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Lamia academy

Lamia academy

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PROLOGUE "That boy is a monster!" "I saw how he broke the metal!" "I also saw how he ran so fast!" The people who surrounded a large mansion shouted. Inside the house is the crying girl with her parents. "Mommy, I didn't mean it!" Child denial. His mother caressed his white and pale skin. "Shh... I know that." "Vaira, we have to leave before the situation gets worse." His wife said seriously. The woman thought deeply. "I know where we're going to send him. He'll be safer there." The young Zephyrie looked at them silently. His physical appearance is different than normal children. apart from its pale skin, it also has white shoulder-length hair, red lips and mixed blue and red eyes. Strange. "We will send him to his grandmother and he will be admitted to a school run by his mother." The woman suggested to her husband who agreed. "At the school of his fellow vampires."

Chapter 1 Part 1


"Lady Zephyr! Get back here!" I just kept running down the long hallway while wearing a dress that was as long as Rapunzel's hair- okay I was exaggerating. It's annoying! Why is it necessary to wear this?! but it doesn't matter, the important thing is that I'm wearing jogging pants under this dress. It's weird if it's weird but I'm more comfortable like this.

In just a blink of an eye, I immediately arrived at the very tall building of this mansion. I've been living here for 16 years since I was 4, so I'm 20 now but I've never seen the outside of this building since I entered Grandma's mansion. I have tried almost everything just to get out of here, to the point that I have expired a very dangerous chemical but still no avail.

"There's only one choice." I mumbled and retreated a bit then ran and jumped very high on the building but I immediately regretted it.

"Arghhhh! Vervain!" That's right, vervain is one of my weaknesses, so the part of my skin where there was skin-contact with the wall burned a bit, but it healed immediately.

"Zephyrie..." I froze the moment I heard that voice. A woman who I am very scared of- my grandmother.

"Grandma." I immediately stood up and bowed slightly in front of him, a symbol of respect.

"The servants called me that you attempted to escape... AGAIN." I automatically said "Sorry."

"Why is it hard for you to understand the word 'WAIT'?" there he is again in his sermon but don't you, I still love that old man.


"Never mind, you can get out of here." I. Was. Shocked! WHAT?! I can't believe this!

"Really?!" She only nodded.

"When?!" She turned her back.

"Tomorrow, so be ready..." And she disappeared.

Since I was a little girl- when I went to the mansion Grandma hired people to train me how to fight, learn almost everything I need to know, learn the proper etiquette (which I hate the most) or in short... be perfect. she hardly has time for me because of her responsibilities as headmistress in a school so we are not close.

Okay, thinking about something is correct. I just looked at my own reflection in the mirror while playing with my blond hair...or wig for that matter. And yes, it's a wig, my real hair is white. I've also tried coloring but nothing sticks, I've tried everything.

I suddenly remembered my childhood memories where my parents had to send me here to Grandma because people saw me in this form. To tell you a secret, I'm not a full-blooded vampire. my mom's the only pure-blooded vampire while my dad's a werewolf, making me a half-blood or a hybrid.

"Lady Zephyrie, you need to come down so you can keep up with Lady Bethazy (Grandma)." Said one of our assistants from outside my room.

i smiled at my reflection before leaving the room carrying my things and luggage.

"This is gonna be great."


THIS IS NOT GREAT AT ALL!!! I thought I was free forever but I just moved from prison! i just found myself in this Lamia Academy where Grandma is the headmistress! I repeat, this is not great at all!

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Latest Release: Chapter 5 Part 5   08-28 10:29
1 Chapter 1 Part 1
2 Chapter 2 Part 2
3 Chapter 3 Part 3
4 Chapter 4 Part 4
5 Chapter 5 Part 5
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