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Bloody Angel

Bloody Angel

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Charmayanne Moonblood is your average last remaining 1074 year old Flame wielder in the entire world, not to mention a masked assassin that is both greatly feared and respected in the para-normal community. One day, Ayanne is out on the job, you can imagine her surprise when she runs into an unfamiliar creature who she finds unable to subdue and the annoying fucker just keeps saying mine. Rhys Parker also your average supreme direct descendant of the very revered and also equally bitchy mother nature. Grouchy at having to be in charge of an entire band of the world's most powerful creatures and having to listen to their childish squabbles, he often wanders through the woods in search of solitude, imagine his surprise when he finds a fiery little fire wielder in the woods and when she turns out to be his other half.

Chapter 1 Mea

There's so much that happens under your nose that you don't know about. Age old secrets that not even your advanced technology and what not can uncover and forces so powerful that even nuclear weapons cannot destroy.

All the myths you've read in books as a child are real. All of them are. Meaning that your next door neighbor is probably a blood sucking vampire. Think about it, why is he so pale? It's alright, he may decide to stop by for a quick drink but you won't even notice, all you need is iron supplements. He doesn't take from kids- too tender flesh doesn't make for a good blood supply. He prefers it to be richer. He won't kill you though, he's afraid I'll come after him.

Who am I? I'm glad you asked. I am known by many names in different tongues, so many that not even I can keep count of all. I remember the name my mother called me though but only faintly, she whispered it in my ear before she died.

Currently though, my name is Sage, Sage Moonblood. After all, real or not, I needed a kind of truth in my name.

Away from the world of the humans, there's a separate world out there. Pulsing underneath their sloppy movements. I was an investment banker in the human world by day, stinking rich and fairly famous. I am known as Sage Moonblood in this century though. In Leonardo Da' Vinci's time, I was Monalisa. That guy sucks at painting, honestly though, I think the guy was half blind. I was sitting on a ledge and my head definitely does not look like that.

So, the thing is that I am a free lancer, in the supernatural world filled with every kind of creature you can imagine, there is a hierarchy and there are those at the bottom of the food chain and those at the top. I do the dirty work of various powerful people in exchange for protection for the weak. I wasn't strong enough to keep an eye out for every one of them all over the world so I anonymously solicit protection, pay for it with my services, set up a small community for the weak creatures and renew the alliances every time they expired. Nothing was permanent with supernatural creatures. They are all conniving bitches. Speaking of which, I've had so many jobs lately that I haven't been hearing from my two allies. They help run the little packs. Betas of sorts except that I was no Alpha and these creatures did not know who was keeping them protected. Kia and Anouk also helped in training them. They made the operations possible and even though they didn't approve of all my decisions were very loyal to me.

Most of the creatures in the packs hated me without even knowing who or what I was. The bloody angel, they knew me as the bloody angel. A being in an armour of many colours, ruthless and cruel. I couldn't really blame them, even though my actions seemed without reason, their ignorance was bliss and the rumors they spread were incredibly funny. They also bode well for my reputation. Bloody angel- I love the name so much that I even painted a picture of it with the blood of my enemies. I hung the painting in my study. Art can be really soul searing sometimes.

The Market place was usually at its most active state at night time. Although it was never night in our world. All that descended was a dull purplish light that made it difficult to see well. I loved it. Unlike most people, it only heightened my senses. There were all kinds of things on sale, things ranging from common everyday rugs to possessed flying carpets. We didn't trade in money at this market, it was more of exchange, trade by barter, pledges and that sort of stuff. The material markets or the malls were a bit far off. This side of our world was for dealing in mainly magical stuff and weapons.

The supernatural world existed not by space or time, it just did and so the world had no boundaries, people just marked territories and the world expanded by the minute, that was why our means of transportation was teleportation or flying. Walking felt strange but I had to, I couldn't blow my cover by flying and yes, I fly.

The wolves side of the world was more defined, much closer to the human world so close that it was almost like they were on earth but they weren't, it was quite complicated. They were where we called- right by the edge of the border. They tended to keep to themselves and only few outgoing alphas were prone to socializing. They fae resided in the middle of the forest, the demonae and the nearly extinct flame weiders and other dark creatures- my kind resided closest to the fire at the core of the earth. Most people would say it was hell and it was incredibly hot but it isn't really, the heat felt more like a warm blanket to me. Sure it's where the soul of all the bad people get kept and tortured when they died but a few screams didn't hurt and in winter, it was kind of nice to live near an eternal inferno.

Alphas were possessive idiots and could get touchy over their lands. They were all just a bunch of big babies but stopping to kill any alphas would mean wasting precious time but I was careful, tip toeing around borders and boundaries. I could break any of their barriers in thirty seconds, they were all so weak except for one though, at the very edge of the wolf area, a barrier so ancient, it almost felt more powerful, it made me a little unsettled wondering what kind of creature would have power enough to put up that kind of barrier. From the barrier, I heard the call of home, the center of the earth could call to my kind. It was like a song, a siren's call, I was strong and well trained so that even though I felt a bit woozy, I was able to withstand the call.

I tried moving away from the barrier but then I slipped, still woozy from the siren's call. I accidently touched it. I froze in place, I was trapped, I wiggled feeling the bonds tighten as I struggled against them.

No! No!! No!!!Shit!

I didn't like being caught. I hardly ever got caught. All Alpha Nero had asked for was for me to pretend to be a helpless she-wolf and walk about his perimeter in other for the asshole that had been abducting, abusing and killing young female wolves to come by. I could kill him, Lord knows I wanted to kill the sick bastard for ending the lives of those poor girls. The girls of Silver blade pack did not deserve to live everyday of their lives in fear. The thought alone filled me with rage but Alpha Nero requested I bring him alive. Probably for a public execution to soothe the affected families and to put his pack's mind at rest or for private torturing pleasures, what? I could only assume the worst of everyone and there's nothing wrong with being a sociopath. I am one and except for times like this, it actually agrees very well with me.

I had only been around for roughly twenty minutes, it did not make sense. We were on the first plane, why did I feel the call of home all the way from up here and what or who the hell was trapping me here. I have never felt this kind of magic before and I was basically an expert on all sorts of magic, assassinating assholes all over the world does that plus, I can wield magic I was a little unsettled though because I did not know what was keeping me immobile but the magic felt ancient. Too ancient. I was a bit afraid.

At that insant, a delicious scent wafted into my nostrils. It was mouthwatering and Ignis wanted out. This was getting so weird I was almost scared. I had absolute control over my other form, Ignis never wanted out but at that moment it was almost impossible to keep her in. I know she was strong but this was extremely tasking.

Ignis only spoke latin and I often had to use a translator when talking to her. She only spoke in English when it was important, I was getting better at understanding her but it was difficult nonetheless. Considering the fact that I was of greek origin, I didn't understand why she didn't speak in Greek but I was usually to busy to dwell on such matters. In my defense, I take latin classes anytime I'm free. She just kept chanting mea I knew that mea meant mine, she wasn't territorial but she sounded guruttal and insanely possessive, I was scared and was struggling very hard against the restraints. I was also very curious about the delicious scent that was sending all my sense into overdrive. Literally, the scent was the only thing I could focus on, it shut down everything else and I had a feeling Ignis had something to do with that. Sometimes, the amount of power she had over me scared me.

A scrawny boy stepped out of the shadows, he looked to be no older than sixteen but that delicious scent was coming from him and the smirk on his face showed that he was somehow connected with what was going on but the impressive magic I was feeling was too ancient to be coming from him, I wasn't underestimating him though, I've been killing since I was born and most of my enemies often make the mistake of thinking me weak because of my tiny stature and my annoying baby like face. My cheeks didn't help in making me look menancing. It was advantageous in some situations though and I often corrected the creatures that thought me weak soon after that. It wasn't really difficult to figure out when I'm standing over you snapping your neck, I mean you'd be dumb to not realize that I'm stronger than you after that. Sadly though, they don't learn from their mistakes, I make it so that they can't.

Right now though, I was pissed, I really don't have a high tolerance for children.

'Look pup, release me right now and I will consider letting you go alive' I growl. Ignis was far away from me. It even felt like she was comfortable in the weird bonds he put us in.

'Mea' he says and coming from him, it sounded weirdly intimate as though I should wonder why he was saying mine. I looked around searching for who or what he was referring to, I may have accidentally touched something of his but the coast is clear.

'You seem unwell, let me out and I'll help you with that' I say in a sickeningly sweet voice.

Ignis pushes herself to the front and speaks through my mouth, the few times she's done that, it was usually to threaten someone in a cruel voice, she usually spoke in heavily accented English as though she understood that they couldn't understand her. I had attributed her to the harsh fear inspiring voice she usually used while speaking.

It seems like I was wrong in that moment, I was confused, scared and fighting for control over my mind. I hate feeling out of control. I felt like I was helpless, I hated it. I was wrong about Ignis too though. Her voice is soft, sensual and actually feminine as she says mea, I was low-key scared and my inner jaw drops open in shock since she was using my actual one, she hadn't ever spoken to me like that, even the first time I heard her voice, after the most horrible nights of my life. It was one of the few times she ever spoke English or even spoke at all. She'd explained things to me and told me her name, Ignis. Latin for fire.

The male touches my cheek and it feels like he lights the spot he touches on fire. Not a burning fire meant to hurt but rather a light passionate fire and my eyes burst into flames for a minute. It's scary that I actually want him to touch me like that.

'What the hell did you do to me just now?! I swear, I'll cut your balls and feed them to you if you don't release me this instant, you bastard!'

He doesn't answer me, he just keeps walking around my frozen figure.

'You touched the barrier mea, you should have died, I don't know why you aren't but well, I'm glad you aren't. I'm already fond of you and it hasn't even been five minutes yet' He says grinning and I feel like punching the obnoxious grin of his face. I already concluded that he would die in that instant. He was that annoying and I was convinced that I hated him.

There was a rustling in the bushes and our heads snapped to the location, his a fraction of a second quicker than mine. I was impressed and annoyed. Nobody should be faster than I am.

A muscled middle aged brown haired male stepped out of the bushes

'Hey angels, you alone?' He says smiling lewdly.

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