Melody is a cursed child, from birth she was destined to never love. On her 18 birthday she received her wolf, yet it wasn't a common wolf, for she could travel only from her time and to the present. Her sole help is the spirits of her parents wolves, amounts others she meets along the years she grows up, torn between love and duty she is found divided. At the end these adventures of learning what she could do, who would love her cursed, before she could ever find out she dies a lonely wolf. Or does she really die to be forever alone?
"aaaa". As I splash water on my face, that is so refreshing, it is a miracle to be able to walk around for a change. I love all my children, yet I need to be able to walk and see the outside for a change.
It's days like these when being a human for a change. It helps me as a goddess to breathe my own air, to see what others have been doing and sneak a peak at some of my newly born children.
I had the most interesting day. It saddened me that I could not take anything with me. Being a mother to a lot of pups is a hard job. I saw so many who were born and had a good time this time in this small village.
As I take my steps back to my temple in the mountains, I am suddenly feeling self-cautious, truthfully. It is a bright night. I have many children with me and there are no humans out and about. I looked behind me to see if I could find anyone, but no one I met.
My steps become a little faster as I keep hearing sounds following me, till I trip and a wolf appears before me. I allow the wolf near me, it whimpers as if to say something is harming it. I looked around the wolf and saw an arrow in its shoulder. I walked closer to see if it would allow me to remove it.
"I mean no harm and I wish to help you, may I?" I asked the bright white wolf with green eyes.
The wolf nods its head and lays down. I go to the arrow and pull it out in one swift motion. The wolf starts to heal but it is taking its time. Then the wolf shifts back into a man, a young man of good complexion, curly blonde and green eyes. I am not strong enough to take him with me, nor am I removing my clothes to take him to my temple. Human wolves, I cannot talk to the wolves part of my children, but I can if I lick a small portion of his blood.
I had no knife so I cleaned the arrow using his clothes, which were all in blood. I opened a wound in his hand and with my finger took blood, I awakened like a werewolf. I could feel his pain and how weak he was. I know this wolf and now I need to know more about his humans. I tried to wake him but being shot with silver is poison to a werewolf.
"Fez, my child, wake up." I told my wolf of a child.
He groans as he hears me, but slowly opens his eyes to look at me through the eyes of his human. "Mother?" is his only question. I smiled tenderly.
"It is I. How have you come to receive an arrow, my child? Who is hunting you?" I asked him, as he was still conscious.
He breathes a bit more heavily, I can hear, smell and see the distance like my children. I hear a group of people. I smell 12 men and I can hear they are closer than they are. I need to move him or we are both as good as dead. I start to move around, as I push him to the side of the entrance to where there are some trees, he rests against a tree. I move to walk to my temple a bit faster but I am held by the human of Fez. I try to break free from his grip, when I push him away he growls at me and so do I, making him confused.
"Stay for a bit more my lady, my friends, and I would love to help you find your way back home," he says with a grin. I looked at him with anger.
He is not a good human for my child. I consider my options, but when I hear the others pruning towards us, my claws are extended to Fez's human.
"No please, I am doing this to save my mate. She has been taken by them and unless I get them each a mate they won't give her back to me." he shouts, and I hold my claws back to place my palms on his mouth to shush him. As they leave, he looks at me oddly and I let go of his hand.
"How did they not see us?" he asks me.
"Because I licked your blood and that woke my wolf." I said as I looked around us.
"That is more a vampire, then a wolf my lady." he answered in a frightened voice.
"I assure you Count Vlad has no information at all on my current location and is weary of him on his own." I told him sternly.
He nodded, " Yes my lady. Wait, you're a she wolf?" then his eyes glazed.
"Yes, now ush." I looked around us to make sure no one was around.
I got up to walk a bit away, going through some bushes. I see the brutes of men around the exit of the trees. I decide to go to my temple to change and once I am in Wolf I can return to Fez. So, I do just that. Back in my Wolf, Lovel.
'It has taken so long for my own freedom, Selene.' she stretches her paws as her white coat is showing her swirls and tattoos, her eyes change color as the moon does, her coat has the color of the bright white moon and her tattoos show the moon's cycle in silver. Her paws run thru the crunch of the earth, her face embraces the air and her body moves with the flow of the wind.
'Fez should still be hidden if he was found. We returned home without him. Understood Lovel?' She growls at me, and I see the same man from earlier holding Fez's human hair in his hand.
'WARNING: chapter contains a strong description of maternal death. Read at one risk.
We have been fooled.' says Lovel, and she was right.
''Never seen a she wolf like her before, is she possessed?'' says a tank-built man with his clothes only on his hips and on foot. He missed a tooth and was bald, wearing one earing on his ear.
"Seems you have mistaken me for a devil. Have you no shame in the presence of your own god? Lovel speaks on her own, not through a mind link, but actually moving her mouth to words and all of the eyes of the 12 men opened wide and I was incredibly happy to have Lovel in charge.
'Lovel, we must not hurt them as of yet, we need to learn why this is happening. Make them chase you to the temple and there we will learn what is going on' Lovel moves to give them her behind, she takes her tail up and wags her furry behind.
I am lost in words, then the others shift to try and take us. She takes off as soon as we hear the last one change. We run along the path and as we enter the temple they end their run, thinking they have cornered me when in truth they have been cornered. The moon shines on my fur and I shift. Regaining my powers once more, I show my anger at their foolish and Rogue behavior.
"Hear my words and return to me, all of you are not worthy of living in the land of these humans and they are never to receive a wolf, only their death! Fez's own children will suffer this curse! Live your days of today and remorse in the ones of your past for you hold and never will live in the times of the future! Your desires for a future will remain as they are and only the future will tell if you can ever give your daughter the life she truly did deserve. Now return home all of you! " I shouted in rage.
As my demands are set, they evaporate and all of their wolves' spirits howl to run up in the heavens, but I place my hands on my wolves and make them learn their lessons to never follow others much as they have today. I enter the woods with my spirit temple. I walk towards the tree I need to meet and have my curse placed on this pup.
Claudia POV
When will Julian return? Has he done something one more to be out at this time of the night? He knows not to tell others those lies about me being kidnapped or held against by those men who he is constantly with. Because of my condition, he should have better judgement. As werewolves, we have less time in pregnancy and we are constantly resting as time is drawing near. I live with my sister and her mate, who is a warrior of our pack. They are as worried as I am, so they stay with me.
"I am worried Claudia, you should be resting, the pup will be here any moment and you need rest. He will be back before sun up." Axel says as I rub my belly.
"Soon, just a little bit more, I just can't pick-" suddenly my mark starts to burn on my neck.
My hand runs to my neck, my other hand punches my heart and all the breathing starts to pick up, my stomach receives a sharp pain and I feel like I am dying. My heart feels like its being ripped out and beaten by a knife, I can't breathe and my head feels like its about to explode till I hear Sally my wolf howl and cry in pain. Screaming does not reach me and my energies are low, I feel my bottom all wet and a sharp pain pruning thru me. As I look down I see my water broken and blood is pruning down.
"Gretchen please!" I asked my sister to help me and she didn't move as I stretched my hand for her. She remains unmoved.
And as I move my eyes I see a woman in silver robes, dark air of purple and red. The brown skin and her eyes are of gray silver, she glows as if she is made of gold. Her body has silver and black tattoos. I feel tired of my baby coming into this world. What has happened?
"Claudia, your daughter is to live her life of misery, for her father sleeked me to harm and so he has payed with his wolf life, tonight she will be born but you shall return with me as the others of this hanious crime." hearing those words have brought me more sadness, what have you done Julian.
Not long after, I feel a contraction and I scream. Gretchen snaps from her trans. When who I assume to be the mood goddess speaks again.
"Attend your sister. I shall not allow his daughter to avoid this curse, we shall meet one more Sally." as soonas the last words where spoken she disappeared.
Contractions started to get even stronger, I. As I stopped bleeding and It only became worse as each push left me breathless, after a couple of pushes, I felt too tired to push and just as I gave up I heard her first cry. I looked at my daughter and whispered her name.
"Melody", then everything went dark.
Sally POV
I open my eyes and I see trees surrounding me. I do not see or hear my pup. Placing my mind to feel Claudia and I get nothing, Fez gives me nothing and I feel light in weight. I get up from the tree I am lying under and jog out of these woods that are white in color, the ground is sad and there is no other animal here. I saw no one other than myself and after a while of walking I met with them.
Why is he here? Where is our human and where is mother? I ask myself as I go near him, he tucks his ears and tail from me, whimpering at me.
"Why are you looking for the humans who are no longer amongst us my child?" Asks mother, our moon goddess.
I hope she can know what I am to be thinking about. I miss my human and I never got to learn who my pup is. How will I ever be able to meet my pup? Then I'm reminded that this is all Fez's fault! Looking at Fez, I growled at him straight to the point I lunch at him and bites on him hard.
Wolves can't mind link but we can understand one another and one in death. Biting hard on his neck, he whimpers at me and mother orders us to stop it.
"That is enough, both of you need to go on a run now. Go thru your tree and have your spirits run. I cannot handle you two fighting and I'm sure you would want to meet your daughter." I dropped Fez and took off.
There has got to be a way to protect my pup and not have her end her life for the joy rides of men kind, I run thru the tree that glows for me. As I arrive back at my human's old home, trying to find a way to look in at it, I place my paws on the window and I fall in the house. Looking back, I see my body has crossed, I have no body to move normally. Oh that's right, I'm dead.
"Waaaaa wwwaaaaa" screams the baby. I get up and walk to where the sound is coming from.
The back door was opened, the pillows that were in the living room are not there anymore, but my focus went to the little baby with blonde curls. She is beautiful. I placed my snout near her, she started to calm down and her hair started to change into a light purple. What an odd color for a child's hair.
3 years later.
Melody has grown to 3 years of age and she can say words. The moon goddess has no idea. I sneak out to see my pup and Fez is still my day-to-day fight. He has ruined my family all for sports and my human has lost her life to his reckless behavior. Never will I tell him about my pup's accord, she deserves so much better.
"Who are you?" asked Melody, and I looked around me as she was looking straight at me. Seeing no one, I tilted my head at her.
"I can see you, I'm Melody. And you are?" with her small little girl's voice and delicate vanilla hands, she stretches to me, she pets me and I feel her hand on my fur.
How strange this child can see me. My child can feel my fur. I purr as she strokes me. She stops and goes away. I must find a way to tell her my name, at least my name, but what can I do? Not even my paws can touch the sand to write my name, as if I know how to write. I can't even read! I am no royal, just a mere wolf. I looked around and saw no way of being able to show her my name.
Hours pass and my pup lays down, then it hits me. I can tell her when she is lying down, I will lick the letters on her body. I ran to her and remember when my human told me how my name is spelled, so I lick letter by letter to my pup, as she laughs she sits ups.
"Stop it tickles Sally!"
Edison POV
7 years later.
Reading the news of the old witches' trial, the warlocks and others from the future is a good pastime in my day. Reading about how these rubies make energy last so much and I believe I could make things happen even more brightly for me if only I had a beauty to share myself with. I have all the power I have ever wanted and I have all the desires of my time. All but a love of my own.
I trace the circle on the table to make the flow of power happen much simpler. My snake is my familiar, Gaston. As I start to place the powers in it, two of the 13 rubies break. I must go and get two more rubes. It is still night so I have no way of making that trip for now, gods.
I walk in the busy streets of this village. It is a wonder how open wolves are with other creatures. When will they learn they are nothing more than pets who need leashes?
As I see some rubies that catch my eye, I pay for them. I walk out of the village into the center, my eyes scan the rubies better, but what gets my eyes even more is a young girl. I see her by the corner of my eye, who is playing in the back of the fountain with two spirit wolves. Interesting.
I'm well aware that even humans can't see spiritual creatures, yet there are those known are mediums who can, I have such powers for a wizard, also it is well known in the present time that I did the unspeakable practice of Alchemy with my medium skills, I tried to unite it with my love for necromancy and used the best capabilities of cryonics.
Sadly I had the opposite and was almost caught by the wizards and witches of my time who seemed to destroy me, I took with me what I could. In the run I met a she wolf named Flow who hid me in her home for a few hours while I took the ink I had that made the pages of an old book I have made from the sands of the Sandman to be brought here.
Walking near her, I sat in the fountain and stared at her, but the spirits around her became aware. It seems their changed behavior gives the girl the idea that something is wrong. She turns her long locks of blonde hair, showing her vanilla skin of shoulders, small heart-shaped eyes that were green in one moment and are now blue.
I smiled at the girl and the wolf spirit did not seem one bit impressed. I stood and looked around to see if I could hear anyone calling for the girl. If no one claims her, then I shall raise her and, hopefully, she will love me as her mate. A no-brainer knows she is a werewolf.
Another blonde women with two other kids came to the girl and they all sat down to eat their food. The girl seemed so young and seemed 9 or 10 years of age. I may love learning about those in the future, but I assure you I have no such powers as forcing children.
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After the death of Iniko, the spirits of the souls lost from the curse Blaze gave her mate, twins were born from the family of Susie, and Blaze's hatred grew at forgetting that she was the reason, that her life was in torment, a torment that never ended for her. But it did end with a twist of fate.
Becoming a Luna was decided from the love the Alpha had to me as children, but as teenagers he simply passed by me, I guess I wasn’t his type anymore, but graduating from my Luna academy I learned that there was an Alpha that had requested to meet me, my mother was a single Luna to our pack, and the Beta to which grew up with me had also something to tell me, ever since I graduated I haven’t stopped thinking of my old friend from my Academy. She had been on my mind ever since we met. And now the old Alpha who brushed me off as a teenager came to get me just as I graduated. What could he possibly want?
Chelle grew up in a poor neighborhood with her dad as a waiter, recently orphaned with her dad and baby sister they head to America until her grandfather died, when she came back to clean his now abandoned house. Jadiel grew up in the same poor neighborhood Chelle did but he loved her from the first day they met, after she moved at a young age he promised he would have the life they wanted when she came back to her grandfathers house.
Five sons of different Alphas grow up knowing nothing about their fathers until a reunion to meet the Alphas is brought up to the elder's council. Yolanda had finally met her mate, engaged to be married, and went to the reunion as future Luna to her mate's pack. Only to be met with all five Alphas, accompanied by their children who resemble their fathers. What will happen if the kids don't want their dads to try and get her back? And the engagement is put on hold by order of the council?
The triplets Loki, Fenrir, Lycaon, are to rule the lives of the Lycan’s. Selene born of the moon was gifted to rule over the werewolves, they have never come to meet as the children of the gods were born to rule their own creations. Until the day Lycan’s and Werewolves began a w*r to end one another. The gods forbade the young triplets and the young goddess to never love another until they are to meet in marriage. Their fate made the choice to show they always belong together, but would their union free their children? Will Selene’s lover let her go? Or will the triplets lovers allow their union? What happens when a marriage isn’t enough and the moon goddess, daughter of the gods goes back to love a human? Will they hide her from the world who desires to use them for their own personal gain?
Kara Martin was known as Miss Perfect. She was a beauty with good personality and successful career. Unfortunately, her life changed at one night. She was accused of adultery, losing her job, and abandoned by her fiance. The arrogant man who slept with her did not want to take responsibility. He even threatened to kill her if they met again. What's worse, Kara was pregnant with twins and she chose to give birth to them. Four and a half years later, Kara returned to work at a large company. As the secretary, she would frequently face their notorious CEO. Kara thought it wouldn't be a problem, but as it turned out ... the CEO was the father of the twins!
Two years ago, Ricky found himself coerced into marrying Emma to protect the woman he cherished. From Ricky's perspective, Emma was despicable, resorting to underhanded schemes to ensure their marriage. He maintained a distant and cold attitude toward her, reserving his warmth for another. Yet, Emma remained wholeheartedly dedicated to Ricky for more than ten years. As she grew weary and considered relinquishing her efforts, Ricky was seized by a sudden fear. Only when Emma's life teetered on the edge, pregnant with Ricky's child, did he recognize-the love of his life had always been Emma.
Joelle thought she could change Adrian's heart after three years of marriage, but she realized too late that it already belonged to another woman. "Give me a baby, and I'll set you free." The day Joelle went into labor, Adrian was traveling with his mistress on his private jet. "I don't care whom you love. My debt is paid. From now on, we have nothing to do with each other." Not long after Joelle left, Adrian found himself begging on his knees. "Please come back to me."
Melanie married Ashton out of gratitude, but she quickly found herself entangled in a web of relentless challenges. Despite these struggles, she stayed true to her commitment to the marriage. In the hospital room, Ashton indifferently attempted to draw her blood, disregarding her discomfort. This callous act was a harsh revelation for Melanie, awakening her to the grim reality of their relationship. Resolved to prioritize her own welfare, she decided to sever ties. With newfound resolve, Melanie filed for divorce. In the process, she unveiled her concealed identities, leaving everyone in shock. Throughout these turbulent times, Melanie realized that Derek, Ashton’s uncle, had been discreetly protecting her all along.
She was a world-renowned divine doctor, the CEO of a publicly traded company, the most formidable female mercenary, and a top-tier tech genius. Marissa, a titan with a plethora of secret identities, had hidden her true stature to marry a seemingly impoverished young man. However, on the eve of their wedding, her fiance, who was actually the lost heir to a wealthy dynasty, called off the engagement and subjected her to degradation and mockery. Upon the revelation of her concealed identities, her ex-fiance was left stunned and desperately pleaded for her forgiveness. Standing protectively before Marissa, an incredibly influential and fearsome magnate declared, "This is my wife. Who would dare try to claim her?"
After five years of marriage, my husband is always absent on my birthday. No gifts, no blessings. He said, "I've given you the money, buy whatever you want." But he started preparing for Fiona's birthday half a month in advance. He said, "She's different, she only has me." As the sole survivor of a unexpected fire, he has been heartbroken for over a decade. Watching Fiona in Moments holding a cake and kissing his face. I slowly commented. 【Just this useless person, I'm giving him to you.】