She's beautiful almost perfect, yet poor. She is Kezella who became an orphan since something terrible happened to her family, she has two twin brothers They were adopted by an elderly couple who were kind and caring, but plain but full of love He is satisfied with the life he has, but what if unexpectedly one problem after another will come and test his skills? What if he meets a man who is like ice to deal with and a monster when angry How did their paths meet? Will the love developed in a short period of time bear fruit? Management is in the way Leadership formed in unexpected circumstances Governance is thwarted because of misconceptions and beliefs because of those who are in the way Will she succeed to tame his beast inside? "Mikoy, let's go home" I said to Miko who is now half-soaked in the cold stream I was already feeling cold because of the cold water and add the cold breeze because of the different types of dry trees around here. It is a big stream and it is also deep, this stream is a continuation of the waterfall on top of the mountain part. "Yes, we'll be home soon, it's nice to take a bath" he said and swam, not even caring about the coldness of the water I frowned because he didn't plan to go home yet, he brought me here to bathe in the stream because he said he wasn't doing anything with them so he brought me to bathe "Are you cold?" He asked after getting out of the water. I nodded in return He immediately took his dry clothes and covered my wet body with water to relieve the cold. He always does this to me whenever we take a shower with no clothes on Since we were in grade 1, Miko has been my best friend. When someone fights with me, he defends me. He is very kind to me, so he always allows us to wander around. Besides, we also share food until now, when we are in grade 6. his treatment of me still hasn't changed, I'm like that because we're best friends. Sometimes I call him Miko, sometimes Mikoy and I call him that because his real name is Mikolas, right? "Keze, in a few months we will be graduating" he said while we were in the middle of walking home. This stream is also quite far from us "So what?" I said sarcastically and he immediately gave me a hard time "just kidding" I added "What,... I'm going to continue my studies in Manila" I couldn't speak immediately and I also stopped walking. " Ahh really? " I pretended I wasn't hurt by what he said but in reality my chest was tightening from what he revealed " well then, Mikoy you will surely learn a lot there and you will surely be able to graduate" I continued walking while not looking at him, my gaze was on the road "isn't that what you want to study in, Manila" I added without stuttering "I want to finish my studies, Kez and I want to be a successful business man so that I can help my family" immediately tears came to my eyes because apart from being amazed and proud of him, I will miss him even though he didn't leave "hey are you crying?" he immediately panicked because of my sobbing without even realizing it. Is it my oa? "Mikoy, who will protect me? Who will share my food? I no longer have a companion to wander around and above all, I no longer have a close friend because you are leaving," I said crying like a toddler complaining. No matter what I hide about my feelings, I can really come out when he is in front of me and talking to me, Nicolai is different from all my friends, this is how it feels when you have a true and close friend, you can bring everything out to him of pain, joy, and suffering that you go through in life so it's hard to accept that he's leaving " Hold on, Kez I'm not going to die, I'm just going to leave for a few years, I won't forget you and I'll come back to you when I reach my dreams, I promise you that" he let me stay. I gradually calmed down and faced him even though I felt better from what he said "Is that a promise?" he smiled so I saw the dimples on both of his cheeks. That's one of the things I will miss about him "Also promise that you won't have a boyfriend or get married until I get back" I smiled and hugged him tightly " Promise, Miko " I'm sure I'll miss him a lot. I hope he comes back and won't forget me When I came home from outside the house, I heard the banging and shouting of mom and dad who seemed to be fighting, so I immediately went inside the house and there I saw that dad was about to punch mom while mom had marks on her face. the fear as my two younger brothers sobbed in the corner " Papa! " I shouted to stop him from throwing a punch. I immediately ran between them to defend mom "what are
Chapter 1
I stared blankly at the sight and remembered what happened earlier.
Mama, my mother was lying lifeless when I entered our house, a lot of blood was spread on the pallet while my father seemed to realize what he had done but suddenly he laughed as if he was not himself. t sanity like crazy
"Hija, are you okay?" Grandma asked, Mersing in the absence. He was one of our neighbors who helped us earlier
When I asked for help earlier, he and his husband, grandfather Damian, were the first to come to us to help. Dad was picked up by the police a while ago and mom's body was also picked up a while ago
" O-opo grandma " I barely stuttered the first time I uttered the first word because I must have been shocked
"I'm sorry, daughter, we didn't come to your aid right away, I hope your mom is still alive," said grandmother, Mersing, sadly. I can't blame him because it's not their fault, it's my father's fault
"Grandma, it's not your fault, why are you apologizing? It's my father's fault, no one else," I said. Holding back tears
Dad is so disappointing and I hate him so much, I thought he loved us so much, I thought he wouldn't hurt us but I was wrong because he was able to take mom's life without any resistance
"Don't cry hija, take heart, you have two more brothers, so take heart" I didn't realize that the tears were really falling in my eyes, I bit my lip before turning it on the sight of my two brothers who are now being forced to live by grandfather, Damian
That's where I saw my poor brothers because they were both crying incessantly. They are not yet naive and they don't know what is going on but from what I have seen it seems like they already know what is going on
"I don't know what to do, grandma," I cried, "what are we going to do?" I added.
Grandpa patted my shoulder, Mersing "don't worry, I will take care of you, Grandpa and I are brothers and sisters, your Damian until there is no one else to take care of you" Grandma answered, I immediately looked at her and hugged her tightly
"Thank you, grandma, you're always there for us, even then you've always helped us, I'm forever grateful to you" I said long while hugging grandma, Mersing
A few months ago, I found out that my father smokes illegal drugs and also sells them, so every time he comes home from the village, he seems to be out of his mind, always asking mom for money, scratching his nose, glaring at his red face. eye
My mother was buried for several months, not a single relative attended, only our neighbors helped with all the work because in fact we have no relatives here in the province where we live, even if my father has relatives, I don't know either. I wonder why we don't have relatives here. Every night I think about what I should do, luckily Grandma Mersing and grandfa Damian are there to take care of us
Lola Lola has three children, all boys, and the oldest son currently lives in Manila because he has a business to run, while the other two went to another country and have a job and their own company there, that's how rich the children of grandfather and grandmother but you look at them both are simple because of this hut house but very clean and full of plants and vegetables because grandfather and grandmother like to take care of plants. Every month, Lola, Mersing and Lolo, Damian are sent money by their children, they don't have anyone else in their house except us because their children got married there and they also have a grandchild there.
I am very grateful because grandma and grandpa took care of us even though we are not related or related by blood.
Now we continue to row in life because there is nothing we can do but continue only then we will be able to rest forever when we are gone, I tell myself that I can do it, my brothers and I can do it even though the wound is still fresh.
Mikoy left just last week, isn't it sick? I lost my mother, my best friend left, but I'm not too affected because I know she will come back, I hope she comes back.
"Kezella grandchild, come so we can eat," said grandma Mersing. I'm busy watering the plants and vegetables because I'm used to doing it every morning since we've lived here. Our house has been demolished because it cannot be lived in because something unpleasant has happened so it should not be lived in because it is bad according to the superstition here in our province, believe it or not I don't want to live in our old house anymore home because I don't want to remember the loss of our mother. I don't want to remember but I can't forget the horrible murder of my mother, I will hate her for the rest of my life and I will bury it in my grave.
We always help grandfather and grandmother with housework in cleaning, cleaning, gardening and whatever else as long as we can help them because mom taught us to help with any task so we are used to it
"Yes, grandma, it's here," was the only answer
AT the dining table, we shared the stewed eggplant that grandma picked earlier in the yard and chicken eggs that grandpa took from the jail earlier. It was so delicious that I had a spoonful of rice
"Grandson, next month you will enter school. Continue your studies" grandma said to me so I immediately looked at her. Do I come in?
"Grandma, don't spend more, I won't come in anymore, I'll just help you" I reasoned before taking a bite of rice and dishes
"It's not possible grandpa, we want you to learn something in school. You're not even related by blood, but we consider you family, so that's all we can inherit from you," said grandpa, Damian. My brothers and I were very lucky because we ended up with them
"Grandpa..." I stopped for a moment because I couldn't explain the joy in my heart "I promise you that I will get better, I want you to be proud of me" I said with a smile. I also immediately saw the joy in their eyes that I always wanted to see. My two brothers can go to school next year, so I will be the first to go to school this year.
6 years later
A few days, weeks, and months passed, Kezella continued to work hard in her studies, she grew up to be a smart and hardworking girl, add to that her own beautiful and shapely body that almost all men fall for her. She's a grade 12 student in Del Bario National High School and she's taking ABM Strand
Many people were obsessed with Kezella's beauty and many tried to court her but unfortunately she didn't answer because her attention was focused on her studies and she still remembered what her best friend said Mikoy's friend that she won't have a boyfriend until he comes back, that's what she's holding on to, so that's how she rejects her lovers
"Grandma, grandma, I'm leaving" the girl Kezella said goodbye to her grandparents while they were in the doorway. He is currently eating with his two younger brothers.
The girl woke up as early as five o'clock in the morning to prepare to enter school. He always does this because he doesn't want to be late for class because he also has a long walk to the village
"Go ahead, grandpa, be careful," his grandfather said before taking a bite of rice in his mouth
Her grandmother grabbed something from her small purse and walked towards her "This is your daughter, I'm sorry and it's only a small amount, your grandmother and grandfather don't have any money yet" she handed the girl twenty pesos worth The girl sighed before smiling
"Grandma, don't worry, I'm fine, even though I don't have money in my pocket, I have a pocket for rice and dishes," the girl politely said.
His grandmother was so happy because they were blessed with such hardworking and kind grandchildren
"This is your grandson, so take it and make it your fare so that you don't have to walk anymore" the grandmother insisted on the girl, the grandson did not reject the grandmother anymore and just accepted it
"Let's go. Thank you, grandma, I'm leaving" the girl instructed the grandfather and grandmother "Kyzon and Kyron take care of this, take care of grandfather and grandmother" the girl told the two brothers before leaving
"Yes, we will take care of it," replied his brother, Kyzon
"Bye sister" Kyron said
I'm currently walking today, I'm wearing my uniform of white polo, blue necktie and stripe blue skirt, I paired it with black doll shoes, there are also many students who live here and study in Del Bario. My twin brother doesn't go to school that's what they say. They are both in grade 6
Wesley, my school mate, said, "Kez, ride now." Because he has a motorcycle raider
"A-ahh ... don't let me walk anymore" I refused his offer. He always asked me to go with him, but I always refused because I didn't want to be with a man because what others would think.
"You keep rejecting me," he said and I felt sorry for him. But I really don't want to, it's better if I just walk
"You know it's exercise hehe I'll go first" I said goodbye and continued to walk but he was still following me if he could irritate me he would irritate me for sure now
"Go ahead now" he persisted but I ignored him and continued walking when I didn't listen, he blocked my path
"What the hell, Wesley doesn't want to go along" I said, trying to calm myself down. It's nice to hit this book that I brought with him, it's heavy and thick
"Come along, because you might be late," he said. Won't he stop?
"He said don't" I refused again and passed him, he didn't say a word and revved the motorcycle. His skin is hayss
WHEN I got to the door of our classroom, I was suddenly nervous because the class had already started. Fuck you
I immediately grabbed the attention of everyone in my class, including our teacher, ma'am Esmeralda Robles, the strictest of all our subject teachers.
" You're late Miss Kezella Salsiva " ma'am started hard. I was even more nervous when he said my full name
"Good morning Mrs. Robles, I'm sorry I'm late" when I apologized my head was slightly bowed in shame and nervousness
"Stay there and remain standing, you're not allowed to get in because you're late. Wait there until my class is over. That's your punishment." He said authoritatively, I bit my lip because of fear and shame.
I leaned against the wall because I failed to enter his class. I'll be waiting here for two hours, why is he still our first subject teacher. He is our Academic English
"Can I go to the comfort room? "A cold goodbye from some of my classmates. I didn't look because I just turned my back because I was ashamed of my classmates
"Get out" replied ma'am flatly
Xavier is our Prince Charming in the classroom. We looked at each other for a moment. He's a type of a boy who is a snobber and doesn't care, cold and rude he just passed me because as he said he was going to CR
I can say that he is handsome because of his thick brows, pointed nose, kissable lips, add to that his beautiful eyes and his long and thick eyelashes, he is also tall and has a good posture, no wonder why many women are obsessed with him.
A few minutes ago, Xavier returned with his emotionless face still intact. Is he always angry or is his face just like that? Even though it's like that, he's even more handsome. I'm not telling this because I have a crush on him but I'm telling this because what I have said was true.
He stopped for a moment and looked at me down at the book so I was surprised. He suddenly took it from my hand without warning and entered the classroom without warning, I couldn't protest because Ma'am might scold me again
What will he do with my book?
To Be Continued...
Hi, I'm Sammy Vazquez Falcon, I'm intersex. I fell in love with my friend, Margaret Reyes Vergara. And my brother's name, Rocky Vasquez Falcon. "Class dismissed..." Our teacher said. "Sammy, are you coming home right away? .. Marcus said. Marcus Montefalco has been my best friend since freshman year of high school. He is handsome, tall, his skin color is just right, and he is also smart. "Sammy .... Bridgette Revira's one also shouted. Beautiful, white, smart, kind but sometimes funny. "Don't shout. I'm not deaf..." I said as I bumped into him. "said Bridgette. "What about Leona?..... Marcus asked. Maybe looking for a chixx hehehehe.... Bridgette said. Who searched nagchixxx .... Leona Binetez, who just arrived, said. "Hep², Let's go home. Where else are you going to talk.... What I just said to them. "What you say is that you avoid talking about your ex...." The three said at the same time, If you are a friend. By the way, I have an ex girlfriend before way back Junior high school named Rachelle Suarez, we broke up because she said she was straight, she didn't want to be in a relationship with a girl like that. To be honest, that part hurts me, about the fact that he doesn't know that I have a masculine penis. Only a few people know that I have something like that. Actually, If I'm really a woman..I'll choose what's appropriate for me, just in case I have junjun in between my thighs. And one more thing, I'm prettier hehehe, the male genitals are more dominant. Just think about how beautiful it is, the way it used to be. By the way, my friends and I were just senior high school you might ask..... We are here at the school gate near the parking area....well... Because we have a motorcycle... "Guys, I'm going to go first.... We have a family dinner because...," said Bridgette. "Me too..... Leona said. "Me too bro... Said Marcus. "Alright... Be careful... That's what I said. I also got on my motorcycle... Meanwhile............... As I was approaching the opposite side of the house... I saw a car parked.... I thought there might be a visitor. As I was about to enter the gate, I heard someone laughing... I guess it was my brother's friend. I also parked my motorcycle in the parking area. When I entered the house, I immediately saw my brother's friends, a mix of women and men. My brother saw me right away....I also looked around at his colleagues. Then I wished them all a good afternoon. My brother came close to me with a hug and a fistbump.. "Musta Ang school my double Kara... laughing My brother said... "Brother.... shut up.... I hit him at the same time.. why? Because we are already looking at each other as his friends... besides, there is also a temptation with me because they say I am more attractive than my brother. just charr.. You're not joking.....how about it Because I'm only wearing long sleeves and then tucking them in slacks If wearing with matching black shoes . I also told them that I was going up first to get dressed, before I could even go up, I felt that I saw something... at first.. I just didn't pay attention.... but I still looked. .. according to One of my brother's friend who is a girl....winked and even smirked at me. I just shook my head..... I still felt that I saw something in me but I just ignored it... then I continued to go up to the room.
Diego and I's wedding is tomorrow, so I'm fully prepared. For almost three years I was engaged to him, tomorrow I will be forever tied to the one I love. While I was pondering in the room, suddenly there was a knock. I was wondering, because it was early in the morning. But even so, I immediately got up and opened the door to whoever knocked. "Dieg—" I couldn't finish because it was Anastasia who knocked. I frowned at him because he was crying. "Bes..." he said to me and immediately hugged me. Confused though, I stroked his back and calmed him down. "What's going on?" I wondered. He didn't answer, instead he sobbed even more. I was confused so I immediately put it in front of me. "What is your problem?" I worry. "P-forgive me, Bes," he said which confused me even more. "What do you mean?" Before he could answer my question, two men I didn't know entered. I turned my gaze to Anastasia again who now had a serious face. "You and Diego can't get married. I'm pregnant and he's the father! I've been wanting to confess this to you for a long time! But he said, only after the wedding, so he can get his inheritance! But I can't do it anymore, Bes . I know you love him very much, but I can't let you be tied to each other forever!" I felt like the sky and the earth fell because of what I heard. My brain did not immediately process what he said. "What are you talking about? Diego can't do your accusations to me! He loves me and I can feel it!" I object. "We've been fooling you for a long time, Bes. Do you remember? Those days when Diego came home late to your house? He came to me first and do you know what we were doing?" I shook my head and my eyes started to blur because of the tears coming. "If you don't want to believe, Bes, pwes, watch it," he said. A man reached for his cell phone and immediately tapped on it. "Look," he said and immediately gave me his cell phone. "Look how much he enjoyed being with me." When I saw the videos of Diego and Anastasia pleasuring each other, my world suddenly disappeared. The pain I feel is like a heavy stone falling on my heart, falling into despair and trust. My knees went soft and I couldn't stop my vision from getting dark with so much pain and confusion. It felt like I was stabbed repeatedly in my heart. It hurts so much that what you thought really loved you, turned out to be just a big lie. I don't know how to speak or move. Anastasia's moans penetrated my being, and each passing moment felt like time piercing my being. "I told you, Bes. So if I'm yours, leave now and don't go through with the marriage. Run, Bes! Where he can't find you!"
It's twelve o'clock in the morning but my eyes are still wide open, hoping that he will come even after midnight. I'm trying to convince myself that maybe he went somewhere or maybe he bought some more surprises for me first, especially since it's our anniversary today, but at this time it's impossible that there are any stores open. My favorite cooked food and we always eat it every time we go out is cold, the candle that I have been changing every time the one I lit has run out. I slowly wiped the tears that escaped from my eyes, after which the waiter approached me. "Sir, let's put it away. It's already twelve o'clock and it looks like what you're waiting for won't come" was his sad voice that made me laugh out loud while trying not to cry. "Maybe, I'm sorry if I bothered you. It doesn't matter. I'll pay. I'm sorry I kept you waiting" I said shyly, especially since what time was it, they really waited patiently even past the time their job "Please don't, sir, your initial payment is enough. You don't have to pay again" he said with a smile that made me smile. Before I went home, I thanked them and asked for their patience, especially since I just waited for them for nothing. As soon as I walked out the door, the tears that I had been holding back quickly came to the fore. My eyes were blurry as I walked down the dark road to the nearest waiting shed. When I arrived, I immediately adjusted my appearance, especially since there were other people waiting for a ride. Even though my eyes were swollen shut, and it was obvious that I was crying a lot, I managed not to cry while sitting in front of many people. Somehow I can still control my emotions. Just a few minutes later, a taxi came by, so I got in. As soon as I got on board, I immediately told the driver where he was going to drop me off, and he also moved easily and didn't say anything else. During the flight, only weak sobs and cries that I could hear filled the entire car, I know that the driver felt my pain but he just let me go. During our three-year relationship with Kieth, I can barely feel his growing cold toward me. There were times when whenever I wanted to be clingy to him he would quickly avoid and turn his back on me. He also always forgets important days, like monthsarry and my birthday. His coldness only started when whenever something happened between us, I always made him use protection. Kieth is the type of man who is not satisfied and is not easily satisfied. He also has a narrow mind and his perspective is not open to other things. FLASHBACK "You're getting big, Jion! Every time something happens to us, you always put a condom on me, what do you think of me? A dirty man who has a lot of sex and is sick?! You're getting big with your tits!" What he was saying to me with a smile made me close my eyes because of the loudness of his voice. "N-it's not like that, I just want both of us to be protected" was my excuse that only made him angrier. "It's up to you! That bitch! You're still cleaning your pussy! I've hit you again! It's up to you!" he said furiously and stormed out of the room. END OF FLASHBACK As much as I wanted to tell him the real reason why I made him wear protection, I was afraid of his reaction. Because I'm a barrier. I am one of the small population of men who can carry people. And beyond that are the horrible comments we get from people. And Kieth was one of them. When I asked him about men who can carry people, he just laughed at me. That was also the day I wanted to confess the truth to him about my personality, but I didn't think to continue because of his spicy words that caused me to hide everything from him. "Those are children of the devil, I don't even know how they were formed. I have a strong feeling that they are children of Satan or maybe from another planet, who wouldn't be afraid? A man can get pregnant? I've been fooled" Those were the exact words that came out of Kieth's mouth, that's why even though I wanted to tell him about my condition, it was better to hide everything from him. That's why I was afraid of him knowing that I could get pregnant, so I always made him wear protection especially since there is a high possibility of me getting pregnant. And because of that, we often argue about that, this is what we always fight about especially because of his attitude that he should be the one who obeys in everything. Maybe that's why he was getting farther and farther away, until he was too far away and I couldn't catch up with him. "Sir we are here" I immediately turned around when the driver suddenly spoke, so I quickly paid and got out of the taxi. I walked towards our house absentmindedly. If only people could see me now, I'd be staggering like a zombie, looking like heaven and earth had fallen, but I didn't care anymore and went straight ahead. I was about to open the gate when I saw that the light in our room was on, a sign that Kieth was home. It's impossible that
In a small town, there are two loving hearts that find happiness and strength in each embrace. Wendell and I, our love seems eternal and never-ending. But with the passage of time, the course of fate changed. One night, in the middle of yesterday's fading away, a weight landed between us. The wind carried unspoken and unshed tears. In that moment, our lives changed completely. We sat in our favorite spot, looking out over the town reflecting our memories. Silence permeates the surroundings, and our feelings cry out for words. I looked at Wendell, hoping to see answers, but his eyes remained distant. "Alex," she whispered, her voice full of sadness and surrender. "I can't take this anymore. I can't stay in our relationship anymore." My heart suddenly fell, and I couldn't understand this sudden separation. "But... but why?" I managed to choke out, my voice cracking with the weight of my emotions. Wendell stared into the distance, unable to meet my eyes. "I've realized that I need to follow my dream of becoming a pilot. It's something I've always wanted, and I can't ignore it any longer." Pain shot through my chest, and I grabbed his hand hoping he would come back to me. "But what will happen to us? What will happen to the love we shared?" He removed his hand from mine, leaving me empty. "Sometimes dreams come first, Alex. I have to follow my dream and see where it takes me. I can't keep getting in the way." I couldn't stop the tears from flowing, and in the middle of my pain. I want to stop him, I want to hug him so he won't leave me but I can't. I understand, who am I to trade him for his dream, right? Who am I to stop him from fulfilling his dream? In order to achieve his dream, he has to destroy me with a ganto. Don't leave me please? Wendell. I'm pregnant. That's what he wanted to tell him just to stop him. But I can't, I can't. Because if I'm the one making the story between us, I'll choose him to reach his dream, rather than regret by my side. Days passed, and with each passing day, the pain did not go away. I tried to find strength in the support of friends and family, but losing Wendell continued to hurt my heart. The town where we fell in love has become a place of memories and sadness. I heard stories of Wendell's progress, as he moved forward with his dream of becoming a pilot. He flies through the skies, reaches the clouds, and leaves me on the ground, alone and hurt. His dedication and hard work show in every step he takes. And as I watched his success, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of pride and pain. Our paths may have diverged, but the memories of our love remain etched in my heart. I continue to walk the streets of our town, carrying the pain and memories of our love. And with every passing wind, I hope that one day, our paths can meet again, and our dreams can form again. And I hope that when we meet again, he will also know that he has a child with me, that he was the father when I was carrying him. You did fulfill your dream, but you left us as your child. I hope you're happy Wendell.
After getting chased by dogs and getting shot. I was called to the boss's office to give me another mission. Hi, I'm Shinhe Harukio, and if you think my name is too girly then don't talk to me because I don't give a f*ck. And of course, if you guessed that I'm half Japanese and half Filipino then you guessed right, my love. Im 27 years old. Im an assassin and a spy. I work for this secret company for years and im one of the top 2. I have a long obsidian hair like a girl. I braided it so it wouldn't get me distracted when shooting. "Ah! Shine, my favorite assassin." The boss flung both of his hands in the air welcoming me. "The one and only." I said proudly crossing my arms showing off my confidence. "Haha! Come let me treat you to some barbecue." The boss said and I groaned. "What's that? When you're free, you'll have me do something." I pout as he sighs then chuckles. "You really know me." He laughs but then nods. "But yeah, you guessed it right.." I groaned and ran my fingers through my long obsidian hair. "What is that?" I asked raising my one eyebrow. "Well, this is simple, no killing or stealing, I just want you to do is..---" he shows some picture of some big pearl in his tablet. "this. As you can see this is the pearl that we have been losing these past 2 years when the company got robbed." I nodded in agreement. "I want you to bet some big money at the betting market to get that back." He threw 2 big cases of money in front of me then smiled. "That's 50 million exactly." He grins at me and I frown. "We can just steal it back, why do we need to bet some money over it." I huff. "The market has a big guard over there and a lot of protection and securities." He sighs. "Now if you don't want it.. then, i guess i could just give this mission to the top 1.." he said and i started to get angry and sighs. "ALRIGHT!" I yelled. And before I knew it. I was riding into a very nice sports car towards the betting market with full of rich people. I wore a black suit that very much suits me and I braided my hair. I arrived at the place and I saw a crowded rich people already betting on a painting. I got passed through some people by saying excuse me and placing myself in front of the stage. After the betting the painting got sold for 10 million "Tsk. So cheap." I mumbled. After the painting got sent to the owner, the next betting item is the pearl my boss has been looking for. My eyes widened at how beautiful and shiny it was. The people started to get awestruck and started betting some large money. A guy behind me yelled. "10 million." His voice is cold and stern but loud. Not to mention his face is attractive. The seller was about to sell it to him when I yelled. "11 million!" All eyes went to me and the guy from behind me chuckled and I looked at him smirking. "20 million." The guy immediately said. The crowd went silent, the silence got replaced by the seller. "20 million? Anyone wants to go any higher? Going once.. going twi-" before the seller could even finish his sentence I spoke. "30 million." The seller was about to sell it to me when the guy from behind me yelled. "35 million." I glared at the guy and yelled. "50 million!!" The crowd looked at me with shock and the guy from behind me looked at me smirking. "50 million! Anyone wants to bet any higher? Going once.. going twice.." The crowd went to shock when the guy from behind me spoke. "200 million." The seller clapped and I looked at the guy shocked. "Sold to Mr. Iñego!"
I'm in the bar with my friends because we're celebrating Cassie's birthday. That's why you let us drink. I only drink a little because I can't go back to my boarding house. And I'm also not used to drinking a lot because I have a low tolerance when it comes to drinking, so I get drunk easily even with just a few shots. "Kai, bat you don't drink lets party. Don't be unfair to us don't worry too much just let it be wasted" he said then drank the wine he was holding and went to the dance floor. And Dani gave me a glass with only something to drink because I also didn't want to be unfair to them. Cassie is also right, that's why Kuna is worth it. I drank a few shots of tequila and now Dani and Cassie and I are dancing together with the people here at the bar. I was a bit dizzy so I left there and went to the counter. And suddenly someone approached me, a man who claimed to be handsome and energetic and he was carrying wine. "What are you new here? I just saw such a handsome man." he said and my face warmed up "Yes, I just came here. I'm with my friend because it's his birthday" I said and looked at the two friends who were going to dance with a man. "Anyway here drink this" he said with a frown on my forehead while looking at the glass he held out. "Don't worry it's free, I'm the owner of this bar and your new here so you need to drink one of this" he said and because I'm also curious what it tastes like because based on the bottle it's very different from I drank earlier.
"You're mine, little puppy," Kylan growled against my neck. A soft gasp escaped my lips as his lips brushed my skin. My mind screamed at me to push him away-the Lycan Prince who had humiliated me again and again, but my body betrayed me, leaning into him before I could stop myself. He pressed his lips against mine, and his kiss grew more aggressive, more possessive as I felt my legs weaken. What was I doing? In a split-second, I pulled away and slapped him hard across the face. Kylan's eyes darkened, but the smirk on his lips exposed his amusement. "You and I both know we can't fight this, Violet," he said, gripping my wrist. "You're my mate." "And yet you don't want me," I replied. "You told me you were ashamed of me, that l'd never be your queen, that you'd never love me. So please, accept my rejection and let me go." "Never," he whispered, his grip tightening as he pulled me closer. "Soon enough, you'll be begging for me. and when you do-I'll use you as I see fit and then I'll reject you."
Madison had always believed that she would marry Colten. She spent her youth admiring him from afar, dreaming of their future life together. But Colten was always indifferent to her, and when he abandoned her at a time when she needed him most, she finally realized that he never loved her. With renewed resolve and a thirst for revenge, Madison left. Endless possibilities lay ahead, but Colten was no longer part of her plans. Colten rushed to her place in a panic. "Madison, please come back to me. I’ll give you everything!" It was his powerful uncle who answered the door. "She's my woman now."
After three secretive years of marriage, Eliana never met her enigmatic husband until she was served with divorce papers and learned of his extravagant pursuit of another. She snapped back to reality and secured a divorce. Thereafter, Eliana unveiled her various personas: an esteemed doctor, legendary secret agent, master hacker, celebrated designer, adept race car driver, and distinguished scientist. As her diverse talents became known, her ex-husband was consumed by remorse. Desperately, he pleaded, "Eliana, give me another chance! All my properties, even my life, are yours."
Five years ago, Alessia La Rosa's life took a drastic turn when, suffering from memory loss, she wed to Dominic Carter under her grandfather's mysterious arrangement. But their marriage was a facade, bringing her only humiliation and heartache as Dominic showed no love, and she couldn't conceive. Upon discovering Dominic's infidelity, Alessia sought liberation through divorce. Yet, fate had more in store for her. Five years later, spurred by an anonymous email hinting at her lost child's whereabouts, she returns to the city with her twin babies in tow, determined to uncover the truth. As she navigates the tangled web of her past, a surprising twist awaits. Dominic, upon meeting her again, finds himself drawn to the woman she has become, unaware of her true identity as his former wife. Little does he know, the woman he's falling for is not only his ex-wife but also a powerful Doctor and Master Hacker.
Allison fell in love with Ethan Iversen, the soon-to-be Alpha of the Moonlight Crown pack. She always wanted him to notice her. Meanwhile, Ethan was an arrogant Alpha who thought a weak Omega could not be his companion. Ethan's cousin, Ryan Iversen, who came back from abroad and was the actual heir of the pack, never tried to get the position nor did he show any interest in it. He was a popular playboy Alpha but when he came back to the pack, one thing captured his eyes and that was Allison.
Linsey was stood up by her groom to run off with another woman. Furious, she grabbed a random stranger and declared, "Let's get married!" She had acted on impulse, realizing too late that her new husband was the notorious rascal, Collin. The public laughed at her, and even her runaway ex offered to reconcile. But Linsey scoffed at him. "My husband and I are very much in love!" Everyone thought she was delusional. Then Collin was revealed to be the richest man in the world. In front of everyone, he got down on one knee and held up a stunning diamond ring. "I look forward to our forever, honey."