Angel Loves Her Life. She Has A Family, Friends And Her Boyfriend, But When She Meets Zhul Alexis, She Realizes Something Has Been Missing. Their Meeting Was The Start Of The New Something.
Angel shifted in her bed, and looked to her side to see her alarm going off. "Ugh"
Angel Perez's POV
I got up slowly out of my comfortable queen size bed, how I wished today wasn't the first day of school. Summer was so much fun and I had even grown an inch taller. I rolled my eyes and headed for the bathroom down the hall.
My name is Angel Perez; I am seventeen years old and today is the first day of my junior year.
I took my usually fifteen minute shower, brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I love my black hair; I always had on stray bang out. My hair was about shoulder length, that's how I liked it, not too long, not too short. I hated my chest. Compared to some of the cheerleaders I was flat as a board. After I put on my uniform I headed down to the kitchen and I first thing I see is a red blob.
"Freeloading again Gerand?" I said walking into the kitchen referring to the red blob. Gerand had long red hair that was always up in a pony tail and tribal tattoos all over his body. A lot of people assume he is a trouble maker but he actually a really big pushover and my best friend.
"Morning Angel!" He said with his mouth full. He quickly gulped it down. "You know how much I love Mhadz's cooking" He said returning to his plate. Soon my sister Mhadz walked in with a plate of pancakes and sat it down on the table. According to everyone, Mhadz and I looked like twins, except she is taller and nine years older than me.
"No pancakes for me?"I asked noticing the pancakes were not being set in front of me. I gave the best puppy dog eyes I could muster
"Well I suspected you didn't have time to eat since you rarely sit and eat breakfast with us" She said ignoring my puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah Angel, you should eat with us" Gerand added.
"You don't even live here dummy" I retorted. Gerand and I have been friends since diapers. We seriously used to take showers together, we were that close. Gerand parents died when he was fourteen, and since then he has been living on his own. He makes it a routine to come to my home and eat breakfast and sometimes dinner with my family.
"Good morning everyone" a tall man said as he entered the kitchen. "Good morning Franz" Mhadz said giving him a kiss on the lips. He smiled at her then took his seat in front of the pancakes.
"Good morning Mr. Perez" Gerand said respectfully. I smirked at Gerand when he greeted Gerand. He has always been intimated by Gerand.
"Good Morning, brother" I said politely. Franz nodded at both me and Gerand and began to eat his breakfast. Franz is Mhaz's husband. I thought it would be weird living with my older sister and her husband, but Mhadz was the only family I had. Franz is a tall man with gray eyes and long black hair.
Our mother died when I was born due complications. So my dad raised me and my sister on his own. I think my father secretly blamed me for my mother's death. My sister started dating Franz when she was 18. My dad never approved of Franz, probably because he knew Franz was heir to a huge fortune and he thought that Franz had no real feelings for Mhadz . Not too long after Franz proposed to Mhadz, my father died in car accident. mhadz was heartbroken that our father couldn't walk her down the aisle but she still got married and later on she was officially named my guardian.
"Come on Gerand lets go" I said getting my school bag. Gerand quickly obeyed by scarfing down the rest of his food and gulping down his orange juice.
"Thank you Mhadz" He said bowing before making his way to follow me. "I'll see you guys later" I said to them.
"Angel!" My best friend Mush exclaimed when she saw me approaching the school. I smiled and waved at her. Mush and I became friends in the beginning of middle school. Mush was a about my height, which everyone says is short. I don't know why. Mush has dark hair that she always puts in a bun. She is very pretty, considering she never wears makeup. Mush was only girl who was not fake to me because my brother is Franz Perez. She didn't even know who my brother was till the beginning of high school. It's probably because of where I live.
I lived in a normal suburban area. Mhadz did not want to live in some big crazy mansion, but Franz wasn't accustomed to that, so we got a normal 4 bedroom home, but the interior was decorated in Italian and French furniture.
"I can't believe we are juniors" Mush squealed.
"I know, another year closer to getting out of high school" Gerand said happily. All three of us walked into the school courtyard. I looked up to see a big banner that read "WELCOME BACK TO XAVIER HIGH"
I looked around to see the same familiar faces. I even saw the two girls who hated me the most, Cassandra and Fatima.
They are both seniors on the cheerleading team and both of them wanted me dead. Why you ask? Because they both want my boyfriend. Cassandra Sanchez is head cheerleader and one of my mortal enemies. Everyone just call her Cassandra for short. She has blue green hair and brownish grayish eyes. Fatima Rosales is her best friend and second in command for cheerleading. Fatima has dark skin, green eyes, and messy short blonde hair which have three braided locks. Both girls have perfect curved bodies and huge boobs.
"Hey Angel" a voice said to me. It was Engeline Delima . She waved at me and I smiled back. She then joins her two busty friends. Engeline had the same curves as Cassandra and Fatima. Engeline has long, wavy, ginger-colored hair, brown eyes, and full lips. Engeline is also a cheerleader and senior but she didn't act like her two friends. First, Engeline is actually friends with me. I tutored her in chemistry last year and we became friends from there. Second she was not a slut like her friends even though most girls labeled her as one because of the company she keeps.
Cassandra and Fatima quickly scolded Engeline for being nice to me.
"Oh stop it, Angel is a sweetheart" I heard Engeline say before I entered the school building.
We made our way to my locker, Gerand and Mush stood by patiently as I put my stuff away. Gerand was talking about his summer working for the police station and Engeline was talking about hanging out with her neighborhood friend Jonathan, who was a sophomore at the high school.
"Ugh, look who it is" I heard Gerand mutter. I smiled without even looking; I knew who he was referring to. Gerand, actually all my friends, hated my boyfriend, before we started dating my boyfriend was known as the school player, but I didn't care for the rumors, he never gave me a reason not to trust him.
"Hey beautiful" He whispered in my ear. I didn't even notice he came behind me. I smiled and turned to see him. He had black spiky hair and teal eyes; I think that is what attracted me to him in the first place. "Hello Bobby" I said smiling. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips, I quickly kissed back but grabbing his shirt. He pulled me away much to my dissatisfaction.
"Not in front of the virgins" He said to me referring to Gerand and Mush who were quietly watching in disgust.
"I need to get to class, but I'll see you at lunch" he said before kissing me on the cheek. I smiled and looked at him" I love you" I said blushing. He smirked when he noticed he could still make me blush like crazy. "Love you too" He said before walking away. I stood there breathlessly. We had been dating for six months and he could still take my breath away. He was my first lover. I gave him my virginity three months after we started dating. He still gives me butterflies. It's safe to say I'm head over heels for the man. Bobby is a senior at school and co- captain of the football team along with his best friend Demmy. He is the most sought after guy in school and I am proud to say I am his girl.
"Did I ever tell you how much I hate him" Gerand said ruining my great thoughts.
"Yes about a million times" I said rolling my eyes and shutting my locker. "Let's go to class" I said hoping to avoid one of Gerand stupid lectures about Bobby. Of course Gerand never passes up a chance to bash on Bobby.
"I can't believe you let that pervert touch you" He started. I automatically regret telling Gerand about me sleeping with Bobby.
"See this is why I waited so long to tell you" I said annoyed. I told Mush the day after it happen. It was easier to tell Mush since she is a girl, but it took me forever to tell Gerand, because I thought the conversation would be awkward. Gerand was like my older brother so it would be weird to talk about.
"Well, I think you should have waited Angel" Mush said siding with Gerand.
"Um, I am seventeen, I don't need to consult you guys about what I do" I said annoyed.
"I still think he is bad news" Gerand continued.
"If you are talking about Bobby, then I completely agree" a new voice said. I looked over to see my friend Andrian Ramos walking over. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. He then walked faster to catch up.
"Um Angel is that any way to greet me, we haven't seen each other since school let out for the summer." He said. He walked in front of me and picked me up while giving me a huge bear hug.
"Argh, put me down Andrian" I said. He smiled and obeyed. "Sorry bout that Angel" He said smiling. If Andrian wasn't so damn cute I would have kicked him but he was one of my good friends. Andrian has dark spiky hair and a couple of tattoos on his face. He was like Gerand, he looked tough but he is such a softie. Andrian spent his summers with his father in Manila so I never saw him during the summer. Andrian and I dated for a year in junior high, but we never fell in love. We realized being friends was more comfortable and made more sense.
"Still want me to go with you to the Teddy Bear festival next week" He asked. I automatically started smiling. "That would be perfect" I replied.
All four of us made our way into the classroom. I took my usual seat toward the back. Andrian sat to my right. Mush sat in front of me and Andrian sat in front of Gerand. Our teacher walked in. She had dark skin and long purple hair and the most beautiful cat like eyes I had ever seen.
"Good Morning Class" She said smiling
"Good Morning Mrs.Villanueva" Everyone called back.
"Hope everyone enjoyed their summer" She started. "Please look around you, notice anything weird". We all look around I noticed there are quite a few seats that were empty but nothing else.
"Well, the class looks a little short if you haven't notice and that's because we are going to be taking in students from Lecio National High School."
Lecio high school was another high school in Cagayan. It was smaller than my school.
Everyone started looking around and gossiping. "Last week a terrible fire started and destroyed half the school so we have offered to taken some of their students." She finished. She signaled at the door and seven students walked in. They lined up in front of the classroom.
"Please introduce yourself" Mrs. Villanueva said.
"Hello I am Darwin Orale, I am a junior and I am single ladies" Darwin had brown hair and he seemed like a total pervert.
"I am Archie Cordero , and I am not single, but I do prefer older women" He said making a quick glance to Mrs.Villanueva. Archie has shorter black hair, parted down the middle with a stray bang in his face and the tips fanning out. He was very young looking.
"I am Marison Yul . But you can call me Mar" Mar had was really tall and muscular. He had dark brown hair and dark skin; he looked as if he was Mexican.
"I am Rhesalyn Jumamil, I plan on joining your karate team and becoming captain"Rhesalyn was definitely a tomboy, and I noticed Gerand definitely caught interest in her. She had short black hair and a very pretty face.
"I am Darlene Resalute, I love food and making different foods, I hope all of you will try them" Darlene has long brown-brown hair which she wears in bangs behind her ears and with hairpins. She had big boobs, so she would probably join the cheerleaders.
"I am Brix Zaragoza , I was number one in my class at Lecio" Brix had dark hair and wore glasses. He looked like the typical nerd. But no way was he going to be number one in this class, I have that title. I made decided to make a mental note to find out Brix's grades so that I wouldn't have to worry; that's when I heard his voice.
"And I am Zhul Alexis, and that all you need to know" I looked up to see him. Zhul had incredibly orange hair, but the most beautiful amber eyes I had ever seen. He was scowling which made all the girls in my class a little scared but they all thought he was hot; I had to admit he wasn't bad looking at all.
"Good, now you guys can just find a seat" Mrs. Villanueva informed them. Zhul made his way over to the last window seat, the one next to mine. I looked at him and noticed his muscles. I watched him take a seat and sigh lazily. I looked at him for a little longer than I thought about his name. "Zhul?" I said quietly to myself. "Like a strawberry?" I said but not quiet enough because my new classmate heard me.
"It means one who protects, not strawberry" He spat. I was shocked that he heard me.
"Oh, well I have never heard that" I whispered back to him.
"Well, now you do, so now you can stop calling out my name" he said arrogantly.
"Don't flatter yourself, you have no idea who I am" I said proudly. I usually didn't flaunt that I am a Perez but I had a feeling this man would try and look down on me.
"Why cause you are spoiled brat with the last name Perez."
"How did you know my name?"
"While you were fantasizing about my name, Mrs. Villanueva, said I was smart to sit next to the Junior Class president Angel Perez, but I feel dumber just sitting here" He said smirking at me.
"ARE YOU CALLING ME DUMB STRAWBERRY?" I yelled getting out of my seat. That word set something off in him.
"STOP CALLING ME STRAWBERRY, YOO YOU..." He looked me up and down then smiled "Midget" The whole class gasped at his comment. I almost lunged at him until Mrs. Villanueva said. "Perfect, Miss Perez and Mr. Alexis will have morning and afternoon cleaning duties" My mouth hung open "But Mrs.-"
"And I will need you to take Mr. Alexis on a tour of the school" She added "Now please take your seats."
I sat down and huffed and Zhul did the same.
"Stupid strawberry" I mumbled to myself.
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