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The Make You Miss Me

The Make You Miss Me

69 Chapters
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I looked around the studio where many of my fans were also watching. I am currently being asked by the host of TV ZR Channel or rather they are interviewing me. They had a lot of questions that I answered well and correctly. "Have you no intention of settling down, Ms. Jessel? Haven't you thought about getting married and having a family?" I smiled at the media's question to me. I touched the side of my lips and it seemed that I just returned to the memory...when in those times I was still with the man I loved for almost 16 years and until now he is still the one that beats my heart. But that memory is only in the past. You can go back but you will never feel the good feeling while you are still with the only man you have loved in your whole life. All you can do is bring back memories that only your mind can do. "For now... I haven't thought about that yet... I'm focusing on my career right now but if I can find a man who I'm sure I'll be happy with, you'll know. .. I won't be ashamed to introduce him to all of you," I answered with a smile and they couldn't help but stay because of the excitement of what I said. "If that's the case, Ms. Jessel. You haven't experienced love yet? What is love for you?" he asked me again. "Hmm... I've fallen in love once... With the right person but the only thing that wasn't right was the time. You have true love... but it's still inevitable that you end up in a complicated relationship. So, it's also true saying that love is not rushed and you should wait for that right time, so you don't get hurt... Because sometimes love seems like a blink of an eye. At first you will feel that love but in just a blink of your eye. He will just disappear... unexpectedly..." "Looks like you're pulling something, Ms. Jessel?" he asked me smiling and I smiled too. "Can you believe that once in my life...I had a happy family with my ex husband?" I asked and immediately there was a lot of noise around. I seemed to surprise them with the words I uttered. "So... You got married and when was that? And who is that lucky guy, Ms. Jessel?" They have many questions...but I can't answer them one by one. "He's around but it's hard to catch him. He's like a ferocious lion that just one look will make you back away in fear," I answered with a laugh and they were amazed. "You guys like to keep secrets," she said and laughed. I just smiled at her. "But...if your ex-husband is watching at this time... What message would you share for him?" I thought for a moment. I focused on the camera and I thought my ex-husband was also looking at me at this time. "Baby... You didn't make an effort to follow me, coax and ask for my hands again and continue our broken love... But this is all I can tell you... I'll make you miss me. .." I said seriously but I showed everyone my true emotions at this moment. That was the last thing I said and I know they were not satisfied but I didn't answer anymore, they had a few more questions. My bodyguards rushed after me when they saw me walking out of the studio where I was currently being interviewed about things related to my life. I walk tall while wearing my shades. They opened the backseat door. It was only then that I breathed a sigh of relief when the media didn't see me again. I feel like I'm being strangled by the neck because I'm not used to a lot of people. Even this should be my life. "Miss Jessel... Where are we?" "Let's go straight to the hotel. I want to rest now..." I said and sighed. I leaned my back against the headrest and closed my eyes. Two cars followed us and my bodyguards were in them. My secretary is with me in this car. "Ms. Jessel, your Dad sent it," my secretary told me and my eyes widened. I looked at the paper bag she was holding. I took it with a smile from his hands. "Thanks, pretty," I thanked her. That's what I often call the girls I talk to. I can barely remember their names. "Happy birthday, daughter," that's what was written on the paperbag card and my sweet smile broke out again. I'm, 35 years old now... Hmm... I'm too old... When we returned to the hotel, I received a bouquet of red roses. My secretary quickly took it away from me. When I saw the crease on my face. "Who gives this? She's allergic to flowers," my secretary said coldly. I looked at the flower just as my bodyguard was about to throw it away. I love flowers body reacts especially when I smell them. Unfortunately... "Just give it to me," I said, "Wait," I stopped while covering my nose with the back of my hand, "Please, don't throw it away. It's too bad," I added. She is still beautiful. I held my chest as it tightened. I think I inhaled too much of the smell of flowers. I also started coughing and I know my nose is red. I can feel its itching. "What's going on here?" I stopped coughing when I heard that cold, baritone voice. My heart beat faster and the hair on my body started to stand up. "Sir Eryx..." I slowly turned to the man who app.

Chapter 1 Jessel's introduction

Chapter 1

Khai are you sure you don't want to come with me? You'll stay here alone, baby?" I asked my son. Zairyx Alkhairo. He's eleven years old now and turning twelve. Oh well, the next two months is his birthday. He is 12 years old.

He is only in grade six and soon, my son will be in Junior High School. At the age of 34... turning 35, I already have a son who is about to become a teenager. Dad told me that it is not obvious that I have a child. Because of my looks.

People often mistake me and Zairyx Alkhairo, Khai for short, for siblings. Our mother-daughter relationship is not a secret, it's just that no one really believes in that matter and that's what they all believe. Also...I'm not ashamed that Zairyx Alkhairo is my son and I love him, so much. I will not hide him from the world as I really am. He's my everything.

I am one of the director of Z.A's Firm which obviously got me that initial in Khai's name. Zairyx and Alkhairo, Z.A. I have built it for several years, which is almost the same age as Khai. Soon, he will inherit it before I...oh, retire...

Right now he is still studying and I want my son to have a good future. I know he is willing to handle it.

I'm going to Cebu because I have a special interview on TV ZR channel. Apart from being a director, I have also been a producer in big entertainment companies in the country and now I still don't stop modeling. I work hard for my son.

My schedule is not hectic and I can still combine my work and taking care of Khai. Although the truth is that he mostly takes care of me because I am often busy with the firm.

Khai has matured to think, I can leave him in our condo because he knows how to cook and he knows how to do all the household chores. When I finally arrived at our condo, he had already cooked our dinner and was waiting for me so we could eat together.

He's sweet and carrying. He will inherit the... I shook my head and sighed.

"Are you okay, Mom?" he asked me.

"I'm fine, baby..." I replied with a smile.

I finished packing my things to go to Cebu and I just went inside my son's room to ask him again if he has changed his mind and will come with me. He said at first that he might just be left in our condo unit.

In recent years we have been staying at the mansion with Daddy and Mommy. But because my working place, the firm I run is far away, I chose to stay in my condo which is also close to Khai's school and so that the two of us can travel faster and Khai doesn't really leave our mansion.

Daddy did laugh at him because his grandson is a teenager, he is still Mommy's boy and I am happy because of that. So wherever I go, he must be with me and always by my side. His reason is that I have someone with me and he will take care of me too.

I caught him on his bed sitting with his back leaning against the headboard, as usual he was reading a book.

Khai does not like social life. He is an introvert and prefers to read or study in his room. So I don't wonder why Dad and I always go up to the top of the stage every year to hang his medal around his neck and there's even a big party at our mansion led by Mommy.

At his young age, he has already received many achievements. Ultimo in their class is the leader.

If other people look at him, he's very serious and you think he doesn't even know how to smile, but he's just like that if he doesn't know them. When it comes to me he is very different.

He is talkative and loud. Always smiling as he talks about the things that happen to him at their school. He is also very close to his grandparents. He often goes with Dad to the Golf club to play with his Grandfather. As for his grandmother, he accompanies her to watch a movie in the entertainment room.

Khai placed his book on his bedside table. I came to him and sat on the edge of his bed.

Our flight to Cebu is early in the morning and he already has an extra ticket plane that my secretary often does. Because he knows that I take Khai with me wherever I go.

He was wearing a white shirt and black shorts. Messy hair that is growing too long. I don't know why she likes to grow her hair long. He looked at me with wide eyes and a smile on his lips, causing two deep wrinkles to appear on both of his cheeks.

One of the things I liked that he had. To this day, the memories of when I was pregnant with him are still fresh in my mind. When I gave birth to him and took care of him as a baby.

But now... I can't see him just playing and always asking me for a welcome toy even though he already has a lot of toys. That Dad and Mom are the ones who give him the most gifts.

He will no longer beg me to make him his favorite pizza that we often eat for a snack, occasionally we make it for dinner and our visit to the Enchanted Kingdom and I miss all of that.

Because now he can do the things he wants by himself. He grew up really fast and I never get tired of taking care of him so even now I still baby him. He didn't complain.

"Your hair is getting long, Khai. Aren't you going to cut it, baby?" I asked her softly as my fingers gently combed her hair. Her black hair was so soft. Her hair color is natural.

"You want me to cut my hair, Mom?" he asked me. He's like this, always asking for permission even though I know he has his own decisions in his life.

"You're prettier with short hair, Khai," I answered with a nod. He chuckled softly. I only see her Daddy more than her.

His eyes are so narrow that if he smiles it seems that they are just closed. His long and sharp nose, his cheeks and jaw. He really got that in...

The way he spoke, every gesture and movement. How to walk is really similar. If his back was turned, you would think he was not Alkhairo. If you put the two of them aside, you will be mistaken that they are just siblings and it is not obvious that at that age he already has a child. It's me that no one believes that Zairyx Alkhairo is my son.

They also said that my son looks just like me but I see a different face every time I look at his eyes, they are also hazel green. Maybe the only thing he inherited from me was the way he smiled and the color of his eyes.

"Then, I'll visit Ninan Zinky's parlor tomorrow," he replied.

His Ninang Zinky Kaye Aldelto is my best friend since high school. She's already married too and has two children.

"Are you really going to leave me here?" I asked and he just nodded.

"Maybe you won't be there for long, Mom? We have an important activity on Monday so I can't really be with you," he reasoned out.

"I understand, baby. As long as you always update me. Your bodyguards are in the other condo," I reminded.

If Khai were just another kid, he might hate having bodyguards always tailing him. But he is not spoiled and he knows that Dad and I will be more worried when he leaves alone and watches over him.

Barjo's Hotel, the hotel we chose to stay in Cebu for the time being. My secretary took care of everything while I just waited for her to talk to the woman at the information desk.

I have six bodyguards, they just stand behind me and are always alert. We were in the lobby of the hotel and I was sitting on the sofa here.

I took out my cellphone from inside my leather bag and saw that Khai had already replied to me.

From: Khai baby

That's good to know, Mom. Don't forget to eat your breakfast, please.

My son is really sweet, so my mother is lucky to have given me a son like Zairyx Alkhairo.

To: Hey baby

You too, son. I'll call you later. I need to take a nap first. Not me

fall asleep on the plane I'm not used to not being with you.

I hit the send button and after a second he had a reply right away.

From: Kai baby

I will, Mom. Sorry about that. Okay, take a rest.

I stood up when I saw my secretary approaching our place. Maybe he's done talking.

Since we were eight, we only took five rooms. One hotel room is mine, the second one belongs to Sabel, my secretary. The three are for my bodyguards. According to their request, it is better for them to share a room.

We checked in to an exclusive hotel room. It is said to be a special guest for this hotel.

"You may take your rest for now, guys. I will tell you when I go out. Sabel," I told them. Sabel nodded her head for response.

I was left in my hotel room and I didn't even bother Sabel to organize my luggage in her closet. I can fix it, maybe later. We were both tired from our trip so they also needed to rest. I just left my suitcase at the foot of the soft bed.

I took off my white coat and left my white cotton sleeveless. It was tucked into my loose pants.

My fingers ran through my waist-length hair. I looked at a sliding door. The hotel has a terrace so I walked towards it.

I smiled because my suspicion was right. I hung out on the terrace and leaned on the railings. The view from here is beautiful. Our hotel room was on the 12th floor, so we had a really good view from here.

There is also a terrace on the other side. Maybe that was Sabel's room. My tiredness from the trip is somehow relieved by the beautiful scenery.

"I'm sorry, hon. I will visit you in Manila. I just check my schedule to see when I can leave." I heard the man's said.

I didn't turn around and I also looked at my cellphone. I called Mommy's phone. He immediately answered only three rings.

"Jessel, hija? Did you arrive safely in Cebu?" my Mommy immediately asked me from the other line. I chuckled.

He also knew that I was going to Cebu. My mommy is really like this. He is also considerate.

"Yeah. Khai was left at our condo. They said they had an activity so they couldn't be with us here in Cebu. Please just look at my baby, Mommy," I told her.

"You know what, you don't need to worry about my grandson. He's just like you when you were that age. He knows everything, son" she said and I nodded my head.

"I know Mom. But you are really worried about me. You know the feeling already, Mom," I said and she laughed.

"Oh, yes... But I will. Please let him stay at the mansion while you're gone, son. So you don't have to worry more. You might be able to get home in no time by chance," he joked. he said that I knew I could do the same.

"Thank you, so much Mom. I love you," I uttered.

"Always welcome, hija. I love you, too."

"Is that Mom, Mommy?" My eyes widened when I heard my son's voice.

I turned my back on the railings and I still feel the presence of someone on the other side. is he listening Or maybe I just suspected wrongly?

"Yes, grandchild. It's your Mom," I heard Mommy answer.

"Can I talk to her, Mommy?"

"Sure, baby."

I waited for my son to speak. He arrived at our mansion so fast.

Maybe he left our condo early too? He must be with Fread and the teams, right?

"Mom? Aren't you going to rest?" he asked me. I smiled.

"I just called Mommy to check on you at our condo. I didn't know you were there early. Are you with your bodyguards, baby? You can't leave without someone," I promised long.

"I won't forget that, Mom. I'm fine. I immediately called Fread for us to go to the mansion, and Mommy, just make your trip to Cebu a short vacation so that I can somehow you can rest. Don't work too much. Don't worry about me and so that you don't have to worry about me anymore, I'll stay at the mansion first. How's that, Mom?" he asked me. My smile widened because of his suggestion. I nodded even though Khai couldn't see me. I'm glad, huh?

I returned to the terrace with a wide smile. My son has two messages.

From: Khai baby

It's already lunch time, Mom. Eat now.

I typed the keyboard.

To: Hey baby

Yes, baby. I just woke up too, by the way.

From: Khai baby

I'm at school, Mom. Practice for our swimming competition next month.

My son also likes those sports, eh. I was worried because the sports he was participating in were dangerous, but because I didn't want to be a strict mother to him, I agreed to what he wanted.

I can see that he is happy with that so I will just support him. The same way he supports me now.

I stared at the screen of my cellphone and at the same time I felt the presence of someone earlier.

I looked at the other terrace and there was no one there. Weird. I just shrugged and answered my son's call.

"Khai, baby... Are you still at school until now?" I immediately asked him when I answered the call.

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm just going to take a shower because we're done with practice and we're going home later. Have you finished having lunch, Mom?" he asked.

"How about you, baby? Sabel will take care of our lunch. Maybe later. Will you? Don't forget that, hmm? You can't go hungry," I reminded her.

"We're done, Mom. I'm with the team, including Fred. Mom, I'll call you later, okay?

To Be Continued...

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Latest Release: Chapter 69 the special day   10-10 15:25
2 Chapter 2 Interview
5 Chapter 5 Heartbeat
6 Chapter 6 His name
13 Chapter 13 Invited
14 Chapter 14 Incident
24 Chapter 24 Confession
26 Chapter 26 Missing
27 Chapter 27 Found him
29 Chapter 29 Caught them
33 Chapter 33 The source
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