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My Crown Prince

My Crown Prince

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Kara thinks she has no one left in this world until she decides to try and end it. Damian has been searching for her. Their paths finally catch up and Kara finds out who she really is. Little does she know that others are also looking for her.

Chapter 1 Ending It All - Kara (POV)

I hurt everywhere. I have a broken arm, a broken leg, Busted lip, a black eye. Let's just say, I just had my ass kicked. For the last time. I will not let them beat me anymore or burn me with silver. I am done being the pack punching bag. The Alpha and Luna ignore my pleas. They ignore everything that does not serve their purpose. The alpha gives me the creeps.

I am done. So, done. If I must end my life, then so be it. I drag my body to the edge of the cliff. I need to end it, or they will end it for me. I need to escape this life. I have no strength left to live here. I am so hungry and tired. I prayed to the moon goddess to help me or guide me and nothing. Maybe it was meant to be this way.

My name is Kara Daniels or was, from the Red Moon Pack from the Catskills, New York. This is not my true pack. My true pack was Blue Lake. Everyone there was massacred by the hands of Red Moon Alpha. He is evil and disgusting. He only wants money and power. I have not told anyone of my true identity. They will kill me. Or worst yet, try to take me as a mate.

My true pack was the Blue Lake pack, last known of the red wolves. They had special healing powers that the moon goddess blessed us with. I could not heal myself until after my 18th birthday. I gained my wolf at sixteen and supposed to meet my mate and receive my healing powers. I have a special birth mark just behind my ear. No one knows about. I hope no one knows. I have had to suppress my wolf, so no one finds out that I am the last red wolf. I am the last of my kind, that I know of.

It is one week before my eighteenth birthday. I am supposed to find my mate when I turn eighteen and live happily ever after. Such Crap! I don't want anyone form this pack. I am not sure if I even belong to this pack. I have never felt part of this pack or close to anyone. I know everyone hates me. There are rumors that I was found outside the pack in the woods when I was five years old.

I peer over the edge of the cliff. There is a rushing river below. Maybe, If I survive, I can find a new life somewhere. I have not gotten my wolf yet. I know she is there. I can feel her. I have blocked her out. I need for her to heal so she is strong when I shift. I jump hope for something better. What did I ever do to deserve this? Oh Kara, stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it.

I pull up enough strength to stand and look over the side of the mountainside. I look around. My face is dirty, my hair is dingy and messy. I have torn clothes. I am not pretty. I have dark brown hair. My eyes are dull green. I have somewhat filled out as a young woman. Nothing to look twice at, this I know. I am 5'4". I should have a body like the other young women in this pack, but then again, they get to eat.

I am looking around once more something is making me hesitate. When I decide to take the leap, I look across from where I am standing, and I see eyes looking back at me. What the hell? Someone will try and stop me. No way. I take a step toward the edge and let me body drop. I am falling in. I can hear the rushing water sound getting louder and louder.

I felt my body hit the water. Burning sensation and pain all over. Bubbles, bubbles, no air, no air. I start to scramble trying to reach air. The light is going away. It is getting dark. I feel myself choking, gasping. Nothing. Darkness takes over. I feel light like my body is floating.

Something grabs my hand and I feel my body being jerked out of the depth. I cannot open my eyes. I saw my life flash before my eyes.

It wasn't much. I see two people. A man and woman. I'm being placed in a basket and left in the woods. They each kiss my forehead. "Live! You our little princess. Live for us. Always remember we love you."

"Mommy? Daddy? Where are you? Please, I'll be good. Come get me. I am afraid."

I feel someone's mouth over mine. Someone is pushing my chest. I hear a man's voice. "Damn, she was under the water in minutes. I could not get to her quick enough. I pulled her out as fast as I could." I hear another man's voice.

"Do CPR and hopefully she comes back. We finally found her. If she does not live the prince will be angry."

Prince who? Who the hell are they talking about? I feel my body being turned on my side. Water comes rushed from my stomach, up my chest and I vomit water. I begin choking for air. "She coming to. Get a blanket. We will rush her back to the truck. Call the palace and have the doctor ready. Hold on princess Kara."

Who the hell is princess Kara? They have the wrong girl. I am no princess. Darkness takes over again.

I hear voices nearby. "She has been missing for twelve years and she was so close to us the whole time. I knew the Alpha and Luna from Red Moon were covering up something. Our spy in the pack was finally able to find the locket in the girl's room. She also has the marking below her left ear. It is the same as the Alpha that made his promise to the King. His daughter was betrothed to the King's only son, Prince Damian. The prince has been searching for her after the Blue Lake pack had been killed. We found the Blue Lake Alpha and Luna dead. But no sign of their daughter.

Rumors were that she was left just outside the Red Moon pack but when we made inquiries, we knew they were covering up something."

"She looks so weak. Why did she try to end life?" the other voice asked.

"Our spy had tried to get her out of there. She has been beaten and starved for most of her life there. She probably had reached her limit. I was standing just across the river when I spotted her. She did not hesitate."

"Doctor, I need a report for my prince."

"She is malnourished as you already know. She is severely under-weight. She is anemic. Her blood oxygen levels are fine. She needs complete rest and care. I have started an IV with blends of vitamins and nutrients that she needs. She will be here for a couple of days."

"I will place guards outside her door. No one is to come in here. No one, but you. Am I clear doctor?"

"Yes, Beta Roger. I am settling in my office which is two doors down the hall. This is the executive floor. Very private and secure. I will be here until she is better. Do you or your men need anything?"

"No, I will call my prince now with the update and I will also be settling in for the stay. I will be right here in the same room. That sofa over there is good enough."

"Beta, please, let me have another bed brought in. It's a single but better that the sofa."

"Thank you doctor that will be fine."

I hear the door close. I try and open my eyes. I am so tired of fighting for myself. I let sleep take me over. 'Mommy, daddy. I am right here waiting for you. I promise I'll be good. Just come and get me.'

"My Prince, yes good news. We found her. We are at the palace hospital. Yes, I am staying here with her. Yes, your highness. She tried to end her life. Yes, her locket was found in her room with her belongings, yes our person inside the pack was able to retrieve her personal belongings. I have already planned to have our contact leave the pack. She will be home in a few days with a full report. Yes, and good night to you, my Prince."

"Kara, sweet Kara. I am so sorry we were not able to get to you sooner. A promise was made to your parents. We have been searching for you for the twelve years. Every time we got closer to finding you, we were led astray. The Alpha and Luna from Red Moon will regret their actions as soon as your Prince arrives from Europe. You have my promise, we will protect you." I heard a voice tell me.

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