Welcome to Orman Academy, where all kinds of creatures gather under one roof. Most elders says that the academy has a lot of secrets behind its door. But what is it? Why is the Orman Academy is famous among its peer? Read to find out.
I look around my surrounding where my family's servants walking here and there before we arrived at the destination. I sigh heavily before walking up the ship's bridge where I hope my father's at. Too bad, I only found my brothers. "Cheer up sister. It won't be that bad. Orman Academy is one of the finest academy in the world. It's not like those petty excuse human school you went before." Zaff, my older brother trying to cheer me up.
"Beside, I heard rumours saying that Orman Academy has the most beautiful, busty and hormone raging girls ever." Alec my second older brother also trying to cheer me on. "Well alright then. But, why do I have to stay in the boarding again?" I asked them. It is their idea that I went to this academy. "Because you need to learn how to respect others. Honestly Kairos, what did we do when we raising you up that you turn out to be such rebel against everyone."
I turn around to see my mother and father standing side by side while holding hands. "Don't embarrass us again Kairos." Father warned me. "And if I heard even a slight rumour about you use your power against innocent people or creature again, I'll swear I'll punish you severely." My brothers and I flinched when we heard our mother's warning. We can't blame her to have such power to make us bow to her orders.
She's the direct descendent of the legendary vampire, King Zadicus. Even our own father who came from a secondary pureblood bloodline changed his own surname to my mother's. His family was proud enough about that. "Mom, you mentioned that this academy is your former school correct? How was it?" I asked to changed the subject. She hummed before walking towards me.
"My time, the academy just recently opened its gate for other creatures and monsters beside witches at the time. Being a vampire, and from a respectable bloodline to add, it was difficult. Everybody tend to judge you and they judge me and accuse me of using my family name to be in the academy. But I showed them wrong. I worked hard, I showed them why I deserve to be in the academy. And then, when I graduated, I became a scholar. I continued to carry its name until I am in this current position."
My mother work for the Ministry as the prime minister. She control everything within the supernatural world. Basically she care for the order of the human world and this world we're living in. Even though she's a princess, she let her older brother, my uncle to carry on the family name and as the current King Zadicus of Zadicus Kingdom. "Trust us on this Kairos. This is for your own good. It's not like we hate you or anything. We want you to learn to respect and work with others." My father smiled while standing beside his wife.
My father also work in the Ministry as the head of the research and development department. "We're here!!" Alec excitedly announced. We all turned to the horizon and noticed an island surrounded by mountains. "That island never changed. It's always the same like it used to be." Mom smiled. "Welcome to Lavaria Kingdom, home of the famous The Moonlight Witches Coven." Dad announced.
So this is where my new life starts huh? At a foreign island where my mother used to go to. I sighed while I waited for the ship to dock. It's surprisingly crowded when we getting closer to the docking area. I mean seriously, what kind of island that doesn't have a runway for plane to land? I look around and noticed a few witches flying on their broom. They're quite young, probably a student as well.
I witnessed a few student coming to shore from the sea and transformed from their real form to the human form, naked. I was gawking at one particular monster when my brothers place my blazer on my head. "It's not polite to watched them put on clothes." Zaff said. I removed the jacket and glare. "You guys were watching as well!" I banter. They both laughed and grabbed on my arm before dragged me towards our parents whereabout.
"The servants will bring your stuff in another car." Alec said before forcing me to enter the car we brought along. Creatures around watching us, whispering to each other. This is a normal sight for us. Once they saw the Zadicus crest on our car, ship or even when they heard our name, we always become the centre of everything. Who wouldn't when you're a descendent of the legendary vampire. Sometime I thought that our ancestor just trying to make life hard for us.
After our parents got inside, the car started to drive towards our next destination, the Orman Academy. Before coming here, I did some of my own investigation as well. It was originally built for the witches that first reside the whole island. But from time to time, the witches felt they need to explore the world and move away from the island. On verge of closing down, the headmistress of the academy at the time thought it was wise to open their door to other creatures and monster as well.
The academy was save and slowly it flourished its name to match the other prestigious academy in the world. "That's the academy? Wow! It's huge!" I look out when Zaff commented on it. He's right. It is huge! Its bigger than my old school in the human world. "Look at all the girls! Damn! They all look so hot. I wish I am younger so I could be in this school too." Mom cleared her throat. "Behave boys. You're carrying our images here." They all turned to me.
"Fine, fine.." I sigh before pushed my short silver hair back. "Honestly, I know you have a thing for girls but do you have to wear pants all the time? The only time I ever seen you in female clothes were when you asleep." Mom still going on trying to make me use those frilly girl clothes. "Face it mom, you have three sons." Zaff said while our mother shaking her head. I high five my brothers and laughed together. "I mean it's only fair. Our ex girlfriend always fallen for Kairos in the end." Alec added. That's true.
The car stopped in front of the academy's front entrance. My parents was the first to come out followed by my brothers and I went out last. By the time I did, everyone were staring at us. Other parents probably know our parents while the students probably wondering who's the three gorgeous creature coming out from the car. Some of the female student even blushed as they whispering to each other. It's time to be my desirable self.
I flick my hair before giving them all my signature looks. I gave them enough charm and watched them literally fallen for me. "See. That always happen when she's in that state." Zaff said while I laughed. "Don't blame me. It's our parents fault that they make me so gorgeous." I winked at my brothers.
"Griselda! Oh, I mean prime minister Griselda Zadicus." A women in a witch outfit greeted my mom. "Oh hush Primrose. It's good to see you again." They both hugged each other. "Kids, meet headmistress Primrose Cromwell. Her family was the one who established this academy." We all smile at her and show our respect. "You know my husband, Valentine." Father offered his hand to her. "Of course. Who doesn't know him." They all chuckled.
"This is my oldest, Zaff." Zaff offered his hand as well. "My second son, Alec." Alec took her hand and kiss it. "And this is your new student, my daughter, Kairos." She was surprised to hear the last part. "Daughter? At first there I thought you had three sons." I smile and offered my hand to shake. "I know. I blame her brothers and father for that. They always treat her like a boy and now she's a boy."
The headmistress laughed. "Well, meet my kids. My oldest, Piper and my son, Xavier." These siblings something else huh. I can sense such power building up in their aura. "Piper is hot." Alec whispered to me. "Don't forget Xavier. He's kinda hot too." Zaff said while checking him out. Oh did I mention she love girls and boys as well? I chuckled. "You can have them." I whispered back.
The headmistress look at the time and clapped her hands. "It's almost time for the entrance ceremony. Let's all go to the grand hall." We followed the headmistress. "This is an opportunity to see what kind of creatures and monster the student body is." Alec said beside me. "Well I see one now." Zaff referring to a beautiful winged angel. From the looks of that, she's an angel. "But she has a boy with her. Ugh. Too bad." Alec added. "That's Seraph and Hamon. They both angels and they represent the angels who went to this academy." Xavier explained to us.
"Are they together?" I asked. Xavier nodded. "If we look at the next group, see that white hair woman? That's Gisela Krauss." Wait, Krauss? I know that name. "She's representing the vampires. One of the popular girls in the academy. Seraph too in the list." He added. "Krauss? Isn't that name sound familiar to you?" Alec asked me. But where though? "If you want to have a decent life in the academy, better stay away from those group. They are the dark elf lead by Gimiel Budon and Milno Rar. They're cousins also Gamiel is in the list of popular creatures."
Dark elf?! Wow. "You have to admit, Gimiel is hot. Look at those bouncy mountains." Alec's right though. Xavier chuckled. "You won't think that after she suck the life out of you. Anyway, those gloomy and evil looking gargoyles lead by Varel and Emack. They both siblings and Emack is overprotective of his little sister. They're twins and Varel is not someone you can date easily also she's in the popular list as well together with her brother. Just look at their figure." Gargoyles huh. Wow.
"Who are those?" I asked as I pointed at a group of majorly gorgeous people. "Those are the group you need to stay away from as well. They are the young Gods and goddesses. Lead by Fixra, the goddess of lighting and Tharos, the god of war. They never let anyone beside their kind hang out with them. Demigod is an exception though." Fixra is one fine goddess though. "Let me guess, they're popular as well?" Xavier nodded. We slightly made eye contact. I smile and I saw her cheek redden.
"Those dripping wet group of people, who's making a huge puddle of waters is the mermaids and merman. Lead by Varina and Duxor. They're both a couple and I heard they going to get married after they graduated. But, if you turn to the other side of the hall, there's a group of beautiful ladies over there wanted to make Duxor her groom as well. Those are the sirens, lead by Evalia." Sirens huh? I've been in a relationship with one before. Not a bad girlfriend.
"And the superior beings that has been the enemy of all kinds of creatures and monster would be the werewolves. It's better to stay far, far away because their alpha, Hugh and Aster will not let anyone get the best of their pack. They're a couple and also will get hitched after they graduated. They have been causing trouble for my mother since forever. It's hard to control them." Xavier sigh.
"But, your forgot one." I pointed at the ceiling. Xavier and my brothers look up. "Oh yes. I almost forgot about them. Those are the succubus and incubus. Vara and Petros representing them though. They're siblings and the notorious kind to mesmerise man and woman to do their bidding. Sometime they even tried to seduce the leaders from the other group of creatures but in the end, they always received a mandatory punishment."
Succubus huh. They're famous for having such voluptuous body figure. I want to date one of them so bad! "Since you're our VIP guest, you'll have the front seat while your parents sitting on the stage with my mothers." Oh hold, mothers? "You have two mothers?" Alec asked. Xavier nodded. "I know. How can two witches have kids right? My parents used magic to created us." Before I take the seat, I look back to the other students and gave them my smile.
Ah, I love how my simple smile could do so much to them. "Tone it down. I can sense such murderous aura coming your way." I was shocked to hear Piper warned me. "What?" I asked. "It's nothing. Just.. be careful. This academy can be a battlefield if you don't follow the rules right." I didn't get to asked her even more when the entrance ceremony starts. She started her speech as she welcome the students to another year of school year.
She explained some of the new rules and hope every student will show their talent and continue to make the school proud. The headmistress even welcome and assure the parents that their kids will be in good hands. It was boring until the school student body president and Vice President came up to the stage. To my surprise, it was piper and Xavier. They began talk about the school regulation uniform and I look around the students who's in their uniform.
This is why I hate boarding school. Why do we have to wear uniforms?! Why?! I sigh mentally. When the student council president and her Vice President finished their speech, to my surprise it was my mother's turn to take he podium. "Why does mom even have the right to do a speech?" I asked my brothers. "Don't you know? Our parents in the parents and teachers association. They donated a few gold to the school as well before you enrol here."
Hold on, they use money to get me in here? "They did not buy the school to get you in here. The headmistress, she's mom's best friend. She asked for mom's help regarding funding the school. So mom and dad decided to help an old friend." Zaff explained. Still though. It seems like they use their power to get me in. "Excuse me." I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a fellow female student blushed deep red as her hand trembling trying to pass me a note. "It's.... from... Vara." The succubus? I thanked her and her friends immediately catch her body as she beginning to weaken.
I turn back to the front and open the note. "Oh wow. First day and our little sister already has a note. Good job sis." I chuckled and read it. "Hello there Kairos Zadicus. I hope we could seat together at the banquet tonight. With love, Vara Nicoli." I read it mentally. Banquet? That would be fun. I really wanna have some fun with a succubus.The crucial question here is, does she know I'm actually a woman? I look up to the ceiling as she gave me flying kiss.
I winked at her when she nearly lost her balance on the railing. "Whoa. Who are they?" I turned my attention to the front and the same question came to my mind as well. There's a group of male and female making their way to the stage and introducing themselves as the disciplinary committee. Their mission is to keep the order of the school and they all fully control by the student council president.
Just how bad is the students in this academy that they need a committee of disciplinary to take care of the school's order. "Oh sister, you will not be in trouble after this. I am so proud." Both Zaff and Alec acted as if they're parents that proudly sending their kid to the battlefield. Once the entrance ceremony is done, I went to see my parents for the last time before they went back home to Zadicus Kingdom. Mom was too emotional as she hugged me, staining my shirt with tears in the process as well.
"Be good. Do not cause any kind of trouble here. Just to let you know, I gave the headmistress full authority to punish you if you mess up." Geez mom! That's your farewell present?! "Don't forget to call us. We will miss you little sister." Alec hugged me as well. "Remember to show those guys how we Zadicus seduce a woman." Zaff winked before hugged me as well. When I turn to my father, he was wiping his tears. "Ugh, why do I have to say goodbye to my little girl." Geez dad.
We hugged before sending them off to the car. I watched them until their car disappeared. I turned to the headmistress. "Here's your locker combination, class schedule and dorm room key and room number. Piper will lead you to the dorm and give you a tour of the school. Is that okay?" I nodded. She excuse herself before piper made herself known.
"Follow me." She smiled and I did follow her. "As you can see, this is the grand hall where we do the school assembly and theatre performances." We walked out, like always, the girls are watching me from afar. "From this path, it will lead you to the main school building, the cafeteria and the school gym. Next to the school building will be a special building where your talent will be sharpen." Talent?
"Your powers. Since your a legendary vampire, you should have powers right?" I nodded. "Follow me." I followed her closely. "This path will lead you to the school pool. And this is the path to the school female dormitory. The guys dorm located at the other side of the school. It's not like you need it but the girls are forbidden to go to the guy side and vice versa." I chuckled. She knows me well.
We both walking towards the girls dorm. Some were wondering why did the president lead me to the dorm. "Um, piper, he's a guy." Said one of the tenant. "This is a girl. She will be living here from now on." The girls were surprised and some even gasped. "There's go my dream to date you." Said one near me. I went to her side and leaned in. "Don't worry. I like girls. I date girls and I can make your life better than any guy would." I whispered before she literally fainted. I catch her before her body hit the floor.
"Anyway, lets go to your room." I followed the President to my designated room after handing the fainted girl to her friends. "Mom said you will have your own room. She said something about a vampire ritual you have to perform?" I nodded. It's not a ritual. It's just something my family do for enhancing our power. I can't tell her that part. "This is your room." I thanked her and unlock it.
I went inside and look through my stuff that's already inside. "Perfect." I said. She smile. "If you need anything, you can ask me. My room is right next to yours. Have a nice rest. We'll meet again tonight at the banquet." I nodded and watched her close the door. Not to shabby. I might like it better here.
I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. I need to rest before tonight's grand banquet to welcome the students. A succubus awaits me.
This is book 1 of the Empress series. This is a story about a empress who ruled in the shadows behind her half-brother and her concubines whom each has their own traits that compliments the empress as she ruled a vast growing nation. AUTHOR'S NOTE Basically, this is a story about woman (the empress) who has a legal wife and 9 concubines each supporting each other to compliment the empress as she ruled over a vast growing nation. If this is your cup of tea, then welcome. If not, then I'm sorry. If you have trouble accepting a polygamous relationship, this is not a story for you. Also, this is a GirlxGirl genre book.
Blaire Rothman and Nicholas Astor both came from a different family background. Blaire was born with a diamond spoon. Since she was a child, Blaire was taught that everything can be solve with money and money is king. Nicholas was born in a quite special condition in which he has to witness a lot of bad things happen to people around him. How did these two individual met? What sort of secret does Nicholas hide? And how did the two individuals decided to have a contractual marriage with each other even though they have no idea who each other was? Read to find out.
This is a story about Eloise and Claudette. Two different women from two different background and status who both has a different view of their own current life. This is when life takes a turn for the worse because of one simple action.
After being banished from the underworld by Satan himself, Helvisa Balzac, together with her friends joined together in their journey to a place they called as Earth. Knowing that they need to get a job to pay for their place to stay and other essential, they were forced to worked as a waitress in a local restaurant in a trade island of Gavreau. After months of pointless chores and being treated as peasant by the female owner because of their good looks, they decided to take a job as a Royal family personal chamberlain. They didn't even know such small island has its own royal family until then. As they were hoping to have an easy job, reality slapped them on their faces when they have to followed orders from what they referred to as brats and a king that can't even put his own hands on himself. What will happen when a demon, a witch, a siren and a werewolf has to buried their proud dignity to serve mere royalty human? Will there be bloodbath when the queen discovered some horrible truth of what has been happening around her island? How will Helvisa and her friends keeping up on hiding their true ability from showing? Read to find out.
How would you react when the person you had one night stand with is actually the emperor of the country and you're the only one who's not a family member that knows about the emperor's secrets? Read to find out.
"She is not a 'thing' you could just throw away after you used her up! Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness, NOW!" Violet screamed after she saw the woman she crushing on since junior high were treated like rubbish. Read to find out what happen next!
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