretary. You already have several lovers. You are not my type." "But, I only have feelings for you, only love you." However, their relationship was not smooth. Due to a property dispute, his brother deliberately caused a car accident in an attempt to kill her and their son. Due to past grievances of the previous generation, his father held deep hatred towards him and sent assassins to kill them. There were also plots and attempts on their lives orchestrated by his girlfriend. On top of that, they faced oppression from rival factions of the mafia... This is a romantic novel about a billionaire and his secretary, involving several generations of love, hatred, and complicated relationships, and also involving the mafia, revenge...