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Secretly Married To My Secretary

Secretly Married To My Secretary

49 Chapters
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She had a dream about him, saying his vows to her, that they would be together forever, and then her best friend woke her up. Good thing because that dream she had is a nightmare! What Sadie didn't know is that going to her new job today is the start of her real-life nightmare? Or will she realise as she spends more time with her Boss, slash husband it is a sweet reality dream after all? Let's see as we start the beginning of Sadie and Kayden's love story. No one is good enough to deserve the charming, assertive, cocky, smart and bad boy type Kayden Freniere. Almost everyone around him admires him. Kayden the CEO and Sadie his secretary. They have a cold and thrilling relationship. One moment, she feels like he is torturing her then the next thing she knew she was fascinated by him. However what could happen if, the secret about Sadie his secretary and him they were hiding the most suddenly came out? That they are married for years now. Will Kayden defend her and act like the Knight in shining armour Sadie needs or will he deny the connection they have with each other? One thing for sure, he wants his Wife back for some reason he can't name but the question is ... does she want him back too?

Chapter 1 Beginning


"I, Justin Smith-Montemayor, take you, –"

"Joanna! Wake up already!" I immediately woke up from my sleep and touched my forehead, feeling dizzy from the sudden awakening.

"Hey, girl! It's your first day at work, and you're still drooling? It's already seven o'clock!" My eyes widened, and I started to regain my senses.

I snapped out of it when she mentioned the time, so I ignored Katastrophe. I quickly went to the bathroom and filled the bucket with water. I was still groggy when I reached for the dipper and suddenly poured water all over myself. Damn! That was stupid! I should have heated the water first before taking a shower. The water in Baguio is freezing cold!" I muttered to myself, but because I was running late, I endured it to finish quickly.

Katastrophe is my best friend slash roommate. We've known each other since we were kids. Aside from being neighbors, we also went to the same school from elementary to college, where we decided to study in Baguio City.

After I left the bathroom, I quickly dressed in office attire and combed my hair with my hands. I walked out of the room, and there stood Katastrophe, lazily relaxing since it's her day off, being a call center agent who has two days off depending on her schedule, while I work in the office on weekends. After putting on my black doll shoes, I grabbed my shoulder bag and approached her.

"So, you're leaving now? You're setting an alarm even when you have time." She teased me. I smiled at her and took her coffee from the table, finishing it in one go. Thankfully, it wasn't too hot anymore. She was slightly surprised by what I did and narrowed her eyes in annoyance.

"JOANNA!" She scolded me. I didn't pay her any attention and quickly left the house, waiting for a jeepney to Smith House. Fortunately, our place is just by the side of the road, so I didn't have to wait long.

While on my way, I couldn't get the dream I had earlier out of my mind. It had been four years already. I wonder how he's doing now? I immediately brushed off that question and the dream itself, redirecting my attention to the road.

My phone did set off an alarm, but the dream was too good that it made my sleep even more enjoyable, and I didn't hear it. Geez! I didn't even check the time because I thought it was still early. Luckily, Katastrophe was there to wake me up.

"Kuya, stop here, please." The jeepney immediately stopped, and I struggled to get off. Well, no wonder, considering I was wearing a tight black pencil skirt. Actually, this skirt belongs to Katastrophe. She used it back when we were in college. I'm not really fond of wearing skirts; I prefer wearing slacks. It's not because my legs are unattractive, but I'm just not that girly.

Just yesterday, through an email, I found out that the required office attire for females is a skirt, while the boys can wear slacks. It's annoying! The owner of Smith House is so particular about it!

I think the owner of this company is an old unmarried pervert, and to discreetly check out his female employees, he requires us to wear skirts. But of course, that's just a joke.

I can't say that aloud, though. When I applied here, I saw the female employees inside their skirts, wearing high heels and with heavy makeup on their faces. I thought there was a party that day because there were clowns everywhere, like a children's party. Turns out they were office clerks. Sigh.

"Ma'am, please wear your company ID."

"Huh? What's that?" I looked at the guard in confusion while at the entrance. Urgh! Joanna, focus, focus, focus! I shook my head at myself. It's your first day of work; you need to look presentable and impress your boss to make this a permanent job.

"Ma'am, I said please wear your ID so I can scan it." The guard replied, scratching his neck. It was then that I realized I was at the entrance of Smith House. I quickly rummaged through my bag to find my ID and apologized to the people lined up behind me, complaining that they might be late.

Since I knew which floor the CEO's office was on, the thirty-third floor, I didn't bother asking the receptionist about the good-looking office clerks who happen to be unfriendly when it's a woman who's inquiring. Sigh. But when it comes to men-well, nevermind!

Oh, right, I'm really going to be late! I hurriedly went to the elevator, and luckily, there was enough space for me. I immediately pressed the button for the thirty-third floor and furrowed my brow when I saw the people beside me staring at me as if I had done something wrong. I could also feel the other gazes from behind.

What's their problem? Did I do something bad? I just ignored them and waited until we reached the thirty-third floor. Finally, I arrived, rushing down the hallway towards the CEO's office.

The CEO's office is the only one on this floor. Actually, I have no idea what my boss looks like because only the HR team interviewed me. I came here once before when I started, and Ma'am Claire, the HR manager, introduced me to the secretary I would be replacing.

She's an old woman in her sixties-that's what Ma'am Claire said. And because she's already a senior citizen, she decided to retire from work. According to Ma'am Claire, she is currently the secretary of the CEO's grandmother.

Finally, I reached the end of the thirty-third floor where the actual office was located. I quickly opened the double doors, and Mrs. Thompson's working table greeted me.

I approached her immediately and greeted her good morning, but she responded with a stern look and a scowl. Ah, the effects of old age! I just ignored her sour mood because I knew what my mistake was! I was five minutes late!

I apologized to her, making a peace sign to show that I meant it. She glared at me and said, "Fix yourself, Miss Cruz, and I will introduce you to Mr. Montemayor." I nodded, furrowing my brow. My attention was back on her, wondering.

"Uh, who is Mr. Montemayor?" I innocently asked. Wasn't my boss Mr. Smith? She frowned at me.

"Didn't I orient you about our boss?" She asked, irritated. I quickly nodded. "Don't tell me you've already forgotten my instructions?" she added. Her eyes narrowed as she adjusted her glasses.

I immediately shook my head. I have a good memory, you know! I remember all her instructions-the dos and don'ts, and I even reviewed them repeatedly yesterday so I wouldn't make any mistakes on my first day. But I really couldn't recall being told that my boss's name is Mr. Montemayor.

She just shook her head and turned around to walk beside me, pulling my hand without saying anything, making me follow her into the CEO's office.

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Latest Release: Chapter 49 Forty-eight   08-01 15:08
1 Chapter 1 Beginning
2 Chapter 2 One
3 Chapter 3 Two
4 Chapter 4 Three
5 Chapter 5 Four
6 Chapter 6 Five
7 Chapter 7 Six
8 Chapter 8 Seven
9 Chapter 9 Eight
10 Chapter 10 Nine
11 Chapter 11 Ten
12 Chapter 12 Eleven
13 Chapter 13 Twelve
14 Chapter 14 Thirteen
15 Chapter 15 Fourteen
16 Chapter 16 Fifteen
17 Chapter 17 Sixteen
18 Chapter 18 Seventeen
19 Chapter 19 Eighteen
20 Chapter 20 Nineteen
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