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Ensnared By My Bossy Husband

Ensnared By My Bossy Husband

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Scarlett entered into a flash marriage with a man whom she had never seen before. One year later, she filed for divorce from her mysterious husband, hoping to lead a peaceful life as a single woman. She had no idea that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Elias, the CEO of a million-dollar company, was said to be a man who had no interest in women. Strangely, he took an interest in Scarlett. Scarlett tried all she could to get him off her back, but he just wouldn't stop. When she couldn't take it anymore, she showed him her marriage certificate and said, "I'm a married woman. I can't date you!" Elias snatched her marriage certificate and pointed to the photo on it as he smiled. "Even better! It's high time I introduced myself. Hey, I'm Elias Roberts, your husband!" Scarlett was shocked to the bone. She couldn't believe that her mysterious husband was actually the CEO of a top company! How the hell did this happen?


Scarlett Wallace, Elias Roberts, Scarlett Wallace and Elias Roberts novel, Scarlett and Elias novel

Chapter 1 The Abandoned Bride

The day marked Scarlett Wallace's wedding, yet the man she was about to wed was a complete mystery to her.

With nerves fluttering, she rested her hands on her thighs, the fabric of her white wedding gown crumpled under her tense grip.

At that moment, Scarlett harbored a deep desire to retreat, but her circumstances held her hostage. Her grandmother's medical bills forced her into this union, despite the absence of any family members at her wedding.

"Why are you lingering here? It's time to proceed. Mrs. and Mr. Roberts shouldn't be kept waiting!" the servant reprimanded, pulling Scarlett forward with undue force.

Despite the sharp pain shooting up her arm, Scarlett found herself positioned at the altar's forefront, where she finally laid eyes on her future husband.

Her view, however, was hindered by the veil, revealing only the hazy shape of a tall man.

Though his features were obscured, a distinct chill seemed to radiate from him.

Was this the man she was to spend her life with?

Eager for a clearer view, Scarlett edged closer, intent on lifting the veil.

Elias Roberts, the groom, caught sight of her approach and his expression darkened, a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes.

Instinctively, he recoiled, widening the gap between them.

Scarlett's heart ached at his evident aversion.

His grandmother had chosen her as his bride, and until now, she believed she was the only one reluctantly participating.

Yet, it seemed the groom was equally displeased with their arranged marriage.

She smiled mockingly at herself, aware he probably felt resentment against her.

His earlier demeanor hinted at his disgust.

Still, Scarlett had no other option but to proceed. She couldn't refuse.

The priest initiated the wedding ceremony before them.

Scarlett cast her gaze downward, going through the motions without truly hearing any words.

As the ceremony ended, the priest declared solemnly, "Now the groom may kiss the bride."

At that instant, Scarlett's attention snapped back. Her breath halted, and she clenched her hands, anticipating the lifting of her veil.

Then, the phone in the groom's suit pocket rang unexpectedly.

To the astonishment of all, the groom answered the call right in the middle of the wedding.

His face transformed upon hearing the voice on the other end. He turned and swiftly exited.

Before Scarlett could process what was happening, his grandmother Ella Roberts stepped forward, trying to stop him. She whispered sternly, "What in the world are you doing? It's your wedding! Are you trying to run away?"

"Grandma, I've fulfilled your wish by marrying her. I have no reason to waste my time here. There are more pressing matters I must attend to," Elias replied icily, his words cutting through the air and passing to Scarlett.

Watching his retreating back, Scarlett stood in shock. Was their wedding nothing but a trivial event to him?

"Mrs. Roberts!"

Startled by the servant's shout, Scarlett hastily lifted her veil, revealing her striking features.

As she saw Ella collapsing, Scarlett moved to assist her but was pushed aside by a servant.

"Move! You're not needed here!"

A sudden pain shot through Scarlett's ankle, causing her to fall.

Her face drained of color. Looking up, she saw the servants leaving with Ella, leaving her alone in the church.

Church staff murmured softly, observing the drama that had just unfolded.

"Poor bride, left all alone like this..."

"They say that family is wealthy. She seems quite unwelcome. How did she end up marrying into such wealth?"

"Maybe she resorted to some clever tactics? It's not rare to see poor girls marrying into wealth through some underhanded tricks. She might have brought this upon herself!"

"I think you're right..."

Upon hearing their words, Scarlett's hands clenched into fists, her nails pressing into her skin.

A year had passed, and Scarlett, now working at an educational agency, was driving to her job.

Over the past twelve months, she had adjusted to life without her husband.

She had been working hard to save money, aiming to pay back her grandmother's medical bills.

Once she had enough, she planned to file for divorce.

She was excited about her progress as she drove when a car sped around a corner and collided with hers.

Both drivers managed to stop their vehicles in time, yet the cars still collided, producing a significant crash.

Scarlett, regaining her composure, firmly grasped the steering wheel. Noticing the other car hadn't moved, she confidently stepped out and tapped on the driver's side window.

As it lowered, a strikingly handsome man came into view.

He gazed up at Scarlett, asking indifferently, "What seems to be the problem?"

His dismissive tone elicited an irate chuckle from Scarlett. "Well, your car struck mine. What do you think is the issue? You..."

Mid-sentence, she was interrupted by the man extending a check. "This should cover the repairs for your car. Will this suffice?"

Scarlett looked at him, her expression one of disbelief, as she tried to process the unexpected turn of events.

Elias, with growing impatience, furrowed his brow. "Miss, I have urgent matters to attend to. Please don't delay me."

A sudden flutter touched Scarlett's heart, prompting a slight furrow in her brow.

The harsh, detached statement stirred a poignant memory, instantly taking her back to the moment her husband left her stranded at their wedding a year prior.

The haunting phrase resonated within her: "I have no reason to waste my time here. There are more pressing matters I must attend to."

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