His eyes shone the deepest shade of red. Black vein could be seen appearing on his neck. Everyone in the room felt the anger emitting from him. Someone dares called Diana a filthy rat. His blood boils like never before. No one dares speak a word. "What did you just say?" He asked. His voice alone is enough to make a person shrink in total fear. He stared coldly at the man breathing way too hard before him. "Dra..." He couldn't finish mentioning his name as he suddenly spit out blood. "How about I remind you who the king is" He fang grew looking scary as ever. Black fogs emitted from his body and aura began became darker. "Bow" Came his authoritative voice and the man before him felt a full force pulling him down to his kneels. More blood came out of his lips. Others behind him could only shake in fear. "How dare you call her names" ... Diana Oxford; A 19 years old college girl. She is just a definition of innocent with a heart disease. All she ever wanted is to become a successful writer. Everything changed when she mistakenly released a Demon.. Dracula Norman. Not just not any Demon but King of all Demons who was betrayed and trapped for 2000 years by a powerful witch who was also his favorite wife Queen Martha. Who strangely look exactly like Diana Robertson. Having a lot of enemy because of her look, Diana decided to find out who she really is.. Is she really Martha? What happened when Enemies, Regrets, Pain, Betrayal and revenge decided to tear them apart? What was their fate? FIND OUT IN THE STORY.. ✍️ °°°° {NOTE: THIS STORY IS STRICTLY 18+RATED}
A small blue painted room filled with scattered cloths on the floor. A blue head pillow could be seen on the soft rugged floor, the duvet scattered on the soft bed. A used plate was placed on the table filled with rough papers and pens.
A girl kept nodding her head to the soft music coming from her blue headphone with she kept typing furiously on her laptop.
"Runaway but we running in circles...hmm hm" She closed her eyes and smiled to herself. She was playing Circles by post malone. That's her favorite musician.
"C'mon C'mon" She whispered anxiously focusing her pretty brown eyes on the screen. She bit her tiny pink lips puffing her cute cheek. Her small pointed nose gave her cute look. Her messy brown hair was tied to bun.
"Yes.. I won!! Woah!!!" She screamed stretching forth her arm. She chuckled and turned her chair around facing the messy room.
"Urghhh!!! Now I have to clean up!" She grunt throwing her head backwards.
Her phone rang seeing the caller ID she smirked before picking up.
"Hey chameleon did you call because you missed me?" She asked swinging her leg.
"No! I'm calling to ask if you aren't coming to school today" the person on the other side said.
"Wait what's today?" Diana asked her childhood male best friend; Scott on the phone.
"Don't tell me you thought today was Sunday again" Scott asked.
"Oh my God!! I thought today is Sunday!" Diana snapped her head to her wall clock.
"9am!!" She screamed dropping her phone. She stood and began to clean up first. It took her just ten minutes to clean the whole room. She's good at cleaning but she's all good at destroying the whole place.
She dressed up wearing a blue hoodie and a deep blue trouser. She quickly brushed her hair in haste then rushed to the kitchen to drink warm water before storming out of the house.
While waiting for a bus, her phone rang in her pocket.
"Hi Mom" She said after picking.
"Hi Diana. How are you doing?" Her mom asked.
"I'm okay, I guess" she replied obviously not in the mood to talk to her.
"What's with tone. Are you still upset about what I said last night?" Mrs Marisa asked.
"Look mom I can't do this right now" Diana closed her eyes.
"Have you thought about it?" She asked.
"Bye Mom" Diana said before hanging up then took a deep breath. She stretched her arm spotting an upcoming bus and board on it.
"Gosh I hate this feeling" she muttered sitting beside someone.
Her phone buzzed again, seeing it's a message from Scott she opened it.
*Hey lazy head, the class started already. I don't think you can make it*
"I'm going to kill him" she mumered.
"Is everything alright?" The person beside her asked.
She raised her head just to see the most popular guy in her school; Nelson. The guy who could get any girl he wants just with his devilish handsome look. He is also her crush. She blinked several times to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Her face turned bright red staring at him.
"I asked if you're alright" His voice snapped her back to reality.
"Oh.. yeah. I'm totally fine. Just that I'm so happy to see you.. uhm no that's not it.. I just love your look.. I mean no I'm not trying to flirt.. oh God I'm so sorry" She looked away bitting her lips hard while scolding herself inwardly. Why is she this nervous? Maybe because this was her first time talking to him.
The next thing she heard is Nelson's chuckle. She raised her head to look at him in surprise.
'Is he laughing at me?' She thought.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Huh?" Diana asked not sure if he was asking her.
"Your name" He repeated.
"Nice to meet you Diana, I'm Nelson" He smiled
"Everyone knows that" Diana mutter. Nelson is a hot popular guy in school.
"Wait you also go to Douglas college?" He asked and she nodded.
"I haven't seen you around before" He smiled.
"Yea.." She is an introvert kind of person. "Well I'm surprised to see you here"
Nelson is crazily rich so she was surprised to see him taking a bus.
"Oh I just feel like taking the bus today, you live around here?"
"Hm I do" she smiled.
Scott stared at the lady in front of him. Their lunch date seems awkward. The girl kept having this long look on her while she eats.
"Don't you like this place?" Scott asked.
Sophia stopped eating then look at him.
"We are done" she said with a serious look wiping her pink full lips with a tissue.
"Wait what! A.. Are you breaking up with me?" He asked stammering.
"Yes" she shrugged.
"We just started dating yesterday. Why do you want to break up with me? Did I do something wrong?" Scott frown.
"No.. you're just so boring" Sophia reply grabbing her bag then leave the guy whose mouth still hang in the air.
Diana appeared with her food after Sophia had left.
"Chameleon" she called.
"Fuck you Diana" He muttered.
"Hey that's rude I'm older than you, you should show some respect" Diana glared at him sitting across him.
"Oh yeah.. you are only one day older than me so cut the crap" Scott said and they both laughed.
"What happened?" Diana smirked.
"Promise you won't laugh" Scott said.
"I promise" she replied taking a sip from her drink.
"She broke up with me"
Diana spat her drink back to her cup and tried to hold her laughter.
"Hey! You promised you won't laugh" He glared.
"So sorry. This is the forth time your breaking up this month, don't you need to see a doctor" she mocked.
"At least I'm better than you who haven't dated before, don't you think you need a doctor more than I do? " Scott glared.
"I'm going to have to have a boyfriend soon" Diana whispered to herself remembering the bus incident.
"Huh?" Scott didn't hear her.
She cleared her throat wiping the drink on her mouth.
"You guys started dating yesterday what happened?" Diana chuckled.
"She said I'm boring" Scott replied. Scott also have this good look but he somehow have bad lucks when it comes to girls.
"Boring? She's blind then and doesn't deserve you. I don't even like her right from the start" Diana rolled her eyes.
"Really? Why didn't you tell me?"
"You were so happy you got a date with her and I didn't want to ruin your moment" She reply taking a bite from her hamburger.
"By the way, have you finally done the assignment?" Diana asked with her mouth full.
"No blue witch but I have an idea" Scott replied. Blue witch was the nickname he gave to her.
"Really? Tell me about it"
"I can't tell you about it.. I have to show you" Scott said.
"What is it all about?"
"It's about a strange history about a Demon, we are going to find out whether it's true or not.. then we will write a report about it".
"Demon.. seriously" Diana rolled her eyes.
"Yea.. I know you don't believe in supernatural stuff but this is real. Your grandma talks about the story all the time so I made researches on it.."
"You believed my grandma stories?" She shake her head in disbelief.
"Fine where are we going?" She asked.
"In the woods not far from your home.. I'm going to show you what I discovered"
"I'm not intrested"
"C'mon Diana.. I can't go into the woods alone. I need you to come with me"
"Still no"
"Fine I'll grant any three request from you if you follow me" Scott rolled his eyes.
"Deal!" She said quickly.
A tall slender girl walked into the school. Her blonde shining hair almost reached her round butt. She was wearing an off shoulder yellow top showing the upper part of her boobs. Her short black skirt was well iron, one could see her tight. The sound of her heels could be heard as walk through the hall. She was not the only one, she had two hot bitches walking with her.
"Wow! Look at her hair"
"Gosh.. Those lips"
"Bianca mehn I wish I could date her for just a sec.."
".. My role model"
"Fuck! Look at those boobs"
"They look so sexy"
"Awwn Viola and Ciara look so beautiful too"
Bianca smirked hearing the comments of other students about them. She is the most hottest girl in Douglas college. She is crazily rich.
She spotted Diana in the hallway then walked towards her.
"Hey blue freak" She smirked removing her sunglasses.
"What do want?" Diana rolled her eyes.
"You haven't seen your sister in days. Aren't you worried about me?" Bianca smirked.
"No I'm not worried about you and you're not my sister" She glared. She just hated this Bianca girl a lot.
"Yes we are since your wretched mother and my crazily rich father is getting married next week" Bianca replied playing with her hair.
"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!" Diana clinched her fist.
"Easy girl.. wanted me to pull your hair" Ciara threatened.
"She's so dumb" Viola muttered.
"Everyone knows she is getting married to him because of the money" Bianca laughed and left for her class while her bitches followed her.
Diana gritted her teeth in anger. Even after her complains, her mother decided to marry that man who turns out to be the father of the girl she hates the most.
"You mean your mother is getting married to Bianca's father next week?" Scott gasped after hear Diana complains.
"Yes and it's literally driving me crazy right now. Even after a lot of fights I had with her she still wants to go ahead and marry that man" Diana groan in anger.
"So that means you and Bianca are going to be sisters?"
"Never.. Not in a million years!" She breathed out.
"Why do you hate her so much?" Scott smirked.
"She is so rude, bitchy and too proud of her fucking life. I can't stand that bitch even for a second" Diana blurted out.
"Woah! Easy" Scott chuckled.
"Aren't we there yet? We've been walking for over 20 minutes" Diana whined.
"We are almost there lazy bone. It's just a little bit ahead" Scott replied.
After some minutes they got to the place. A dark cave could be seen in front of them. The place look kind of familiar as if she had been here before.
"Here we are" Scott muttered looking around with the help of his touch light.
"A cave?.. I'm not going in there" Diana took a step backwards.
"Let's go" Scott walked in ignoring her.
She sighed and follow him.
"This place is damn creepy" She complained removing the cobwebs plasttered on her face.
"I thought you said you don't believe in anything creepy?" Scott asked as they kept walking in.
"Are you sure we are not walking into a Lions den?"
"No we are going to his tomb" He replied.
"Yea.. the demon's tomb I found out yesterday"
"Haha.. I'm going eat my hair if it turns out to be true" She scoffed.
"And I would love to see that witch"
They finally got to where a strange room built with stone.
"Wow" Diana whispered looking around. "I think I've dreamt about this place before" she muttered and Scott rolled his eyes.
"Here look at this" Scott dragged her towards a strange stone shaped like a coffin.
"Only her blood could release him.. King Dracula Norman" Diana read out the words written on the stone.
"Isn't this the story of the Demon ruthless king who starve and suffered his people for years?" She turned to asked Scott.
"Hmm and was stop and betrayed by a powerful witch; Queen Martha.. His youngest Wife" Scott completed.
Diana turned back to the stone and observed it. She moved her hand slowly and touch the stone.
"Ahh!" She gasped when she felt an electric shock after her hand came in contact with it and then moved back.
"Are you okay?" Scott asked grabbing her hand.
"Yea" She whispered.
"You're bleeding" Scott said.
She checked her hand and saw some blood on her hand.
The cave suddenly shook and a strong wind began to hit them.
Black smoke could be seen coming out from the tomb and it increased every seconds scaring the hell out of them.
"Let's get out here!" Scott yell grabbing Diana.
They ran as fast as they could until they were out of the cave.
"W...What was that?" Diana asked as soon as they got out.
"I don't know" Scott replied in between his breath.
The sound of a loud roar coming from the cave interrupted them.
"Oh God! Run!" Scott says and they started running again into the woods.
Diana suddenly felt something grabbed her leg and she fell.
"Ahhh!" She screamed when she felt herself getting pulled backwards.
"Diana!!" Scott yell pursuing her but he didn't seems to catch her.
"Help.. ah" Some dry plants began to injured her.
"Diana!" Scott yell increasing the speed.
He finally got to grab her hand before she was dragged back into the cave.
"Please help.. don't let it kill me" Her eyes was on tears already.
"I won't" Scott grunt trying to pull her of the cave but couldn't.
"I don't want die" She sobbed.
"You aren't going to die okay.. I'll save you" Scott pulled her with more force.
His gaze landed on two red eyes deep into the cave staring at him. Fear grew inside him and his slipped causing her to enter the cave.
Diana felt herself getting pulled until she was inside cave. Her eyes Landed on the intense black smoke moving like tornado.
"Please don't kill me" She whispered crawling backwards.
A dark figure began to appear and the smoke slowly disappeared. Though, the cave is dark but she could still see his shadow.
She fainted on her spot in fear.
He opened his red eyes staring at the girl in front of him. All he sensed from her was fear. He could see her clearly even in the darkness.
He squatted to slash her throat with his hideous claws but stop when he observed her face. His claws sipped back in slowly and he spoke in a thurderous voice.
"End her, and burn her body." Those words rolled off cruelly from the tongue of my destined one-MY MATE. He stole my innocence, rejected me, stabbed me, and ordered me to be killed on our wedding night. I lost my wolf, left in a cruel realm to bear the pain alone... But my life took a twist that night-a twist that dragged me into the worst hell possible. One moment, I was the heir to my pack, and the next-I was a slave to the ruthless Lycan King, who was on the brink of losing his mind... Cold. Deadly. Unforgiving. His presence was hell itself. His name a whisper of terror. _He swore I was his, craved by his beast; to satisfy even if it breaks me_ Now, trapped in his dominant world, I must survive the dark clutches of the King who had me wrapped around his finger. However, within these dark reality, lies a primal fate....
What if your brother's best friend became your worst distraction? Klaus, with his chiseled charm, piercing gaze, and reckless smile, was that distraction for Morticia. •••••••••• Morticia Addams had always noticed Klaus, her brother's best friend, since they were young. He was the ultimate forbidden fantasy. The man who could have anyone, and usually did. But she? She was an off-limits--an innocent nerd who lives in the shadow of her protective brother. Or at least, that's what she told herself. She had always thought she stood no chance with Klaus because he's a notorious womanizer who chased everything in a skirt. For years, she watched as Klaus broke hearts and left women craving more of his reckless love and lust. But when she got into the same college as him, everything changed... Then, she discovered a different side of him - fierce, primal, and unapologetic. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Wha-is that a banana in your pocket?" Her gaze dropped on the bulge between his legs. He moved closer, trapping her against the wall. "Yeah. Would you like to eat it up?" His eyes drifted to her chest, lingering on her hardened nipples. "I wouldn't mind."
"You think you can just leave without a trace after what happened that night?" His hands pinned her arms above her head, his piercing blue eyes boring into hers. "W-what do you mean?" she stuttered, his scent reminding her of that night-the night that had changed her life completely. "What do I mean? Are you seriously asking me that, woman? If your brain can't recall how we burned together on that bed, how about I remind you right here?" His face was dangerously close as he growled into her ear. Her eyes widened. He meant it. Every single word. He was the king of the entertainment world, after all. "Let me go," she demanded stubbornly, her voice barely audible. He let out a low, dark chuckle that sent a chill down her spine. "Let you go? Oh, I'll let you go, Tatiana. But not until you understand the consequences of crossing paths with me." •••••••••• In the world of the entertainment industry, we see constant change and creativity. Trends come and go, as do collaborations between artists and producers. This world can make anyone wish to be a part of it-it is said to be inspiring and enjoyable... Meanwhile, that's only on the surface. The same world is filled with deceit, betrayal, fake love, ruthless competition, toxic fans who could ruin you, suicide, and dissatisfaction... This world is mostly dominated by men. How can a woman, hurt by this world, face it-especially when she had a night and her life tangled with the king of them all?
"Don't send me away! I promise to do whatever you want. Don't just send me back!" Desperate Candy pleaded with the man she knows nothing about. He slowly turns to look at her, his gaze piercing as ever, sending a chill down her spine. Stepping closer, he reached her chin and raised it to make her meet his eyes, using his index finger. "Little woman, accepting to be my wife means I'll own you and there's no turning back. You seem too fragile to be in my hell." He warned in a deep, dangerous tone. With nervousness kicking in, she took a deep breath. She'd rather face his hell than stepmother be stuck in the misery her stepmother had prepared for her. "Yes, I want to be your wife. In return you'll have to protect me from my stepmother," She boldly declared prompting the man's lips to curl up into a devilish smile. His gaze went down to her slightly exposed cleavage, and lust filled them. "Strip." He ordered. ... A deal.. With the Billionaire devil.... Will Candy ever regret her decision? What happens when enemies, dark secrets and unexpected emotions threatened to tear them apart?
Being into college was one of Amelia's biggest dream. She swore to make her single mother proud by getting good grades and not allowing any distraction. However, he came destroying her plans. It all started from one night when she got drunk and kissed him. Swearing never to see him again, only for a twist of event to happen. "This is your childhood friend Logan, though you might not remember him. You'll be staying here since it's close to your college" Amelia's mom announced. You could imagine the shock on Amelia's face. The well-known play boy at school.. is now her housemate?! She saw Logan's lips curled up in a dirty smirk. His eyes dancing with excitement. Logan the sexiest guy at Barnard college. His rich father was well know in the city. His favourite hobby was to watch a girl scream out his name while he does dirty things to her. He is a loner, his father seems to be keeping something deep away from him. He experienced strange things that got him questioning his humanity.. Crossing paths with Amelia, he saw something different, she was too innocent and he wanted to change that. Her look, body, just everything about her drives him crazy.. Amelia isn't the type that easily submit, in fact she pretty crazy.. Even with that, Logan wanted her.. all of her. ___ "Let go off me!" Amelia yelled trying to get away from Logan's hold. However, he threw her to the bed, hovering and burying his handsome face at the crook of her neck. Amelia froze, hating the way her body was responding to his touch. She wanted to push him away but couldn't.. "S..top.. our parent are at home.. please" She uttered in a whisper. "Your arousal intoxicate me, Mel," He growled into her ear. "You make me do things I don't wanna do. What did you do to me little witch?" He sniffed in her scent that oddly intrigued him. Kissing her neck, he rolled his tongue wet on her sweet flesh. "You're mine" he whispered. Unknown to him, his eyes flashed red.. ____ What happened when these two entangled into a world they never imagine? A legacy that would change their lives forever? Deep secret, unwanted emotion and enemies surfaced from the dark.. diving them into a path where their desire became strictly forbidden... Will these two be able to handle it?.. Find out...
"Don't send me away! I promise to do whatever you want. Don't just send me back" Desperate Candy pleaded with the man she knows nothing about. He slowly turn to look at her, his gaze piercing as ever, sending a chill down her spine. Stepping closer, he reached of her chin and raised it up to make her meet his eyes, using his index finger. "Little woman, accepting to be my wife means I'll own you and there's no turning back. You seems too fragile to be in my hell" He warned in a deep, dangerous tone. With nervousness kicking in, she took a deep breath. She'll rather face his hell than to be stuck in the misery her step mother had prepared for her. "Yes, I want to be your wife. In return you'll have to protect me from my step mother," She boldly declared prompting the man's lips to curl up into a devilish smile. His gaze went down to her slightly exposed cleavage, and lust filled them. "Strip." He ordered. ... A deal.. With the Billionaire devil.... Will Candy ever regret her decision? What happens when enemies, dark secrets and unexpected emotions threatened to tear them apart?
On the day of their wedding anniversary, Joshua's mistress drugged Alicia, and she ended up in a stranger's bed. In one night, Alicia lost her innocence, while Joshua's mistress carried his child in her womb. Heartbroken and humiliated, Alicia demanded a divorce, but Joshua saw it as yet another tantrum. When they finally parted ways, she went on to become a renowned artist, sought out and admired by everyone. Consumed by regret, Joshua darkened her doorstep in hopes of reconciliation, only to find her in the arms of a powerful tycoon. "Say hello to your sister-in-law."
Drugged and deceived, she bore a child amidst tragedy-her son, falsely declared dead at birth. Fueled by the agony, she disappeared, only to return years later with both her daughter and an adopted son, driven by an unyielding desire for revenge against those who had wronged her and her late mother. The plot takes an unexpected twist when the haunting truth surfaces: her son is alive, and his father is a powerful CEO.
Five years ago, Alessia La Rosa's life took a drastic turn when, suffering from memory loss, she wed to Dominic Carter under her grandfather's mysterious arrangement. But their marriage was a facade, bringing her only humiliation and heartache as Dominic showed no love, and she couldn't conceive. Upon discovering Dominic's infidelity, Alessia sought liberation through divorce. Yet, fate had more in store for her. Five years later, spurred by an anonymous email hinting at her lost child's whereabouts, she returns to the city with her twin babies in tow, determined to uncover the truth. As she navigates the tangled web of her past, a surprising twist awaits. Dominic, upon meeting her again, finds himself drawn to the woman she has become, unaware of her true identity as his former wife. Little does he know, the woman he's falling for is not only his ex-wife but also a powerful Doctor and Master Hacker.
After five years of marriage, my husband is always absent on my birthday. No gifts, no blessings. He said, "I've given you the money, buy whatever you want." But he started preparing for Fiona's birthday half a month in advance. He said, "She's different, she only has me." As the sole survivor of a unexpected fire, he has been heartbroken for over a decade. Watching Fiona in Moments holding a cake and kissing his face. I slowly commented. 【Just this useless person, I'm giving him to you.】
Eliza Greer was abandoned by her mother, raised in an orphanage, and sold to the Burns family at 19. Even though she marries Mason Burns, the other people in the Burns family look down on her for her poor identity and want to try every way to bully her. Unexpectedly, they all failed. Eliza's hidden identities are gradually revealed in one incident after another, which astonishes everyone.
COALESCENCE OF THE FIVE SERIES BOOK ONE: THE 5-TIME REJECTED GAMMA & THE LYCAN KING BOOK TWO: THE ROGUES WHO WENT ROGUE BOOK THREE: THE INDOMITABLE HUNTRESS & THE HARDENED DUKE *** BOOK ONE: After being rejected by 5 mates, Gamma Lucianne pleaded with the Moon Goddess to spare her from any further mate-bonds. To her dismay, she is being bonded for the sixth time. What’s worse is that her sixth-chance mate is the most powerful creature ruling over all werewolves and Lycans - the Lycan King himself. She is certain, dead certain, that a rejection would come sooner or later, though she hopes for it to be sooner. King Alexandar was ecstatic to meet his bonded mate, and couldn’t thank their Goddess enough for gifting him someone so perfect. However, he soon realizes that this gift is reluctant to accept him, and more than willing to sever their bond. He tries to connect with her but she seems so far away. He is desperate to get intimate with her but she seems reluctant to open up to him. He tries to tell her that he is willing to commit to her for the rest of his life but she doesn’t seem to believe him. He is pleading for a chance: a chance to get to know her; a chance to show her that he’s different; and a chance to love her. But when not-so-subtle crushes, jealous suitors, self-entitled Queen-wannabes, an old flame, a silent protector and a past wedding engagement threaten to jeopardize their relationship, will Lucianne and Xandar still choose to be together? Is their love strong enough to overcome everything and everyone? Or will Lucianne resort to enduring a sixth rejection from the one person she thought she could entrust her heart with?