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My Devil husband's

My Devil husband's

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Prologue There are things in this world that we cannot see clearly. Sometimes they are just people's imaginations and you may only read about them in books. Hiding because they know people will not understand them when they see them. evil but sometimes does inexplicable good. Things that.... Things? They are not suitable, what am I saying? They are not compatible. But not human either. Not a vampire like Edward Cullen, and not a werewolf like Van Helsing. they're not like Harry Potter, they don't have a magic wand. They are not aliens with superpowers either, because they are not superheroes in the first place. Angel? Looks like an angel, yes. But in person, my grandmother's eyes are still vague. Well! What are they? They are called aLICHINO, and don't even know who and what they are. Just sleep or play play station. Or just go to Facebook and add your crush. when you come home at night from school or work, avoid dark places especially if you see suspicious people, especially if they are handsome. There is a right time for kalandian. Don't even stop by the Ministop to buy a Cornetto, just let it open. and above all, don't ask for anything from someone you don't know. What if he can bring back your dead Poodle. Everything has a price. Don't imitate my stupidity. This is a warning! love your precious life before somebody takes it from you, the way it almost did to me. Be curious on a right way or else there'll be a hell to pay.

Chapter 1 Part 1

The moon beam came out and hit the two. The old woman still looks normal but Elm, he changed. Little by little, the hair on my arms rose and my body stiffened.


He is already absorbing something from the woman. A white smoke, and he's feeding on it. then, some luminous lines appeared on Elm's face and it crawled from his neck to his arms, fingers and god-knows where else. It keeps on swirling like a silver tattoo on his skin.

He looks striking and scary at the same time.

The old woman looks dead to me. like Elm was trying to eat her, or whatever that thing that's coming out of her. It's making her weak. She already looks like a ghost.

What I witnessed made me sweat. Elm, I'm sure he's not a normal person. If he is human but he doesn't seem to be either. I don't know what he is. I only know one thing, I'm scared. And I have to leave here. Elm's not human. God help me. Being too curious is really bad. Why am I still gossiping? That's what I got.

I closed my eyes and called all the saints and souls of my ancestors to protect me. I hope that Elm doesn't see me. My knees are shaking with fear.

I felt Elm move so I immediately opened my eyes.

Wrong move.

I was even more terrified when I looked at Elm's eyes. He was looking at the visible moon above. His gray eyes, turned into menacing silver like the glowing moon. I can see souls hiding behind those terrifying eyes. It gleams on the dark, it devours into the night. he looked satisfied, like a well-fed monster.

While the old woman fell unconscious on the ground. She looks dead but I heard her breath so I breathed a sigh of relief. He is still alive.

Suddenly my eyes hurt. it felt like someone splashed hot water on my face but there was nothing. I closed my eyes and let the pain pass. I just crouched there for a long time by the statue and didn't move. Afraid that Elm will see me.

Wait. Elix is Elm's friend. Does Elix know that Elm is not human? Haaah! b-Maybe Elix isn't human either! Aren't the two of them almost touching? It is possible that Elix is also like Elm! Also, Elix is weirder than Elm. No. No. No. From now on, I don't have a crush on him anymore. I will never look at him again. I will be transferred tomorrow as well. What if I'm a scholar, if there's a monster in that school, it doesn't matter. Their scholarship, my life.

When I looked at Elm's behavior, I noticed they were gone. I stood up from the crouch and looked around for them. Nothing. he left, maybe he also picked up the girl to throw her somewhere.

When I regained my strength, I started running. No matter how many times I tumble in the dark, I don't care, as long as I get home. I also gave up Kimpee's ice cream, I'm thirsty. my life is more important than any goddamn ice cream!

Kimpee was outside the house when I arrived. He seems to be waiting for me and there is a trace of worry on his face.

"Sister! Why are you here now? I've been looking for you for a while, you're not at Ministop. the sales staff said, you should go home, but that was a while ago. I'm about to report to the barangay."

Kimpee seems really worried about him. And somehow the nervousness in my chest disappeared a little. I looked at his face, wondering if I should tell him what I saw. and I thought to stop.

I don't want him to be scared, another thing is that he might not believe me and think I'm going crazy.

"Umm. Someone got into a fight near Brgy. Ginebra, I was just gossiping," I made an excuse. "Let's go inside."

Kimpee looked at me doubtfully. "Are you really from there? It seemed quiet there earlier."

"Yes, because they continued the fight in the barangay hall. It was so intense that I ended up eating your ice cream," I explained.

"Tsh! You're really greedy. I thought where are you, I would have woken up dad."

"Don't report me, it's only once."

"As long as you free me tomorrow."

"Sure, what?"


Go away! My brother is really a blackmailer. "Yes. Go ahead, it's a magnum if it's a magnum."

we entered our respective rooms. I sat by the bed and thought.

What did I witness? And what kind of creature is Elm? Is he a demon, or some kind of monster? He is not a vampire because he did not drink the blood of his old victim.

Brrr! I still get scared every time I remember his mysterious eyes, as well as those mysterious lines that appeared on his skin. I don't want to see those anymore.

I fell asleep wondering whether to leave GVA or not.


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