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The Alpha King Omega Mate

The Alpha King Omega Mate

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"Mate" I muttered, as tears threatened to blur my eyes. The future Alpha was my long awaited mate? Was he aware? Is that the reason he helped me this morning? My worst nightmare is about to happen and I don't think I'm ready for it. He knew I'm his mate? "So you knew I'm your mate and that's why you helped me this morning but why didn't you tell me" I said finally letting out my tears. I look at Alpha Kayden and ask with a shaky and trembling voice "Why?...why did you not tell me. Do you realize how I've longed for you.?" I roared suddenly needing an answer as an escape my head couldn't take. "I needed a strong Luna to rule the pack with me, not a weakling Omega," He said without pity of how I had felt. I look at him to see the man that uttered those words, the one I have always longed for, the one I have waited for, for this past two years. It was now I know what it means to be broken as I felt my heart break into million pieces. "I cannot have you as my mate" "I, Kayden Woods, future Alpha of the White moon park, reject you, Kimberly Burgs, as my mate and Luna." He screamed My feet wobble and heart got ripped. It was this moment I knew how it was for once heart to be broken. For good two years I've longed for my mate. I never knew the future Alpha of our pack was my mate. He had been away from the pack for the past five years. When he returned, I found out he was my mate but he rejected me because I was an Omega and went for my sister, a stronger wolf. Feeling betrayed, I declare myself a rogue and left the pack and into the dangerous hands of Alpha Augustine. A dangerous and Feared Alpha king known killed. But fate had something install for me as he was my second chance mate.

Chapter 1 Omega

Kimberly POV "The future Alpha is coming back to the pack. I'm so happy Kim" Jeannie, my best friend muttered happily. "It's been five years since he left. He must be a man now" She added. "Yeah, I guessed so!" I muttered too, not really interested in the conversation. We were actually on our way to the pack house. I am Kimberly, an omega and also a lone wolf since I haven't found my mate yet. I had always thought I was wolfless. I didn't get my wolf till I was 18, which was really unusual. Most got their wolves at 16 and some alphas at 14.

When I first shifted, it was a full moon and in front of my best friend Jeannie. I'm not an orphan but looking at me an orphan is quite better than me. My parents hated me because I was an omega and gave me out as a servant at the packhouse, cherishing only Grace my kid sister. She's the apple of their eyes, while I'm the rejected one, actually, I don't care because I'm already used to their partial way of treating us. I can only blame my fate for that, I'm twenty but still searching for my mate. My sister is going to turn nineteen soon but she already knows how to change into her wolf form, while I'm only a weakling, I only know that my wolf is Amber that's her name, but I'm still finding it hard to transform. I only did it once and since then, I haven't transform again. Being an Omega is not only a curse but a forbidden for the White moon pack. Being born as an Omega is nobody's wish but the pack member already made it seem like a taboo. Is not like we created ourselves, do we? Actually, if beauty can change identity then I'd change from Omega to a strong wolf, beauty is one of the valuable gifts I got. Yes! you can't walk passed me without taking a double stare at me but sincerely my beauty had gotten me nowhere because irrespective of how I look I'm still a weakling and they treat all of us Like one. My father is one of the members of White Moon Pack Council, I can say that is why he loathes me above everything I could ever imagine, my mom isn't different either. My father sees me as a disgrace, he said I brought nothing but disgrace to him, he always says that the Council children are known to be a strong wolf but I am nothing but a burden and for that reason, he gave me out like unwanted garbage that he wanted to discard, and I became a servant at the packhouse coupled with several errands I do run for people. But my bestfriend Jeannie was the complete opposite of me. She is the only daughter of our beta, has numerous friends and even a mate. Her life seems perfect, yet I've never felt jealous of her, although I yearn for what she has. I wondered how we became close friends cause I was despised by every member of our pack. "He would have grown so handsomely" Jeanna said, bringing me out of my thoughts. I rolled my eyes. For goodness sake, she has a mate already. "I do not think so" i shook my head as we continue walking. "I heard the Alpha is preparing a welcome part for him. I just really can't wait to see him again. " she giggled and I scoffed. "No more talks about him" i closed the subject. It was getting annoying already. "But why?. Do you have a problem with him?" She asked. I shook my head. That's not it. "So you should be happy Kim. What if he turns out to be your mate?" She asked. "Haha. Very funny" I laughed. That was way too funny. "The future Alpha Kayden is my mate?. That's ridiculous." I muttered. Jeannie rolled eyes at me. "Don't be like that Kim. Can't you see this is a sign" Furrowing a brow, i glance at her. "A sign? What kind of sign?" I inquired. "Tomorrow is the festival of the ritual of the moon, and you know it's the only time the Omegas are given the privilege to scent their mate. And the amazing part is, tomorrow is also the home welcoming party of the future Alpha. Rumor also has it that the future Alpha hasn't find his mate yet. Don't you think is enough sign already?" She exclaimed, and I scoffed, shaking my head. "You know that can't be possible. Even if he never finds his mate, Kayden has always had a crush on my Kid sister Grace, and had promised to make her his mate once he returned" I watched her sighed. I covered the space between us and squeezed her hand. "You don't have to worry about me Jean. I've given up on finding a mate. Maybe I'm not meant to have one" I replied. "Come on, Kim!. Everyone deserve a mate, and deep down, you know that" She insisted. "Well, maybe I'm exceptional. It's been two years since I turned eighteen, and I haven't found one yet. Perhaps it's my fate" i shrugged. That was right. When I turned eighteen, I can't help but feel happy and excited that my dream is on the verge of coming true, the only reason why I have been enduring every cruelty and brutality that the world has faced me with, both from my family and from the pack, is the thought of meeting my Mate. I felt the time for all my pains to alleviate was already at the door then but I was disappointed when that year rolled by and yet, I didn't meet my mate. All hope was lost when another year went by and same thing. "Don't say that, Kim. You can't just give up. I know it's frustrating, but I believe this time, you have another chance to find him" Jeannie said. "Well I'm careful of the things I wish for but if he turns out to be then I'd pray he loves and accepts me and I promise to be loyal" I replied. I saw a smile crept at the corner of her lip. She seems happy I finally accepted it. Jeannie has always means well for me. I signed and when I looked at my surroundings, I realized that I arrived at the packhouse already. "Thanks for walking me here. You should head back home. You know your father won't be happy to see you here with me and I don't want you to have a fight with him cause of me" i said to her. She pouted and replied. "That old man!" She balled her fist and i couldn't help but chuckled. I don't know why they treat omegas this way. You all didn't create yourself that way. It's not right" she muttered and I nodded sadly. She took my hand and give it a gentle squeeze. "You do not have to feel too bad. You can always be assured that I will never leave you even if the whole world does." Jeannie assured me and I nodded. I knew she can never abandon me. She has been my friend since I started working in the pack house and it has been so long. "Sure bestie. You should get going now. I will meet up with you once I'm done" i said and she nodded. She finally left and I signed. I could see the desire in her eyes to help me. But I can't let her. I don't want her to get in trouble with her dad. I sighed. It was still early in the morning so I had to join the servant in preparing the food, today is going to be a long day as tomorrow is the awaited festival of the ritual of the moon, it comes once in three months and it's the only time the Omegas are given the privilege to scent there mate. Well, all the Omegas are excited excluding me. Years back, in occassion like this, I've alway dreamt of meeting my prince charming who will cherish and love me eternally but right now, i seems not to care anymore.

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